

Valued Senior Member

George W Bush

Religion: Christian

“I believe that God has planted in every human heart the desire to live in freedom. And even when that desire is crushed by tyranny for decades, it will rise again.”

He has gone on record as saying his god speaks to him.

Which god is speaking to him?

Which god is speaking to Tony Blair (catholic)?

Look at the shit that these two, especially bush has caused.

Use the web or read a book.

Pure death and carnage, on innocent people.

Islam is if anything worse, they send children strapped with bombs into cafes to kill dozens of innocent people.

What is it with these fucking gods of theirs?

Look at the chosen people of god(the torah/old testament version). They think they can go out and target three SCHOOLS and destroy them with no remorse! They said they just targeted military installations!



The US and the UK support this because they are the chosen people!

The UN sits on the fence, because they are pussies.

If I could, I would strangle Jehovah and Allah NOW(if them are the gods talking), the madness needs to stop.

In the midst of all this I hear followers of these two idiots proclaiming how great they are.


George W Bush

Religion: Christian

“I believe that God has planted in every human heart the desire to live in freedom. And even when that desire is crushed by tyranny for decades, it will rise again.”

He has gone on record as saying his god speaks to him.

Which god is speaking to him?

Not the God who told His followers to love their enamies.

Which god is speaking to Tony Blair (catholic)?

God talks to catholics when they are ready to come out of the harlot and follow Jesus.

Look at the shit that these two, especially bush has caused.

Use the web or read a book.

Pure death and carnage, on innocent people.

Well yeah. They have killed the innocent, It happens in all wars. The bomber pilots of WW2 who bombed nazi germany roasted to death a lot of innocents cowering in their bunkers.

Islam is if anything worse, they send children strapped with bombs into cafes to kill dozens of innocent people.

What is it with these fucking gods of theirs?

There probably just following the same "god"? you expressed open admiration for.

Look at the chosen people of god(the torah/old testament version). They think they can go out and target three SCHOOLS and destroy them with no remorse! They said they just targeted military installations!



There just dancing to the same old tune of fear your hero satan is playing as he manipulates the world into end times mass bloodshead.

The US and the UK support this because they are the chosen people!

The UN sits on the fence, because they are pussies.

There just dancing to the same old tune of fear your hero satan is playing as he manipulates the world into end times mass bloodshead.

If I could, I would strangle Jehovah and Allah NOW(if them are the gods talking), the madness needs to stop.

I have little doubt you would, the fear within you is the palpable.

In the midst of all this I hear followers of these two idiots proclaiming how great they are.

Yaveh is great and perfect.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Mod Note: GODSEND has been sent to hell where all spammers would reside (if a hell actually existed, of course)
Bush's religious fervor doesn't bother me.

It is his extreme Liberalism which makes him a poor president.

We need a good Conservative like Clinton back in office.

Too bad we picked Obama over McCain and that the American voter thinks that Democrat=Liberal and Republican=Conservative. They unknowingly just voted another Bush into office and passed over another Clinton!
Not the God who told His followers to love their enamies.

Which God are you referring to?

God talks to catholics when they are ready to come out of the harlot and follow Jesus.

Maybe he should talk more,if you think the catholic church is the harlot.

Catholics make up the vast amount of the Christian church.

Well yeah. They have killed the innocent, It happens in all wars. The bomber pilots of WW2 who bombed nazi germany roasted to death a lot of innocents cowering in their bunkers.

The difference being, Hitler was a significant threat to the whole world.

There probably just following the same "god"? you expressed open admiration for.

Well I guess one day we will find out, who is who.

There just dancing to the same old tune of fear your hero satan is playing as he manipulates the world into end times mass bloodshead.

Matthew 28:17-19 (King James Version)

17And when they saw him, they worshipped him: but some doubted.

18And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.

19Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:

So who is in charge on planet earth?

I have little doubt you would, the fear within you is the palpable.

It isn't fear, master Adstar.

Yaveh is great and perfect.

That's a name I haven't heard before.

George W Bush

Religion: Christian

“I believe that God has planted in every human heart the desire to live in freedom. And even when that desire is crushed by tyranny for decades, it will rise again.”

He has gone on record as saying his god speaks to him.

Which god is speaking to him?

Which god is speaking to Tony Blair (catholic)?

Look at the shit that these two, especially bush has caused.

Use the web or read a book.

Pure death and carnage, on innocent people.

Islam is if anything worse, they send children strapped with bombs into cafes to kill dozens of innocent people.

What is it with these fucking gods of theirs?

Look at the chosen people of god(the torah/old testament version). They think they can go out and target three SCHOOLS and destroy them with no remorse! They said they just targeted military installations!



The US and the UK support this because they are the chosen people!

The UN sits on the fence, because they are pussies.

If I could, I would strangle Jehovah and Allah NOW(if them are the gods talking), the madness needs to stop.

In the midst of all this I hear followers of these two idiots proclaiming how great they are.


In short, if one is prepared to judge a genre by its worst stereotype there will always be ample opportunity to be disgusted.
If that was true then 'he' wouldn't need people like you stating it as fact (which of course it isn't).

I don't state it because He needs me to. I sate it because other human beings need to hear it.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

Originally Posted by Adstar
Not the God who told His followers to love their enamies.

Which God are you referring to?

Why the God of Abraham of cource. As delivered through the Messiah Jesus.

God talks to catholics when they are ready to come out of the harlot and follow Jesus.

Maybe he should talk more,if you think the catholic church is the harlot.

Catholics make up the vast amount of the Christian church.

I don't think the catholic church is The Harlot. But she is a significant percentage of it.

Well yeah. They have killed the innocent, It happens in all wars. The bomber pilots of WW2 who bombed nazi germany roasted to death a lot of innocents cowering in their bunkers.

The difference being, Hitler was a significant threat to the whole world.

No differance at all. Killing innocents is killing innocents. irespective of the preception true or otherwise of the powers that be that rule over them.

There probably just following the same "god"? you expressed open admiration for.
Well I guess one day we will find out, who is who.

:D So the man who professed belief in the Gospel of Luke and spurned all others does not have the wisdom to tell the differance. Goes to show where the smorgasboard faith of the self apointed doctrine censor's of the bible leads.

There just dancing to the same old tune of fear your hero satan is playing as he manipulates the world into end times mass bloodshead.
Matthew 28:17-19 (King James Version)

17And when they saw him, they worshipped him: but some doubted.

18And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.

19Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:

So who is in charge on planet earth?

Jesus/God who are one.

Read the book of Job some times. the World is the Book of Job written large. satan has been given the freedom within certain limits to draw away from the truth all who hate the love of the truth but have joy in unrightiousness. He could do anything he wanted with job up to the point of killing him, remember.

Yaveh is great and perfect.
That's a name I haven't heard before.

google it. :)

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Why the God of Abraham of cource. As delivered through the Messiah Jesus.

The same god that apparently delivered the messages to John about revelations? The same god that used what we today would class as a nuclear strike on Sodom and Gomorrah? (killing innocent children, unless you think there is no such thing as innocent children, which I guess you might based on your fervent belief in Paul)

I don't think the catholic church is The Harlot. But she is a significant percentage of it.

Oh, this is a new one. The one entity harlot of revelations actually consists of more than one entity! Is she a trinity or something?

No differance at all. Killing innocents is killing innocents. irespective of the preception true or otherwise of the powers that be that rule over them.

Agreed. And your god is accountable whatever you believe.

:D So the man who professed belief in the Gospel of Luke and spurned all others does not have the wisdom to tell the differance. Goes to show where the smorgasboard faith of the self apointed doctrine censor's of the bible leads.

How many people did the devil kill in the old testament?

Jesus/God who are one.

Well this seems about as clear as mud. One minute they are one the next minute one is better then the other, it's all very convoluted and misleading.

But I suppose, not everyone has the "ear" to understand.

Read the book of Job some times. the World is the Book of Job written large. satan has been given the freedom within certain limits to draw away from the truth all who hate the love of the truth but have joy in unrightiousness. He could do anything he wanted with job up to the point of killing him, remember.

The quote I provided was written and given a long time after Job, you seem to believe that what was written in Job makes the quote I provided invalid. How convenient.

The bible clearly states, that Jesus is now the main man(god) on earth and in heaven, regardless of what happened to Job.

google it. :)

Not interested.

What is interesting is the fact that people like you like referring to the god as different names which aren't even in the english bible, is this so that non english speaking people can understand on an english speaking forum? How nice of you. or do you just like showing off?

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

For everyone who doesn't know what Ancient of Days means, it is used in the old testament to refer to some god, once.
For everyone who doesn't know what Ancient of Days means, it is used in the old testament to refer to some god, once.
M*W: That god would be the sun, the creator of our solar system and everything in it. I'm sure Adstar doesn't know "the ancient of days" refers to the sun and sun-worship.
In the midst of all this I hear followers of these two idiots proclaiming how great they are.

It is not uncommon for the insane to think "god" is directing thier actions. Having "god" talk to you is an even worse sign.

Hopefully people will eventually realize electing psychopathic imbeciles to high office is a bad idea.
The same god that apparently delivered the messages to John about revelations? The same god that used what we today would class as a nuclear strike on Sodom and Gomorrah? (killing innocent children, unless you think there is no such thing as innocent children, which I guess you might based on your fervent belief in Paul)

Ahhh The teaching is to us from Jesus that we shall not kill. God can kill and Has always had the authority to Kill. The law was made by God for us to follow, not for Him. Yes innocents probably did die in sodom, But as they where innocent they have eternal life with God. They do not suffer the second death. I believe that their is an age of innocence. Nothing that Paul gave causes me any trouble with this.

Oh, this is a new one. The one entity harlot of revelations actually consists of more than one entity! Is she a trinity or something?

Not sure. The harlot of revelation had her daughters. The catholic church could be a daughter. i am leaning towards that position now. The Harlot is a lot older than the catholic church.

Agreed. And your god is accountable whatever you believe.

Yes and he will be justified in all the things He has and will do.

How many people did the devil kill in the old testament?

Well physically kill or eternally kill? Lets just call satan the leader of an eternal suicide cult. So satan does not really kill anyone but himself, its just he gathers together with others who have a death wish.

Well this seems about as clear as mud. One minute they are one the next minute one is better then the other, it's all very convoluted and misleading.

But I suppose, not everyone has the "ear" to understand.

Understand? Who said you needed to understand. The thing about the God/Jesus relationship is that it cannot be understood.

The quote I provided was written and given a long time after Job, you seem to believe that what was written in Job makes the quote I provided invalid. How convenient.

The bible clearly states, that Jesus is now the main man(god) on earth and in heaven, regardless of what happened to Job.

The point i was making about Job, was that God was the Authority in control of what satan could and could not do. God is in control but He has given satan enough freedom in this world to prove/demonstrate to the heavenly host just why God is justified and satan is not. All the world is a stage :) and we are mere actors playing our parts. We can play for God or we can play for satan, that’s our freedom.

Not interested.

Yeah. I sensed that a while ago. But even in rebellion you can be used.

What is interesting is the fact that people like you like referring to the god as different names which aren't even in the english bible, is this so that non english speaking people can understand on an english speaking forum? How nice of you. or do you just like showing off?

There are many titles that are used in reference to the God of Abraham. I never knew the one Yaveh till i heard it in a dream. Then i looked i up on google and there is was. :) I get a deep sense of peace when i say it and for some reason i was moved to use it here. I believe it to be Hebrew in origin. Anyway i did not do it in an attempt to impress. Maybe i was moved to use it because someone reading on will take more notice of what is said because they know the name/title.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
M*W: That god would be the sun, the creator of our solar system and everything in it. I'm sure Adstar doesn't know "the ancient of days" refers to the sun and sun-worship.


^^^^Have you got any evidence for this?^^^^

M*W: For starters, read Moses and Akhenaten: The Secret History of Egypt at the Time of the Exodus, by Ahmed Osman, 2002. Then get back to me.

Ahhh the spiritual vulture comes in to feed on you dave. To help you find a path to oblivion.

All Praise The Ancient of Days