Mesoblast - stem cell research company - a scam?


Registered Senior Member
Please I really need help on this.

A relative is about to invest a very large amount of his retirement funds into this company. It's supposedly already developed some OFF the shelf stem cell medication that can fix a broken knee for instance. They make a lot of very fishy claims.

A quick google search shows ALL of the high praise on their research comes from THEM. No scientific journals, only their own "newsroom" or business news: bloomberg or yahoo.


If there are biologists on here who can lead me to some links for articles on them in actual medical journals, I would be very grateful.

Their stock price has gone from a few cents to $8 and their causing a stir but nobody in the medical world seems to be coming forward to disprove their outrageous claims.
I have owned this stock for a couple of years, follow it closely, and have pretty strong convictions on its potential. There are actually a number of brokers that do follow the stock, and the fact that TEVA, a major pharma player, has shown enthusiasm about its 20% stake is strong validation as well. The main thing your friend needs to examine is how much of his financial net worth to commit to a still-speculative stock. The upside is massive, but until one FDA approval is in hand it's still a spec in my book, even with a 1.6Bn market cap. MSB is definitely not a scam. That doesn't mean it is without risk.

I hope this is responsive.
I wouldn't trust a member with only 1 post. It's foolish to invest your retirement savings in the stock market.
I don't trust the stock market. Buy an invest in, CD's an bonds. I don't have any CD's as of now but I'm hopeful I will again soon.

Gold an silver are also good investments.
I just attended the largest stem cell conference in the world (last week Yokohama). I do think there's a lot of potential, but, I sure as hell wouldn't be putting a large chunk of retirement funds on a bet. That's just me. Other's will and they will win big and loose big.

Stem cells will, over time, come onto the market and there's a LOT of clinical-based research with lots of potential. The research advances so fast one company could be on top today and bottom tomorrow. It's very risky to have a huge investment. Investing at 8 cents a share would be fine. $8 is pretty pricey.
Stem cell treatment of broken bones is a clinical reality. But as far as I know it isn’t close to being a routine clinical procedure. I imagine that anyone who has received such a treatment has done so as part of a small-scale clinical trial and has signed a waiver to that effect. So I’m highly dubious of claims such as “…off the shelf stem cell medication that can fix a broken knee…”. Surely this company can provide some published science to back up their claims. If not then steer clear, I guess. :shrug:
Gold an silver are also good investments.

I don't think gold and silver are good investments, they cost outrageous amounts right now. Tell me what use do these things have. If people ever realize its worth nothing its value will plummet. Seriously $1,600 an ounce, why would a decorative mineral be worth so much?
The trouble is there are absolutely no scientific publications available on the net EXCEPT for the ones that quote the company's spokespersons.

Yahoo and Bloomberg routinely quote their 'discoveries' (announced only by Mesoblast not by other scientific entities) and survey their stock prices, giving the company a patina of legitimacy.

I can't really argue anything unless I can find a few scientific articles on them. But I bet the guy with one post cant produce a scientific review thats not by Mesoblast either.

It is very sad because it seems their target market is gullible retirees.

My friend who I asked for help researching said Mesoblast are definitely legit becasue Yahoo mentions them. =sigh=
Stem cells are used to treat a lot of diseases today. It is sure. What I'm not sure about the company that your relative wants to invest to. I don't have information about them.
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