Military In The Media Peeve/Question


Analog By Birth, Digital By Design
Valued Senior Member
There's a cliché I've noticed more and more in movies and television shows that's starting to get on my nerves. When a military-type group is in a tough situation, and their commander gives some surprising instruction, the commander invariably has to follow it up with, "That's an order!"

Now, I'm not a military person - far from it - but I'm willing to bet that such a phrase is rarely, if ever, actually used. My understanding is that when your commander instructs you to do something, that's an order. He doesn't need to clarify whether it's an order or just an idle whim. Anyway, it's just starting to irritate me, especially considering how common this little exchange of dialogue has become.

Any military people out there want to clarify the situation?

In the navy I never once witnessed an officer having to make such a clarification.
You are correct that it is rarely used. It is understood that when an officer tells one to do something that it is indeed an order. I have seen it used a few times, usually when some obstinate individual is full of objections and can hear nothing but the voice in his head saying do that instead. To cut throught the bs the individual was reminded it was not open to debate.
This will probably get your goat Goofyfish and it's probably the lamest thing you've ever heard.

But the next time your in a fast food outlet, add "Now thats and Order!"... possibly... "Mister!" as well. It doesn't accomplish anything other than a sense of well being knowing the squitty geeky spotoid cashier looks a little oddly at you.

I would have guessed that if an order has to have "Now thats an order" put at the end of it, no force in the world would be of any use, while grunts and other underlings would be waiting for clarification in the field.


"duck" or "Dive for cover" with someone waiting for "Now thats an order". Someone could be wearing someone elses brains for that.

Oh well I think being ill means my imaginations being effected.
I'm in the Air Force. About the only time that phrase would be added on would be to emphasize to the individual that he will get in trouble unless he follows it. Disobeying a direct order can get you into a LOT of trouble, and it would ensure obedience.