

Lazy Hedonist
Valued Senior Member
I am a senior in high school, and in order to graduate, we are required to complete the dreaded senior exit project. for my paper, i researched New Orleans folklore, and planned to go there for the project portion... but... im broke. so, now i have to saty a little closer to home... if anyone has heard of ANY supernatural activity in michigan i would love to know about it. thanks
Enter "ghosts" and "Michigan" into Google and you'll get 18,000+ hits. I do know that there are supposedly many haunted lighthouses along the Great Lakes.

Yeah well ya know what the freshmen class of Maine has to do? On top of like, fifty performance tests we have to assemble a 'portfolio' on all of the good work we've done, and if it doesn't 'meet the standard' of learning then we don't graduate! Even if we get straight A's! It's ludicrous!!! We devote entire days to mindless working on these frickin' portfolios in the vain hope that we'll be able to graduate even though we know the retarded people that run the state'll throw the whole thing out the year we graduate or the year after. IT IS UNBELIEVABLE.

About michigan, though, sorry, can't help ya. Maybe you'll catch a UFO if you watch one of the lakes for long enough:D
:eek: oh you meanie! you gave me ufo sites.. not ghost sites.... those litte buggers are CREEPY!... but hanks anyway though. :p
I have a creepy MI ghost story for you...

A friend & I were on our way to Ohio from visiting friends in Chicago. Somehow along the way, we missed our exit that would have taken us directly from Indiana to Ohio. Instead we ended up driving through michigan. About half way through, we both decided that we needed to make a stop to use the bathroom. So both of us started looking for a rest stop area.... Sure enough, a couple miles down the road we saw a sign that said rest stop this exit. Once we get off the exit, both of us immediately get a REALLY bad feeling. We continue on down that road for about 3 miles looking for the said rest stop... There's nothing... Just an old country road... Meanwhile, the feeling keeps getting worse so we decide to pull around & get back on the highway... Once we get back on the highway we notice the presence of some supernatural guests in & ON!! the car. We get off on another exit a couple miles up the highway & pull over to a Taco Bell. We go in, use the restroom & then go up to the counter to ask the local peeps if they knew WTF was going on in that town... The guys at the counter just gave us a really creepy smile & walked away. he said nothing!!! We get back on the highway again.... & make our way out of that place... The whole time the feeling with the ghosts keeps getting worse. These ghosts feel like they're extremely needy, wanting something. We ask them to leave, they don't. You look up on the car hood, you could see them hanging there & hanging down lookin in the car windows. Finally, we get an idea to demand to them that they cannot cross the Ohio border with us. Thankfully, it worked...

Oh, btw... The town was Grass Lake, its a little town near Ann Arbour. Upon looking the town up on the internet when we got home, we discovered that there was an extremely large amount of suicides back in the 1880's there.

Hope this helps...

try http://www.ulrc.com.au/

they have "official" ghost legends of every state-that is more than just "one time me an bob went drinkin and we saw a ghost". They don't accept personal accounts, only the legend and what is supposed to happen and where.
Michigan actually has one of the most, at 10 legends... one is probably close enough to you to actually research.
Hope that it helps.
thank you very much for the story.. there are alot of places near me tha give you strange feelings if you drive through them day or night no matter how many people your with... but none that i can think of that really have scary stories to them... except the "blood rd." story... but how can you have a blood rd., and not give it a story? btw... i do live kiiinda near ann arbor, but ive never heard of grass lake. it must be a small town.

"one time me an bob went drinkin and we saw a ghost".
hahahahahahahaha.... yeah.. i keep getting alot of those from people i know.... girls eyes that glow.. and oh.. the best one... this was the entire description of what was suposed to be an encredibly haunted place: "Grand Plaza Hotel- in old part (smoking section now) objects move on their own." woah. duuuude.. LOL...

well anyway, thanks for everything you guys... keep posting if ya think of anything else... ill be here for a while.