Milk is bad for you?


Registered Member
There has been this debate about if Milk is really bad for adults but milk and cheeses which are a man made food made from Milk are in a number of products most people eat daily. Milk is meant for babies but we steal ours from Cows. Which is meant for cows babys. Now thanks to all the bacteria and stuff in the milk we cant drink the milk has to be treated in order for humans to safely consume it. However a large majority of adults are lactose or partially lactose intolerant. Meaning they can not drink milk/cheese products. So is milk really as healthy for people as everyone assumes it is?
There has been this debate about if Milk is really bad for adults but milk and cheeses which are a man made food made from Milk are in a number of products most people eat daily. Milk is meant for babies but we steal ours from Cows. Which is meant for cows babys. Now thanks to all the bacteria and stuff in the milk we cant drink the milk has to be treated in order for humans to safely consume it. However a large majority of adults are lactose or partially lactose intolerant. Meaning they can not drink milk/cheese products. So is milk really as healthy for people as everyone assumes it is?

Hang on, a bit of a muddle here.

Lactose intolerance is something that many adult humans develop as the grow up. This is hereditary and normal. The abnormal ones are the sub-population of humans that started keeping livestock and making things out of their milk, in order to avoid having to kill the animal for food. For this sub-population, it became an evolutionary advantage to retain lactose tolerance into adulthood. That sub-population includes most people of European descent, whereas many of Asiatic descent are intolerant.

If you are lactose-tolerant, milk and milk products are perfectly good for you. If not, they will make you ill. Now that many societies are a globalised mixture of people, it becomes less easy for any individual society to rely on milk products being either good or bad for them.
Hang on, a bit of a muddle here.

Lactose intolerance is something that many adult humans develop as the grow up. This is hereditary and normal. The abnormal ones are the sub-population of humans that started keeping livestock and making things out of their milk, in order to avoid having to kill the animal for food. For this sub-population, it became an evolutionary advantage to retain lactose tolerance into adulthood. That sub-population includes most people of European descent, whereas many of Asiatic descent are intolerant.

If you are lactose-tolerant, milk and milk products are perfectly good for you. If not, they will make you ill. Now that many societies are a globalised mixture of people, it becomes less easy for any individual society to rely on milk products being either good or bad for them.
That still does not negate the fact Milk is meant for children NOT ADULTS
That still does not negate the fact Milk is meant for children NOT ADULTS

"Meant" by whom? God? Nature? Some nut cutlet vegan who wants to lecture everyone else on how they should live?

Human beings in many large parts of the world have evolved, over tens of thousands of years, to be able to consume milk and milk products as adults. Just as other species also adapt, via evolution, to the available food sources.

You might as well say a crow is not "meant" to eat the eggs of other birds, because eggs are "meant" to provide nourishment for the growing chicks. -_O
That still does not negate the fact Milk is meant for children NOT ADULTS
As ex says, "meant by whom?"

Chicken wings were "meant" to be discarded, yet we eat them in bars.
Pollen was "meant" to be used for bee's nests...
Meat was "meant" to hold cows' bones together...
As ex says, "meant by whom?"

Chicken wings were "meant" to be discarded, yet we eat them in bars.
Pollen was "meant" to be used for bee's nests...
Meat was "meant" to hold cows' bones together...

No, those are two different things. Most adults can digest protein and meats. Meat is not something you can eat a lot of as a baby and when you grow up you can not digest it anymore. A Cows milk is for baby cows. A human mother milk is for human babies. It does not matter that you don't think people should eat "Chicken meat" since the fact is we can digest meat even as adult. Humans are meant to eat meat products, fruits and vegetables. Of course some fruits and vegetables we can not digest as they are Toxic and clearly our bodies are not designed or adapted to consuming those things. If a baby can drink milk and loses the ability to digest it that means the human body is not designed to digest milk as adults.
No, those are two different things. Most adults can digest protein and meats. Meat is not something you can eat a lot of as a baby and when you grow up you can not digest it anymore. A Cows milk is for baby cows. A human mother milk is for human babies. It does not matter that you don't think people should eat "Chicken meat" since the fact is we can digest meat even as adult. Humans are meant to eat meat products, fruits and vegetables. Of course some fruits and vegetables we can not digest as they are Toxic and clearly our bodies are not designed or adapted to consuming those things. If a baby can drink milk and loses the ability to digest it that means the human body is not designed to digest milk as adults.

But millions of adults CAN.

You fool.
But millions of adults CAN.

You fool.
A larger percent of people can not, and the people who can either constantly drink milk into adulthood which is an adaption, or else you it would be considered an oddity. Now people can adapt to most things even poison. There are some things like Aids for example people really can not combat and so we should avoid but adaption is the entire reason behind shots. Shots expose you to small or dead viruses and diseases in order to make your body learn how to fight it. There have been people who constantly deal with snakes and wont die from snake bites. Creatures like Rats and Mongoose develop these immunities naturally without having to be exposed and dying but they are a little different then people. That is not to say most people wont die from a snake bite since they WILL. You should try learning science if you are going to argue on a science forum since the only one who comes across as foolish.
A larger percent of people can not, and the people who can either constantly drink milk into adulthood which is an adaption, or else you it would be considered an oddity.
Sure but so what?

My wife can't eat peppers but you don't see her going on science fora telling other people they shouldn't eat them.

The question you opened with is
... is milk really as healthy for people as everyone assumes it is?
Like everything else, milk is healthy for some, less so for others.

What is your proposal?
No, those are two different things. Most adults can digest protein and meats. Meat is not something you can eat a lot of as a baby and when you grow up you can not digest it anymore. A Cows milk is for baby cows. A human mother milk is for human babies. It does not matter that you don't think people should eat "Chicken meat" since the fact is we can digest meat even as adult. Humans are meant to eat meat products, fruits and vegetables. Of course some fruits and vegetables we can not digest as they are Toxic and clearly our bodies are not designed or adapted to consuming those things. If a baby can drink milk and loses the ability to digest it that means the human body is not designed to digest milk as adults.

As you know milk contain large molecule " Casein about 5M MW , To make cheese this protein gets denatured ( broken down ) and precipitated during the process. I am lactose intolerant , but if I preheat my milk to 90 C then cool it down my intolerance disappear for that glass of milk.
Most adults can digest protein and meats. Meat is not something you can eat a lot of as a baby and when you grow up you can not digest it anymore. A Cows milk is for baby cows.
And for cheese!
It does not matter that you don't think people should eat "Chicken meat" since the fact is we can digest meat even as adult.
And the fact is that we can digest milk even as an adult.

However, I will make you a deal. Show me you can eat a cow because we were 'designed to eat it' and I will reconsider. I will even supply the cow. You, of course, get no artificial tools like knives or fire, because we weren't 'designed' to have those things.
Humans are meant to eat meat products, fruits and vegetables.
And grains, and dairy, and some types of fungus. And we can even digest things like alcohol. (In fact, it probably kept some of your ancestors alive.)
Of course some fruits and vegetables we can not digest as they are Toxic and clearly our bodies are not designed or adapted to consuming those things.
If a baby can drink milk and loses the ability to digest it that means the human body is not designed to digest milk as adults.[/QUOTE
Most babies do not lose the ability to digest milk. By your definition, therefore, those adults are designed to digest milk.
A larger percent of people can not, and the people who can either constantly drink milk into adulthood which is an adaption, or else you it would be considered an oddity. Now people can adapt to most things even poison. There are some things like Aids for example people really can not combat and so we should avoid but adaption is the entire reason behind shots. Shots expose you to small or dead viruses and diseases in order to make your body learn how to fight it. There have been people who constantly deal with snakes and wont die from snake bites. Creatures like Rats and Mongoose develop these immunities naturally without having to be exposed and dying but they are a little different then people. That is not to say most people wont die from a snake bite since they WILL. You should try learning science if you are going to argue on a science forum since the only one who comes across as foolish.

Look mate I know my science and I am not going to be told to learn it by some halfwit with a stupid agenda about milk. Get stuffed.
Look mate I know my science and I am not going to be told to learn it by some halfwit with a stupid agenda about milk. Get stuffed.

If you were smarter you would know how to reason. If you can not you are clearly not that smart as you think right? I guess no one taught you basic logic in school now did they?

And for cheese!

And the fact is that we can digest milk even as an adult.

However, I will make you a deal. Show me you can eat a cow because we were 'designed to eat it' and I will reconsider. I will even supply the cow. You, of course, get no artificial tools like knives or fire, because we weren't 'designed' to have those things.

And grains, and dairy, and some types of fungus. And we can even digest things like alcohol. (In fact, it probably kept some of your ancestors alive.)


I already explained this. Where is your evidence that people can not eat meat? Do you not know anything about Science? Also no milk is not made so we can have cheese. Cheese is a man made food product. Milk does not naturally become cheese. Its like saying cows exist because cheese burgers do. No we make cheese burgers, the fact we have cheese burgers does not mean that cows exist.

Though its clear you are either a complete idiot or a troll and you are only on this forum to troll people. Its clear you don't have any kind of logic, reasoning, or understanding of even the most basic concepts of science. Humans adapt to environment, the environment does not adapt to people sorry to tell you. Us being in a place is not going to make trees suddenly grow and animals appear out of thin air since we NEED it to survive.

I know you are arrogant and delusional enough to think you are a god and the world just appeared because you appeared on the earth one day but science goes against that idea. There is no point in arguing with someone whos IQ is so low on the scale. I dont have time to tutor you enough to have a productive discussion. Sorry to tell you but there is no negotiating when we are arguing facts it is or it is not. There is no "Well its true if we bargain over it".
Sure but so what?

My wife can't eat peppers but you don't see her going on science fora telling other people they shouldn't eat them.

The question you opened with is

Like everything else, milk is healthy for some, less so for others.

What is your proposal?

I never argued that people should not eat or drink Milk products. Its a discussion if we are actually designed to drink milk or not. We have always gone under the assumption everyone should drink milk but considering the fact so many people get an intolerance after infancy it makes you wonder if perhaps its bad for us.

People are free to drink milk if they are lactose intolerant, people are free to eat peanuts if they are allergic, and people are free to eat all the peppers they want no matter how much staining their knickers. People drink Soda even though its just a bunch of refined sugar.

It really does not matter how much you want to drink milk. That does not change if we are really meant to drink it or not. People are free to do what they want. This is a science discussion. I wanted to discuss that, not if you like milk or not, I really don't give a damn. Go swallow a bunch of cyanide, that is up to you.

It really has no relevance to if we are genetically designed to drink milk or not. I really dont know why you are making this so personal. I do not care at all about your petty feelings. If you want sympathy go cry to your mother.
I already explained this. Where is your evidence that people can not eat meat?
I think people can eat processed meat that has been technologically altered through slaughtering, butchering and cooking. They can, in general, not eat meat without those unnatural supports.

Again, I challenge you to eat a cow. Just you, no unnatural tools or technologies. Can you?
Do you not know anything about Science? Also no milk is not made so we can have cheese. Cheese is a man made food product.
So is a hamburger.
Milk does not naturally become cheese.
And cows do not naturally become hamburgers.
Its like saying cows exist because cheese burgers do. No we make cheese burgers, the fact we have cheese burgers does not mean that cows exist.
Actually, the fact that you are eating a cheeseburger made out of beef does indeed imply that cows exist.
Though its clear you are either a complete idiot or a troll and you are only on this forum to troll people. Its clear you don't have any kind of logic, reasoning, or understanding of even the most basic concepts of science. Humans adapt to environment, the environment does not adapt to people sorry to tell you.
Do you walk around naked, or do you wear clothes?
Do you eat natural, raw, living cows, or do you eat slaughtered, butchered and cooked meat?
Do you walk everywhere, or do you drive/take a bus/take a bike/fly?
Do you sleep outdoors, or do you adapt your environment to make it easier to live where you live? (think walls, heat, indoor plumbing)

We adapt the environment to people. Have been for millenia.
Us being in a place is not going to make trees suddenly grow and animals appear out of thin air since we NEED it to survive.
Us being in a place is going to result in suddenly houses appearing, utilities being installed, farms being planted and rivers being dammed. Because we need those things.
I know you are arrogant and delusional enough to think you are a god and the world just appeared because you appeared on the earth one day but science goes against that idea. There is no point in arguing with someone whos IQ is so low on the scale. I dont have time to tutor you enough to have a productive discussion. Sorry to tell you but there is no negotiating when we are arguing facts it is or it is not. There is no "Well its true if we bargain over it".
That has nothing to do with what we are talking about.

Are you having a breakdown or something?
Though its clear you are either a complete idiot or a troll and you are only on this forum to troll people.
Eddy, dial it back. billvon is not trolling.

I don't think you meant to start this, but you've used words that are imflammatory to science-minded persons.

We don't talk about what is "meant" to happen. I think perhaps what you ... er ... meant to say was "we are not fully evolutionarily adapted to drink cow's milk."

Why don't you start fresh? Reform the question so it isn;t loaded, and doesn't have quite so many presuppositions.

Hopefully, responders will follow your lead and we can resume the discussion without all the hackles up. :wink:
I know you are arrogant and delusional enough to think you are a god and the world just appeared because you appeared on the earth one day but science goes against that idea. There is no point in arguing with someone whos IQ is so low on the scale. I dont have time to tutor you enough to have a productive discussion. Sorry to tell you but there is no negotiating when we are arguing facts it is or it is not. There is no "Well its true if we bargain over it".
Hi Eddy, may I call you Nick because you remind me of a chap who is also named Eddy but calls himself Nick.
Mate the above words... You have to stop talking to yourself and typing it out to address others.

Why are you so focused on milk? I bet you cant stop thinking where milk comes from and that causes you grief.

Why didnt you start this thread in free thoughts rather than make a mockery of the science section.

Your anger, and your manners give you away.
You dont fool me you are not who you make out to be.

Have a great day and please get on top of your anger for your sake.
Yes, it is. And "meant" is not a scientific word. That's what's getting you into trouble.

Choose your words better. What we were "meant to do" is unscientific.

Actually yes it is.

Carnivores are meant to eat meat, that is what they are designed for
Herbivores are meant to eat plants, what they are designed for
Omnivores can eat both, their bodies are designed to eat either one

If you do not understand the science behind that you should try educating yourself and come back when you are more intelligent so we can have a better discussion.

Meat eaters have adapted to eating meat. Meaning they can get sick from eating things which do not follow their diet.
Sometimes this just means getting sick, for some things it means dying.
Like a lot of things which are deadly to animals, for example people can eat all day and nothing will happen.
Many animals feed milk to their young. People are the only one who take it from the mother and keep it
coming and still try to drink and eat it with everything despite it making most of us sick