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My father and I are one and the same. Father means the Creator who is beyond words, mind, intelligence and even imagination. This Father is called as God and has different names. Christians call Him as Jehovah. Muslims call Him as ‘Allah’. Hindus call Him as ‘Para Brahma’. Buddha kept silent about the God because the God is beyond words. But followers of Buddha misunderstood the silence as negation and interpreted that Buddha denied God. This God incarnates on the earth. He creates a human body and pervades all over that human body as current pervades all over the metallic wire. Since God created His human body for incarnation, the God is called as Father and the human incarnation is called as His Son.

The electric wire is Current because wherever you touch the wire it gives the shock, which is the property of current. For all the practical purposes the electric wire is the current. Similarly the human incarnation is the Creator or God. Therefore the Son is the Father. The human incarnation can be seen by us and we can talk with Him. We can touch and can live along with the Son. Thus Vision, conversation, touch, and co-living are the four fortunes given to the devotees. By any human effort God cannot be even imagined. But by infinite kindness He is not only seen but also talks, touches and lives with us. If you cannot utilize such infinite kindness of God shown to us and if you neglect the human incarnation due to your egoism and jealousy you are loosing everything forever.

Neither you attain the unattainable God nor you retain the human incarnation that approaches you. You are looser on both sides. Such human incarnations come to various parts of the earth and they are Jesus, Krishna, Mohammed, Buddha, Mahavir etc., Therefore Jesus is Jehovah. Mohammed is Allah and Krishna is Parabrahma. The Electric wire is the current. The Son and the Father are one and the same. One should not extrapolate this truth by saying since every man is His Son and so every man is the Father. If every Son is the Father there is no necessity of preaching.

God has to come in human body only to preach the human beings. But there is natural repulsion between the human beings as in the case of like charged particles due to jealousy and egoism. The crusification of the Lord Jesus is the best example of such jealousy and egoism. Holy Jesus suffered for the sins of the real believers of God only. One of the basic ideas of the human incarnation is to suffer for the sins of deserving devotees. For such purpose only the human body is selected for incarnation. The human body of the incarnation suffers like any other human body. Then only the real transfer of sins is fully justified. The incarnation can avoid the pain during suffering by using the super power of God.

But God never deceives the justice. Therefore Jesus really suffered all the punishments of deserving devotees as any other human body suffers and fulfilled the justice in the transfer of sins. This is the real reason why the God selects a human body and gets identified with it. If it is inert statue such suffering cannot take place. Though the Son is suffering on the Holy Cross, but actually the Father who pervaded all over the Son suffered. This is the essence of saying that Father and Son are one and the same. The Father does not suffer for the sins of the wicked people who will not change at all. Those who are the real devotees and those who served the Lord without aspiring anything in return are only liberated from their sins.

Such devotees never pray the Lord for the liberation from their sins because they never desire that the Lord should suffer for their sins. Therefore, they never agree for the liberation from their sins. If they come to know they will object such transfer of sins because they are the real devotees of the God. Hence the Lord suffers for their sins without any information to them. If you are not turning towards the Lord, you have to carry all your sins with you and go to hell. If you turn towards the Lord, He will liberate you from all your sins provided you change and continue your future life in His divine service.

His work is to bring peace in this world and see that every human being gets the salvation. He wants the hell to be permanently closed. But you should turn towards God without aspiring for your liberation from the sins. You must participate in His service and yet you should be ready to undergo the punishments of your sins as per the rule. You should not ask Him or even desire for such liberation from your sins. Once you desire for such liberation you are indirectly asking the Lord to suffer for your sins. In such a case you are not His real devotee. He takes your sins and liberates you when you serve Him without any aspiration for such liberation.

At Thy Lotus Feet His Holiness Sri Dattaswami

Anil Antony
Universal Spirituality for World Peace
So, what have you ever seen or felt or experienced that makes you so sure that God is who you say he is? That he's even there?
God resides in the human body of human incarnation

When God resides in human body in which the soul is filtered from all activities (All the waves which are Antahkaranams and qualities disappear and Jeeva is dissolved in static soul) and is converted in to inert energy as in the state of deep sleep, such human incarnation is called as Avadhuta Datta. If God does not enter the human body of Avadhuta, such human body is just like the inert statue in which only the living mechanisms are functioning as in the case of a plant or as in the case of a person in deep sleep or in the coma.

No vasana (worldy issue) can attack such state of a rock. If God enters in to a human body in which the soul has become static by removing all qualities and antahkaranams, but the soul is not converted in to inert energy, such a state is called as a state of Yogi Raja or Yogisawra. This state resembles the state of perfect meditation in which the nervous system functions but the awareness is not active except that it is aware of itself (Atma Bodha). In the case of human incarnation, there is no difference between the Avadhuta and Yogi Raja because the static awareness cannot be disturbed by any vasana due to the presence of God. But in the case of a human being such state of Yogi Raja is attained by perfect meditation but there is always a chance of disturbance. If God is present in a human body in which the soul and Jeeva (the waves of awareness which are Antahkaranams consisting of the three qualities), the human incarnation appears with three faces representing Thrimukha Datta.

The same human incarnation becomes Viswarupam with several faces when the Jeeva is consisting of several qualities (which are the various combinations of three qualities only). The various faces in Viswarupam are the various qualities formed by the interaction of the three qualities which are represented by the three central faces. These latter two states represents that Datta is associated with all qualities to entertain Himself in the divine play. The former two stages (Avadhuta and Yogi Raja) are for the sages who do Sadhana to get rid of the qualities for achieving the self. The former two stages are for guiding the devotee to attain the self to get the salvation from all the qualities and thoughts. The latter two states represent God who is playing in the world for full entertainment and is available for the devotees for doing the service.

Adavita is related to two the former states where as Visishtaadvaita and Dvaita are related to the latter two states. Thus, Datta means the human incarnation only with reference to this earth and His form represents all the steps of Sadhana.
seekeroftheway said:
So, what have you ever seen or felt or experienced that makes you so sure that God is who you say he is? That he's even there?

The spiritual knowledge should come directly from the Lord. If He sends His messenger, the messenger is not capable of delivering all the points as told by the Lord and is also incapable of explaining in excellent manner as explained by the Lord. Therefore, the knowledge delivered by the messenger is not as excellent as delivered by the Lord directly. This is the main reason for the Lord to enter the human body to preach the divine knowledge. But if the Lord in human body declares that He is the Lord directly speaking, people become jealous because they think the human incarnation as human being only, since they always see the external body only. They misunderstand that the human being is claiming himself as God.

They cannot tolerate this due to their inherent jealousy and egoism towards the co-human beings. To solve this problem of majority of the people, the human incarnation has to say that He is only the messenger of God. Prophet Mohammad was really the human incarnation. But he never claimed himself as God due to this problem of majority. He said that He was only the messenger of God and that Q'ran was massage of God. Therefore, this Holy Scripture belongs to the angle of majority. The devotees who can realise the human incarnation are always very few only. To this minority the prophet can personally say that he is God or at least he is son of God. The message to minority need not be recorded, which can be orally delivered in person. Thus, Q'ran is a scripture for the majority. On the other hand Gita was the scripture of extreme minority, since Gita was told to Arjuna only.

In Gita, Krishna told that He is the Lord. Here you must realize that the Lord is speaking through the human body of Krishna. In between the Q'ran and Gita lies Bible. Jesus told that He is the messenger of the God, which is the message for the majority. He also told that He is God, which is the message for extreme minority. In between lies the minority for which He said that He is Son of God. Thus, Bible is the message covering all the three phases of public, which are majority, minority and extreme minority. As we pass from one end to the other end in the above order, the egoism and jealousy reduce from 100 to 50 to 0.

For majority dualism (Dvaita), for minority (Visista Advaita) and for extreme minority monism (Advaita) are preached by the human incarnation. Thus, in Christianity and Hinduism you can find all the three concepts. But in Islam you can find only Dvaita. You should not mistake that Islam is incomplete due to absence of the other two concepts. The merit in Islam is that no human being can claim himself as God and thus there is no danger of false human incarnation. But in Hinduism and Christianity there is always danger of fraud human incarnations. Again you should not criticize Hinduism and Christianity due to this danger. Assuming the possibility of danger of accident, will you avoid journey by bus or train or aeroplane? Thus, the positive and negative angles must be understood according to the context. However, in Christianity also, the danger is avoided because the Christians do not accept any other human incarnation as God except Jesus. Hinduism accepts every human incarnation as God. Thus, you can pass from Islam to Christianity to Hinduism.

There is no danger in Islam and Christianity. In Islam no human incarnation is accepted. This is extremity to avoid the danger. In Christianity Jesus was accepted as human incarnation but no other human incarnation was accepted to avoid the danger of exploitation of fraud human incarnations. Thus, in Islam the concept was not admitted. In Christianity the concept was admitted but was limited to Jesus only to avoid the danger. In Christianity the statement “Jesus will come again” completes the concept because it indicates that the human incarnation is again possible. Thus, the concept is completed in Bible. But by believing that Jesus comes only at the end of this creation, all the other human incarnations till the end are rejected.

Thus, the concept is completed in theory but not completed in practical. In Hinduism the concept is completed in theory as well as in practical. Gita says that Krishna will come again and again whenever it is necessary (Yadayadahi..). This means that the human incarnation will come again and again in several places and in several religions in even one human generation, because there is necessity for such facility. Thus, in Hinduism the concept is completed in theory and practical, but the danger is always full.

Thus, Hinduism recognises several human incarnations of Lord Datta (Krishna) as in the case of Sri Pada Vallabha, Sri Narasimha Saraswati, Sri Akkalkota Maharaj, Sri Sai Baba, etc. Hinduism recognises Buddha also as the human incarnation. Broad minded Hinduism recognises even Jesus, Mohammad, Mahaveer etc., also as human incarnations born in different religions. The universal spirituality is such broad minded Hinduism which is the broad minded Christianity, the broad minded Islam, the broad minded Buddhism and broad minded science. The Universal Spirituality contradicts and is prepared to argue with all religions limited with conservatism, provided these religions are prepared to accept the truth with open mind. The science with conservatism is atheism. When you realize all the three religions, namely Hinduism, Christianity and Islam, you will achieve the total concept, which is the universal spirituality. All the religions are different angles of the same central concept. You must observe the centre through all the angles from all the sides. Then only you can realise the total comprehensive central concept. Now you must see through the angles of Buddhism and science also.

Buddhism speaks about the God present in the human incarnation by keeping silent about God. Silence means that God is beyond words and imagination. It does not indicate the absence of God. Buddhism is misunderstood as atheism. The time wheel (Kala Chakra) and the revolving bright wheel (Sudarsana Chakra) indicate that the time is constantly moving and that you will meet the death certainly one day or other. It indicates that you should hurry in detaching yourself from the world and that you should attach to the Lord as early possible.

At Thy Lotus Feet His Holiness Sri Dattaswami

Anil Antony
Universal Spirituality for World Peace
dattaswami: You must be a really fast copy & paster for all those posts you have done in the last 20 minutes.

A spamming copy & pasting preacher... I can't think of anything worse.
dattaswami said:

Father means the Creator who is beyond words, mind, intelligence and even imagination.

So Swami ....why didn't you stop there? If He is beyond words then there's no point trying to explain any further, if only to back up your statement.
For continued spamming following a warning, dattaswami has been banned for 7 days.
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