Mind transfer to a computer could be possible by 2050

Plazma Inferno!

Ding Ding Ding Ding
Many scientists and thinkers are suggesting that the answer to eternal life has literally been right in front of us for a while now. The head of British Telecom's futurology unit Ian Pearson stated back in 2005 that rapid advances in computing power would make cyber-immortality a reality within 50 years. Using the incredible jump in the computing power of the Playstation game systems as an example.
In fact Moore's law states that "over the history of computing hardware, the number of transistors in a dense integrated circuit has doubled approximately every two years".
More recently in 2013 one of todays great minds and Google's director of engineering, Ray Kurzweil, suggested that the ability to transfer the entire human mind to a computer will be achievable within four decades.
There are continuous advances in computational genetics supporting the claim that mind transfer is the key to human immortality. Massive supercomputers are beginning to simulate the mind. Leaders in A.I. (artificial intelligence) are developing robots/machines that can think, reason and learn by mimicking the brain. Computer interfaces that can read the signals in your mind are quickly advancing as well. Here's a definition of a way mind uploading could work from scientist Randal Koene:

"The functions of mind that we experience are originally implemented through neurobiological mechanisms, the neural circuitry of our brains. If the same functions are implemented in a different operating substrate, populated with parameters and operating such that they produce the same results as they would in the brain, then that mind has become substrate-independent. It is a substrate-independent mind (SIM) by being able to function in different operating substrates. The popular term ‘mind uploading’ can refer to the process of transfer, moving a specific substrate-independent mind from one operating substrate (e.g., the biological brain) to another".

While it may seem evidently possible, some still highly doubt the possibility. Saying that recreating the consciousness of a human is far fetched. For example, neuroscientist Miguel Nicolelis stated that the theory of technological singularity is just a bunch of hot air. Saying that humans will never be able to download/program their thoughts and/or memories into computers.


What do you think? Is this our way to immortality?
If a photograph was the metaphor or figurative standard for full psychological duplication of a person, then the best which so-called "mind-uploading" could achieve is a painting (the imperfections, loss of detail, and third-party interpretations of a mediating artist). The recipient of such "flawed-twin" immortality would have to answer thousands upon thousands of personal questions and provide in-depth unbiased descriptions of their past for constructing a personality and memory profile, to augment a counterpart template derived from activity-patterns and neural structure abstracted from high-resolution scans. The actual "states" which particular neurons and synapses were in at a particular time might be detected in tiny amounts and scattered fashion by invasive equipment which is not micro-robotic, but the popular belief that the entire information disposition of a brain could be copied and transferred like moving computer files to a flashdrive is ludicrous.

Plus, while I don't agree with the "extended mind thesis" that has one's mental territory spilling over into the environment itself, I do sympathize with the conservative bits of the embodied cognition camp. What contributes to a specific "mind" as well as an individual's overall human identity is going to have to include more than just the brain. For starters: Simulating the rest of the nervous system and the hormonal (native) as well as foreign chemical agencies of circulation that can influence neural operation; it's rumored that the body's microbiome even plays a role in stress-related emotions and feelings.

Where faithful psychological duplication can be possible is in regard to "artificial brains / bodies": People who are "born" androids and accordingly have their whole lives stored in a system designed for total copying and transfer. Such might even be the case with a transhuman, if the cyborg brain / body has a ridiculous amount of nanotech infiltrating and migrating to / locating itself everywhere so that it can directly store the states of the biological substrate as a kind of parallel information clone ready for future uploading -- with this machine / organism hybridization taking place from an early age. A new species of biological humans engineered with modified cells and a brain / body scheme which is "naturally" amenable to computer transfer is also another route.
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What do you think? Is this our way to immortality?
I think may be it is possible to transfar data from one brain to another artificially, Suppose, I have a clone copy of mine and if we transfar all data of my brain to the clone copy so I think it will go to immortality.....I knew that now computers can read humans brains( from DARPA). So computers can copy data from human brain......and one day scientists will find out technic to transfar data from one brain to another that I believe.
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Mind transfer to a computer organized like current ones would not be possible.

A computer with a neural-network design seems necessary. Such computers (if any exist) lack the capacity & complexity to do the job.

The organization of the human mind is far different from the design concepts of the typical modern computer.
Mind transfer to a computer organized like current ones would not be possible.
A computer with a neural-network design seems necessary.
You can easily simulate a neural-network design with a Von Neumann architecture machine.
From Billvon Post #5
You can easily simulate a neural-network design with a Von Neumann architecture machine.
The context here is transfer of a human brain to a computer.

You make it sound like a job which could be done by a programmer in perhaps a few days/weeks.

BTW: A Von Neumann architecture machine simulation implies predicting results one at a time. A neural network designed to emulate the human brain would provide a more gestalt effect.

Think about the parallel processing which takes place in the human brain.

Complex sensory/motor nerve communication between brain & feet required to walk on surfaces more complex than a smooth sidewalk.

Carry on a conversation while walking.

Juggle three balls while walking & talking.

Not sure what else the human brain might be doing at the subconscious level.

It seems to be aware of a lot of sound data from the environment, ignoring those not requiring conscious action & acting on more important ones.​
An array of processors would do a better job, but would still be a formidable programming project.

A Von Neumann architecture machine would have to be incredibly fast to do a real time simulation of a human brain
From Billvon Post #5The context here is transfer of a human brain to a computer.

You make it sound like a job which could be done by a programmer in perhaps a few days/weeks.
Not even close. I said it was trivial to simulate a given neural network (which is NOT the same as a human brain) on a Von Neumann architecture machine. In other words, you don't need a neural network realized in hardware to run a neural network.
BTW: A Von Neumann architecture machine simulation implies predicting results one at a time.
No it doesn't. It means a specific physical architecture that is well defined. Everything you use, and everything you see in the news (INCLUDING research into neural networks) is running on a Von Neumann processor. Rarely you'll see a Harvard architecture, but the differences are small.
A Von Neumann architecture machine would have to be incredibly fast to do a real time simulation of a human brain
Yes, it would. And they are getting faster every year.
Not even close. I said it was trivial to simulate a given neural network (which is NOT the same as a human brain) on a Von Neumann architecture machine. In other words, you don't need a neural network realized in hardware to run a neural network
It's a hell of a lot simpler and more efficient, though. It's probably the easy way.

If they succeed, I hope they spare a few minutes to consider the circumstance that the makers of babies are not allowed to shut them off - or even neglect their care and feeding.