
Light speed is C and not has relation to direction - we need use this info

I discover below :

1.how big is energy use ?
source of light and relation to each direction

2. how strong light beam will be ?
relation to each direction

If You travel in train and You goes left and right :

A ) You Used the same energy for move in train direction and opposite
( if Your move will be observe by person inside train )

B) You not Used the same energy
(if Your move will be observe by person outside train )

C) Laser signal from my You Tube belong to all bodies around Your train .
( light speed C will be the same but power of light and energy consumption source of light have relation with direction and universe around train )

YOU TUBE 1 – explain how to measure speed http://youtu.be/9U1OsxM88tY

YOU TUBE 2 explain how to solve NEWTON PROBLEM http://youtu.be/Pj5Xx2B2G-U

Where we Can use my discover :

balistic , speed measure system ( airplane , sky objects ) , I would like to show people central poitn our universe
Moving to alternative theories as it's just hackery. Watching your first YouTube video just makes it very clear you haven't bothered to find out what relativity says or even the most rudimentary aspects of things like Doppler shift. You haven't given any new facts, other than letting us know you don't understand the science.
Einstein not explain what is ZERO SPEED my Movie explain this

Exist totaly not movable point A and each bodies have energy basic on this point
Einstein not explain problem my train move or my station -

Light speed is C and not has relation to direction - we need use this info

I discover below :

1.how big is energy use ?
source of light and relation to each direction

2. how strong light beam will be ?
relation to each direction

If You travel in train and You goes left and right :

A ) You Used the same energy for move in train direction and opposite
( if Your move will be observe by person inside train )

B) You not Used the same energy
(if Your move will be observe by person outside train )

C) Laser signal from my You Tube belong to all bodies around Your train .
( light speed C will be the same but power of light and energy consumption source of light have relation with direction and universe around train )

YOU TUBE 1 – explain how to measure speed http://youtu.be/9U1OsxM88tY

YOU TUBE 2 explain how to solve NEWTON PROBLEM http://youtu.be/Pj5Xx2B2G-U

Where we Can use my discover :

balistic , speed measure system ( airplane , sky objects ) , I would like to show people central poitn our universe
" You haven't given any new facts," - My train move or my station
Einstein say train move and station move
1 I measure energy for train
2 after know train energy I can say what move
tesla2, I watched your first video. A laser will require the same energy to produce the same intensity output in all directions (as measured by the laser operator), regardless of how fast the laser is moving in any arbitrary direction.
OK I started watching your second video but it's a bit long. You're making the same mistake there. The 3D ball would emit the same intensity of light in all directions regardless of the rocket's motion. Remember that this is only from the rocket's frame. If your idea actually worked then any lasers on the surface of the Earth would get brighter and dimmer as the Earth rotated!