Mind Control in VT


Refined Reinvention
Valued Senior Member
Here is a good video that describes the mind control that was likely used for the VT situation.

The style the guy used was supposedly exactly the same as in some Amish shooting. Every single of these mind control situations, the shooter or killer is on some sort of psychotropic.

It seems no surprise that they are huge on first person shooters. But this is no big deal because everybody plays FPSes. I know few people that do not. However, these games supposedly put the brainwaves in a low state, and the game it self causes people to become more violent.

I saw on an interview that his roommate was claiming Cho never talked to anybody in the dorm whatsoever. Normal students have some sort of converations with one another. Cho did not talk to anybody at all. He left early, and nobody in the dorm knew anything about him. The school has had some connections with Nasa and CIA. They started deleting these connections from all sides.

There is alot more to it like all of the military operations that were going on on that campus.
Anyone really believe in this BS? If someone likes videogames and has good accuracy it must mean mind control!!! It can never ever mean the person wasn't mind controlled and simply had a lot of target practice (he also missed lots of targets).....wtf?
COMPLETE BULLSH*** lets say if i like to play nfs-need for speed it means then that i should be street racer and maniac on the roads.There are millions gamers in the world and it doesnt seem that they would be runing with the swords or guns on the streets killing everyone.It is same shit as saying that movies ir music influences you to kill.And fact that this guy didnt spoke to anyone even his room mate shows he had problems in his head.And wtf with nasa they are space organisation but not brain control facilitie.

soory for poor english :)
The fact that he did not speak to anybody does not show he has probs in his head other than some sort of brainwashing. It shows that he was planted there for a purpose.

For example, I train somebody with guns, and brainwas him into being a psycho killer. I know anywhere I put him, he is going to carry out shootings which is what I brainwashed him for in the firstplace. I forced him to do those photos and videos. Then programmed him to do a mass murder on campus.
The fact that he did not speak to anybody does not show he has probs in his head other than some sort of brainwashing. It shows that he was planted there for a purpose.

For example, I train somebody with guns, and brainwas him into being a psycho killer. I know anywhere I put him, he is going to carry out shootings which is what I brainwashed him for in the firstplace. I forced him to do those photos and videos. Then programmed him to do a mass murder on campus.

What utter drivel! Are you Singularity in disguise?????
The fact that he did not speak to anybody does not show he has probs in his head other than some sort of brainwashing. It shows that he was planted there for a purpose.

For example, I train somebody with guns, and brainwas him into being a psycho killer. I know anywhere I put him, he is going to carry out shootings which is what I brainwashed him for in the firstplace. I forced him to do those photos and videos. Then programmed him to do a mass murder on campus.

Come on...there are lots of people who don't speak much...all of them are mind-controlled? There are also lots of people who snap like this, are they also mind-controlled? The fact is there is really nothing at all that suggests mind control....
I'm not saying that Everyone is mind controlled, however I know for a fact it's possible that a person can be controlled and the traces are minimal if not non-existent. (Apart from a trail of tumours)

I've been investigating such equipment to what level I can (with no funding or support) and so far I have deduced that it seems that Telecommunication antennas (mobile phones) are being used within the matrix networks.
(I use the word matrix as thats what you get when you merge the mathematical representations of antenna inputs/outputs from different antennas to one designated focal point, not because of a film)

The problem I have with it currently is the fact that those that have been using it do not publically admit they have been even though both the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Nuremberg Code suggests they should. Obviously Military's utilise Secrecy Acts to hide their technological research which undermines the Nuremberg Code, even though such code was actually created thanks to such Inhumane atrocities conducted by both Germans and Japanese during the second world war. (Notibly those pieces of Research obviously fell into one of two countries hands, both of which rivals throughout the coldwar)

It shouldn't be so much about "Not everyone can be mind controlled" but more the question *IF* (in the case of those that don't know) mind control exists, WHO investigates it?

You can then question How do we go about detecting it?

Currently however you can hear voices in your head telling you to do bad things and people will just try to lock you up in a hospital to deal with your "Psychological problem". They don't seem to realise that such people could quite happily commit suicide, leaving those responsible for the voices just to move on to the next "subject/patient/guinea pig". Until those responsible for the voices are caught they will just leave a trail of destruction and mayhem with scapegoats (being the deceased or psychotic) at every turn.

Even if such groups don't use the equipment to cause such problems there is still the potential for "Puppet Dictatorships" and Cult Leaders, even Terrorism. After all a persons thoughts is suppose to be their own, at least thats the liberty you take for granted, perhaps it would be a good thing if people were to understand that it is a mere liberty. Perhaps people will start second-guessing thoughts they have or decisions they make.

Perhaps it would stop leaders leading countries to war or causing religious warriors to be founded with delusional concepts and ideals.

Anyway go about living your lives in cosy little bubbles, as theres nothing to see here (at least until the next bloodbath).

Unless you can come up with some kind of evidence, I think you're off with the pixies.
I'd like to see your evidence to the contrary. The fact that he reads off of a scipt in one of his videos does not prove 100% that he was working for a third party, but it sure is very suspicious.

Not to mention that he is not just Asian, but Korean of all people. Every inch of the whole situation points to a set up.

1. We want Korea. North Korea specifically. We throw them on our so-called "Axis of Evil" chart.

2. The government's "Axis of Evil" chart is a clear form of social manipulation. Korea is one of them.

3. American society as a whole doesn't really have an outward hatred towards Koreans. A nice little school shooting by a Korean could do wonders for turning Americans against Koreans.

4. Local news has already reported and inteviewed many Korean-Americans situation complaining that people are treating them differently, and harassing them. Congratulations, the plan worked perfect.

5. There is nothing random about this shooting. It is a perfect setup. Whether he was brainwashed, seeing a NASA shrink, or his family was taken hostage, etc. There could have been tons of ways they could have gotten him to do this.

6. He has no history of commiting such acts. Suddenly out of nowhere he decides to do a major school shooting, and shoot himself in the process. Get real. He was not a real student. He was posing as a student. He was planted there specifically to do this. The plan has been moving along since he was first placed in that school.

7. Now let us look at probability. What are the odds that this is a random event. Perhaps Mount Rushmore was a random rock that randomly eroded into the faces of past presidents.
What exactly is Virginia Tech?
-Biomedical Engineering
-Human Behavior Technology study/development
-Disease human/crop/animal.
- Crop disease/insect resistence
-Bird Flu Expertise
-DARPA partner. (Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency)

1. FACT: Virginia Tech students are often recruited by CIA. Many students who dislike the CIA protest their presence at VT.

2. FACT: Receives millions in grants from DARPA. Research for:
-Thought controlled robotics
-Remote vioce command systems
-Human chip implants
-Nanoscience/Nanotechnology (Human brain emphasis)

3. FACT: Happened on the same day of Congress debate to pull out troops, and stop funding war. Real random coincidence there.

4. FACT: VT is one of 3 public US universities to support military and nonmilitary students at the same time.

5. Has a highly advanced fiberoptic/supercomputing network.
Is American animosity towards Koreans a good thing or bad thing?
It is not only a good thing, but is essential in our plans against Korea.
It shouldn't be so much about "Not everyone can be mind controlled" but more the question *IF* (in the case of those that don't know) mind control exists, WHO investigates it?

Does mindcontrol exists ?

It's been around as long as humans.
One of the biggest MindControl or Brainwashing is going on since centyries en still going strong. RELIGION.

Howmany people have dies in name of religion. Do you really believe that if you strap a bomb around your body and blow op a few men you go to live with allah? Or howmany women are killed bij priests because the where witches.

Some stores use subliminal messaging against thiefs.
There's enough proof of mindcontrol in advertisment and yet your goverment is NOT gonna use that stuff. Don't let me laugh.
WHen your president Bush says give evry american a gun so they can defend themselfs you all run to the stores to buy guns.
That's mindcontrol for ya or is that being naief.

I not saying that in the case of this shooting there's mindcontrol being used.
I probably just a kid with some screw's lose.
Mind Control is only possible via Suggestive Thinking. Period.

Humanity has not gotten to the point where we can overlay our own brainwave activity onto another person.
Why would we use a South Korean instead of a North Korean? A North Korean would be way to obvious. Using a South Korean is ingeneous. Many people have theorized that the shooting was a set up. That is until they dismissed it on the basis the guy was a South Korean instead of a North Korean. Using a South Korean will cause more people to reason that it was not a setup.