Micchami Dukkadam


uniquely dreadful
Valued Senior Member
Today is the last day of Paryushan and the occasion of Micchami Dukkadam, one of the two most important Jain festivals [the other being Diwali]. Micchami = forgiveness Dukkadam = bad deeds so Micchami Dukkadam = Forgiveness of bad deeds or the festival of forgiveness.

This is the Ksampana Sutra which is recited on this occasion.

Khaamemi Savve Jeeva
Savve Jeeva Khamantu Me
Metti Me Savve Bhuyesu
Vairam Majham Na Kenai

Which can be loosely translated as

"I forgive (from the bottom of my heart without any reservation) all living beings (who may have caused me any pain and suffering either in this life or previous lives), and I beg (again from the bottom of my heart without any reservation) for the forgiveness from all living beings (no matter how small or big to whom I may have caused pain and suffering in this life or previous lives, knowingly or unknowingly, mentally, verbally or physically, or if I have asked or encouraged someone else to carry out such activities). (Let all creatures know that) I have a friendship with everybody and I have no revenge (animosity or enmity) toward anybody."

Just FYI since we've been talking about the Jain religion in some other, unrelated threads.
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