Registered Senior Member
I believe that TimeTravelet hit what I want to say right on the head. I believe that capitalism is effective at giving us what we deserve. Its a good system that gets us thinking, producing, and advancing our civilization. However, I don't like the reason why billions of people do what they do: MONEY, "MIGHT", INFLUENCE, BRAGGING RIGHTS, MATERIALISM. I believe everyone has a purpose bigger than themselves and that is to help the human race. We musn't compete with eachother, but compete with ourselves. And I can't stress that enough. I find that when I compete against someone else I lose, and I'm depressed. I feel that way because I'm concentrating on that person not myself, not my efforts. Some of you already have the picture of a lion chasing a deer in the African Sahara. Well are we animals? We are, but we are a different kind, with much more advanced abilities. We must work with ourselves. Our currency must be our contributions to the human race, but they must obviously be moral. What's moral you might ask? I'm not going to talk about religion because I don't believe in it! I'm talking about logic. If you create the internet you know it will create communication and transfer of knowledge. When you create a gun you know it will create death. Death isn't good it isn't a happy experience. You don't need GOD to know that. As for GOD, he is your subconcious as many of you I'm sure already found out. Why do we pray for instance? We are talking to our subconcious: "God bless my children, god bless my test today". We are mentally preparing objectives. Thats a whole other topic of discussion. Point is I don't like what is being portrayed on TV of how money solves everything. We must find what we are good at, evaluate it, root out the detrimental aspects of it, and pursue it to the highest degree possible, only then will our world be a successful place. Its sad how parents push their children to become doctors or scientists. And the children listen and don't succeed, and if they do but don't enjoy it, are miserable, and commit evil acts to channel their anger, I've seen it happen. We must open our childrens eyes through the internet and let them find what they like. But parents watch T.V. too so its a vicious cycle. That's my opinion. I wish for it to happen in my lifetime. Just imagine what peoples minds will envision if its filled with science and useful information instead of useless crap like who is Justin Timberlake dating today? or Who is the richest person on the planet?
This I say from my experience. It may seem rosy, but I believe it can happen!
This I say from my experience. It may seem rosy, but I believe it can happen!