Mike Tyson Acting Like An Ass Again


Analog By Birth, Digital By Design
Valued Senior Member
Yeah, I know. A real shocker. :bugeye:
Tyson, usually calm but at times hostile, opened with a lewd response to a female reporter, who asked him about the upcoming fight ("It's no doubt I am going to win this fight and I feel confident about winning this fight. I normally don't do interviews with women unless I fornicate with them. So you shouldn't talk anymore ... Unless you want to, you know.")
"I wish that you guys had children so I could kick them in the (expletive) head or stomp on their testicles so you could feel my pain because that's the pain I have waking up every day." (Full text here)
I don’t watch boxing, but frankly, I think it's appalling that in order to keep a title, another fighter, be it Hollyfield, or Lewis or whomever, is mandated to fight this guy - he's completely off his rocker. There should be a minimum standard of behavior required - I think not biting your opponents should be precluded from the acceptable list.

Every fight that he participates in and gets paid for is a disservice to all the young men and women in the world that are currently training to become boxers, either for the Olympics, or professionally. It’s embarrassing to live in a society that allows a violent criminal, guilty of multiple counts of rape, battery, etc. to not only walk free, but to thrive. He’s a one man crime spree. (Tyson timeline)
  • 1978 -- Arrested for purse snatching as a 12-year-old
  • 1982 -- Expelled from Catskill High School for a series of transgressions.
  • 1988 -- Robin Givens goes public with tales of beatings by Tyson.
  • 1990 -- A New York City civil jury finds Tyson committed battery in the Sandra Miller
  • 1992 -- Tyson is found guilty on one count of rape and two counts of deviate sexual conduct.
  • 1992 -- Tyson is found guilty of threatening a guard and disorderly conduct in prison.
  • 1997 -- Tyson is disqualified during rematch with Holyfield after he bites Holyfield twice
  • 1998 -- Tyson pleads no contest to misdemeanor assault for kicking and punching two motorists
  • 2000 -- Tyson knocks referee down in to keep punching Lou Savarese after the bout was stopped.

I recall one psychiatrist describing Tyson as "socially inept."
That's like saying Mother Teresa was a nun. True, but incomplete.
Yea its a descrace

Personally i think boxing should be banned but dosn't it have rules like anyother sport?

He just ignores them and should be banned for life
1978 -- Arrested for purse snatching as a 12-year-old
He was a kid!

1982 -- Expelled from Catskill High School for a series of transgressions.
Again - just a kid!

1988 -- Robin Givens goes public with tales of beatings by Tyson.
Yeah, i bet she did, especially since she wanted half his sh*t!

1990 -- A New York City civil jury finds Tyson committed battery in the Sandra Miller
Havent heard of this one.

1992 -- Tyson is found guilty on one count of rape and two counts of deviate sexual conduct.
Oh wait - this is the one where the chick goes to his room at 2:30AM - Rape? Puhleaassseeee!

1992 -- Tyson is found guilty of threatening a guard and disorderly conduct in prison.
Well he was probably being picked on. And when are inmates supposed to act "orderly"?

1997 -- Tyson is disqualified during rematch with Holyfield after he bites Holyfield twice
Okay, you got me here, I thought this was totally unappropriate! I was watching that fight in disbelief!

1998 -- Tyson pleads no contest to misdemeanor assault for kicking and punching two motorists
Cant comment on this one either

2000 -- Tyson knocks referee down in to keep punching Lou Savarese after the bout was stopped.
No comment.

I dont necessarily agree on his behavior, but all the times hes been screwed over - especially by women - its no wonder he has such a bad attitude. Oh and by the way, he does punch people for a living. Theres usually some kind of anger that makes a person get into boxing in the first place. I dont think he should be allowed to fight professionally, not after the Holyfield incident, but what he does in his own time - shouldn't have anything to do with his career.

Take care:)
Tyson did an interview with Maxim Magazine a few months back and tried to beat up the guy who was doing the article
I bet the guy who did the interview was being a jerk. I seriously doubt the interviewer came in and said "Hey Mike, how are you?" and Mike swung on him. I mean, come on! If I was constantly made fun of and riduculed and accused of everything - I would be kicking peoples asses too!
But who knows, I could be wrong and Mike could just be a total jerkoff himself. I dont know, I like to see all sides of the story before I point a finger and yell "Rapist"!

Groove on:)
I don't CARE if the girl went to his room

If she said no at ANYTIME its rape

Both sides can ALWAYS stop and the other person MUST acept it

There IS such a thing as date rape
Originally posted by *stRgrL*
I like to see all sides of the story before I point a finger and yell "Rapist"!
Excuse me, um... Sybil? :D

In the Death Penalty thread, you are one of the first to yell, "Throw the switch!" despite arguments that the person in the chair might be innocent - yet here you are, defending someone found guilty by a jury of their peers (who are usually presented all sides of the story).

What's the deal?


I dont know... maybe I feel sorry for him :confused: BUT! Mike Tyson was not accused or found guily for doing a heinous act of murder either. Those are the cases where Im usually yelling "Throw the goddam switch!!!" But seriously, I dont know why I defend him. I seen a documentary on him, and felt sorry for him.

Take care

I bet he and his mouth don't stand a chance in a 'real' cage-fight,...the guy 'just' (or barely) knows what boxing is about,....it's sport (or should be)
that means there is an implication of sportiveness,...something wich he (this tyson) has a lack of,...

Society most not be so shocked when these patterns of behavior start to emerge from the depts of it's realm,...
It's the way that goes conform the 'act of popularisation'
blood in spain,..bullfighting
arena-fights in rome during the history of gladiators,...ect,....

It would be wrong for people to take a pejorative stance towards boxing : but that's exactly what's happening,...all because of this 'Tyson'.