Messiah to God?


Registered Senior Member
This thought just popped into my head. The OT speaks of a Messiah to come and save the Jewish people. They are still looking forward to his arrival. If the Messiah presented himself before the Jews would they worship him? Would they create a new religion? I don't think they would dare compare anyone to God, not even the Messiah. If anything, they would worship God more due to the arrival of their Saviour.

How and why did Christianity turn the Messiah into God? The Bible doesn't support the Trinity so why? I know, I know, Christians will try their hardest to explain that God the father, God the Son and Holy Spirit make up God, but I'm sorry that just doesn't make sense furthermore, the Bible does not support it.

Example: 5 members make up the Pop group Insink(is that how you spell it)but I can't go around calling Justin, Insink, Can I?

It's the same concept. If you believe three components make up your God, why would you call Jesus God?

The attempt to avoid a polytheistic religion makes the Christian God open for ridicule. Come on Christians, can you really blame us?
Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but one of the major reason why Jewish people do not believe Jesus to be the Messiah is because when the true Messiah comes there will be Peace on Earth. This is obviously not true when Jesus came. Ofcoarse Christians can always fall back on the Second Coming.
when messiah come again he will lead moslims
by the way werent the jewish who tried to kill el messiah?
but god saved him ,raised him up
when the messiah come again he will breake all crosses present in the world and kill all the pigs
jesus is not god son he is only his prophet
god is one
How and why did Christianity turn the Messiah into God? The Bible doesn't support the Trinity so why? I know, I know, Christians will try their hardest to explain that God the father, God the Son and Holy Spirit make up God, but I'm sorry that just doesn't make sense furthermore, the Bible does not support it.

From a christian point of view, Jesus is the SON of God, not the Father. There is room for mix up, and it all adds up to interpretation. The scripture does support that there is a Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, but does not go about combining any of the three. Each entity has a specific purpose in scripture. The Father is the creator and judge of all things. The son is the Fathers sacrifice for all of mankinds sins so they may be made acceptable in the Fathers presence barring one from his wrath and judgement. The Holy Spirit is that which is imparted to one who lays their life before Christ and the cross. It is the spirit that gives endurance and strength to strive to live the life Christ wishes for us in a carnal and godless world. Of course this depends on if one truly believe in such things. I do. Do you?
Originally posted by EvilPoet
Moshiach: The Messiah

Interesting EP. Denomination in view point does not mean much, but I am of the messianic faith. It is an interesting jewish orthodox web site. Do you believe 2000 yrs. ago the Jewish sanhedron, which comprised the pharisees, conspired to put to death an innocent man? He is innocent in our eyes, but why did the pharisees believe he was not innocent? What did Christ say, that caused the pharisees and Jewish people to have pilate sentence him to death. Is what Christ said before the head pharisee truth or blasphemy? Do you believe Christ was the Messiah? If John the baptist spoke of one coming greater the him, why did they not believe?


Simply put, I don't do religion. I have stated my personal views
regarding religion here (a couple of times) so I feel no need to
do it again. If you are that interested, you can search the forum.
I thought that link might be of interest so I posted it. I probably
should have included that in my post, I apologize for not being
clearer. I also think I have lost interest in debating religion. To
me it seems to be a pointless endeavor that does nothing but
waste time and energy. No offense to anyone who likes to
debate religion. :)
Originally posted by EvilPoet

Simply put, I don't do religion. I have stated my personal views
regarding religion here (a couple of times) so I feel no need to
do it again. If you are that interested, you can search the forum.
I thought that link might be of interest so I posted it. I probably
should have included that in my post, I apologize for not being
clearer. I also think I have lost interest in debating religion. To
me it seems to be a pointless endeavor that does nothing but
waste time and energy. No offense to anyone who likes to
debate religion. :)
Perfectly understood :)

The scripture does support that there is a Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, but does not go about combining any of the three.

Exactly my point. The Bible does mention the Father, Son and Holy Spirit but the Bible does not Support the Trinity. So why call Jesus God? Why worship Jesus. Christians worship Jesus even though scripture says not to? So IMO, according to the Bible, you must be making God very jealous because you are worshipping another God. God should not be compared to the Messiah as stated in the Bible.
Originally posted by LIGHTBEING
Exactly my point. The Bible does mention the Father, Son and Holy Spirit but the Bible does not Support the Trinity. So why call Jesus God? Why worship Jesus. Christians worship Jesus even though scripture says not to? So IMO, according to the Bible, you must be making God very jealous because you are worshipping another God. God should not be compared to the Messiah as stated in the Bible.

We have been through this if you remember? I as a muslim and you as an atheist asked them these questions but they failed to answered. Because they don't have answer. They have messed up their religion so bad that they cannot go back and fix it now. Sad but true.
How and why did Christianity turn the Messiah into God? The Bible doesn't support the Trinity so why?
The Bible predicted Jesus (i think). It was said where he would come from (supposedly) and other details too (which were startlingly accurate if what i read was true!). So Christianity accepted that Jesus was the messiah.

I doubt that Jesus knew he was the Messiah and so think how hard it must have been for him to accept this and to live like he did! (if he was indeed the messiah) At some point early in his life he must have been told that he was Gods son etc by peopel who had read the OT. Imagine how you would feel! Could you accept this even if all the evidence pointed to it?
just found this:
Prophecy Reference Fulfillment
Born of a virgin Isaiah 7:14 Matthew 1:23
Born in Bethlehem Micah 5:2 Matthew 2:5
Found in Egypt Numbers 24:8 Matthew 2:15
To heal many Isaiah 53:4 Matthew 8:16
Crucified Isaiah 53:12 Matthew 27:38
No bones broken Psalm 34:20 John 19:33-36

Also the prediction of crucifixtion was made waaaaay before it was even used, probably before it was even thought of!
The Bible predicted Jesus (i think). It was said where he would come from (supposedly) and other details too (which were startlingly accurate if what i read was true!). So Christianity accepted that Jesus was the messiah.

That's all fine, the Bible did predict a Messiah to come but my point is why did Christianity turn their Messiah into God?
Oh, I am sorry. But I believe the thread was "1+1+1=1 whats up with that?".

What do you mean what's up with that? That's a legitemate question regardless of what catagory people place you in.
Originally posted by LIGHTBEING
That's all fine, the Bible did predict a Messiah to come but my point is why did Christianity turn their Messiah into God?

Good question.