
Registered Senior Member
I was just reading a book on Men in black (or MIB) and acording to the book MIB like like humans but are not human`s.
and then it came to me! One of my former post was asking about hymanoid so it hit me that MIB are humanoid`s.

What do you think.

The truth is out there.
MIB's. The one's I have seen are Goverment Agents. A widow woman, the operator of a small Mom & Pop grocery store had seen what she thought to be UFO's. She would relate this to some of her customers. One day , two men in black suits came into her store, flashed what appeared to be badges, told her to shut up about what she had seen or they would shut her up. This happened in 1949.
I have never had the distinction of meeting a MIB, but I did have a strange thing happen once at a Price Club store back in 1990. I had gone shoppng with my mother and had gone off to get a crate of milk. Every other aisle in the store was crowded, so I was rather pleased to find myself the only person in the dairy aisle. I found the type of milke she wanted and had just pulled it out of the case when I saw two other people enter the aisle. They were both overweight, not obese, just well-fed, both had graying light-brown hair, both stood about 5'6, and both had these god-awful blank expressions on their faces. The first thing I though was "druggies". I saw their eyes, pale blue, stare blankly straight ahead, and the woman said to the man in a flat, mechanical voice, "This...is...not...productive", with halting words. The man simply replied, "No". They both turned without head movement, very stiffly, and almost as one person. When they left, I never saw them anyplace else in the store again (which admittedly is no big deal since the store was crowded). It was creepy and had me unnerved for the rest of the day.
A good friend of mine managed to acquire one of the original Robocop suits, so one day he put it on and walked around a sleepy little village in England, going into shops and everything and acting like a robot while keeping a straight face.
Can you believe he got no reaction at all from anyone?

I know it's not relevant to this topic but it made me remember the story.

Oh my God it's the funky shit!!!
There have been several incidences of cars parking near my house, and just sitting there. They are always black or white cars with very darkly tinted windows. They park out front, sit for 15-30 minutes, then take off again...although I can't see why...I know that I definitely don't walk around talking about UFOs when I'm offline...hmmm...
maybe they're spying on my neighbors.
Kashani-Drug dealers, perhaps?

Tab-I read that one of the actresses from 'Alien Nation' walked around downtown Los Angeles in full alien costume and also drew no unusual response. No one even asked about her strange appearance (the show had been off the air for awhile and her friend was a top-notch television cosmetologist) except for two tourists who thought she was a burn victim.
i saw a man in black once.... it was in a movie.... but seriously now... a couple of times i have seen a group of 1 or 3 black helcpoters flying overhead, noo sound whatsoever, i figure that there silencers were on.

and feedback?

when christianity ruled the world, it was called the dark ages.

-dexter (nimrod242 :aol sn)
Silent helicopters do not a MIB make. There is a way to angle the blades on modern helicopters that reduce the noise level to almost zero. You wouldn't be able to hear it on the ground unless it was sitting on top of you. This sort of "stealth" tactic is very common to see practiced, especially when they must execute maneuvers over residential areas. It keeps noise complaints down. Oh yeah. It's also easier to sneak up on the enemy if they can't hear you. :)