Mentally incompetent Parents


I piss excellence
Registered Senior Member


First Andrea Yates, and then something like this. I'm sure their are many more documented cases as well, with less media coverage.

Should people that have serious mental health issues, the kinds that can lead to violent outbursts where the person doesn't know what their doing, even be able to raise their children.

It almost seems like its saying to the kids, " Come live with this serial killer. We don't really know if he is going to erupt, so, ya know, be on your toes. But be assured. When he or she stabs you, she really isn't in control of her emotions.

If this bitch is afflicted with "mental health issues" she sure as hell won't get what she deserves. The judge will deem her insane and she'll get a nice sentence of "counseling" in a cozy little mental health institute. Her kids will basically be murdered for nothing, and justice will not prevail. Half the time these cases are pure bullshit. She was "insane" but she still could cut herself and make it appear as if she was attacked too. Yates wasn't able to tell she was Killing her kids but, of course, shes able to dial 911.

Should parents who have these kinds of problems be allowed to even raise their kids, if, by doing so, they put them in grave danger?
I think the trouble has alot to do with the state of Mental Health Services in the US in general. It sucks. If you don't have health insurance, it's non-existent unless you hurt someone or yourself, and by then it's often too late.
Should parents who have these kinds of problems be allowed to even raise their kids, if, by doing so, they put them in grave danger?

If it is documented that a person possesses such mental issues, typically they are deemed unable to properly raise children. If we imagine that one does possess mental issues and it is not known, perhaps even to the parent in question, then we are faced with a bigger question.

How will we judge if someone is allowed to raise children? There would need to be some sort of screening process for someone who wants to become a parent.