Merry Christmas to all those.....

Merry X-mas to ya too..Cosmic.

I've selebrated X-mas all my life, I've been an atheist for 22 years, who the hell has to say that these season is only for Christians? hum-bug.. Merry X-mas to you'all too.


Thank you to all atheists for celebrating Christmas, whether you realise and like it or not, you are supporting and promoting the Christian faith by joining in the celebration of Christs birth.

Thank you and Merry Christmas


And a happy Solstice to you.

Here is a useful webiste to help you plan your solstice celebrations.

And a thank you to all Christians for celebrating December 25th, whether you realise and like it or not, you are supporting and promoting pagan rituals which of course have nothing to do with Christs birth.

And have a happy new year as well.

Originally posted by Katazia

And a happy Solstice to you.

Here is a useful webiste to help you plan your solstice celebrations.

And a thank you to all Christians for celebrating December 25th, whether you realise and like it or not, you are supporting and promoting pagan rituals which of course have nothing to do with Christs birth.

And have a happy new year as well.

Thanks for the link Kat although it is of no use to me.

Enjoy your solstice Kat. I wish you a happy and a very peaceful new year

Peace :m:

Thank you to all atheists for celebrating Christmas, whether you realise and like it or not, you are supporting and promoting the Christian faith by joining in the celebration of Christs birth.

Actually, you're celebrating a Norse fertility ritual commemorating Freya, Goddess of fertility and war.

Freya owns ye all.
Originally posted by Xev
Actually, you're celebrating a Norse fertility ritual commemorating Freya, Goddess of fertility and war.

Freya owns ye all.
yeah right :rolleyes:

I find it fascinating and hilarious that atheists celebrate Christian celebrations such as Christmas and try to make it their own. You are such a funny breed. Christmas is no exception to this hijacking of Christian celebrations there's Easter too. I wonder what the atheists excuse for celebrating Easter is??
Funny, I haven't heard of atheists having an equivilant for Eid or Ramadan. The fact of the matter is, is that atheists don't believe in anything and therefore have very little to celebrate, no wonder they jump on the back of the finest celebrations in the world which just happen to be Christian.
Say what you want, pagan, freya. It just doesn't have the same"ring" does it... lol! Sad. Very sad people...LOL !

Originally posted by Vienna
I wonder what the atheists excuse for celebrating Easter is??

Chocolates!!!... Good wholesome chocolates:D

And Merry Please insert whatever you celebrate or don't celebrate here to all:D!!! May the day bring a smile to your face and whatever you may wish for...

I'm only an athiest in the strictest sense of the words, and words are never strict things.

Hail Wotan, my one-eyed hunter-father-poet.
Hail Freya, my lady of love and war.

Now, Christianity is the vile product of the decaying minds of Judah. Being thus close to death, it naturally sought to feed off of the stronger Pagan traditions that it met with.

The only thing "sad" is your refusal to pay attention to historical facts...but what can you expect from a member of a hysterical Jewish cult that spent the last 2000 years persecuting the people who founded it?
At least atheists can celebrate sunday, since they don't have to rest.
Ahh Sunday! The first day of the week. The day the pagans worshipped the Sun god, hence the name given to the day ”SUNday”.

But those early Christians couldn’t have people worshipping the Sun, so guess what, they hijacked Sunday and made it the day for worshipping the Christian god. But, hold on, doesn’t the bible talk about the 7th day, the Sabbath, for that purpose. OOPS, another fine mess for the Christians who to this day are still fighting amongst themselves about Sabbath and Sunday.


I find it fascinating and hilarious that atheists celebrate Christian celebrations such as Christmas and try to make it their own. You are such a funny breed.
There ya go – put on some bravado – convince yourself you’re right – there’s nothing like a good dose of positive thinking and self-hypnosis to make yourself feel good. And don’t give history any mind, you are a theist remember and facts have no value to theists.


Geeee, all I did was wish those celebrating their own holiday a day of joy. Those that don't celebrate should at least let others believe in and celebrate whatever they want to, just as you have the right to believe in anything that you want. They don't put you down for not believing in whatever they do, to a certain extent, but try to convince you that their beliefs help them through their day.
Originally posted by Katazia
So no hope for a debate about it then? :(
Why not start a separate thread? Best I can tell, all cosmictraveler intended was to wish folks a Merry Christmas. Why not simply take it in the spirit in which it was offered?
Consequent - guess my friendly sarcasm didn't come across too well.

But yes - a good perspective.

which of course have nothing to do with Christs birth.
no no katazia.. look closer at the wheel and the meaning of each and you will find a striking similarity.

to the christians:
if you truly beleive that your celebrated holidays have nothing to do with pagan religion you need to look a little closer t history. dont make me drag out halloween which you FIRST stole from us, and then used AGAINST us, and have now, atleast in the state of ohio have changed the name of because you dont even remember that is was the christians who gave it the name in the first place.