Men/women only clubs

Is it correct to have these clubs?

  • women only clubs are o.k

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • men only clubs are o.k

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • none are o.k

    Votes: 3 14.3%
  • both are o.k

    Votes: 18 85.7%

  • Total voters


Club Ninja
Valued Senior Member
do you think its correct in this day and age to have men only clubs, or the reverse woman only clubs? do you think there should be intervention by new laws to force in woman/men into these clubs? what brought this to my mind is that one day i was listning to the radio and there was a debate about how right it is to have men/woman only clubs it was a golf tournament (hate that sport) and it was held at a men only golf club and there was a big uproar amongst women golfers to let them into this club.
your views please. :D

In this day and age, to make things politically correct, fair and equal for all, we also need a transsexual only clubs. Having men and women only clubs means exclusion for the transsexuals.
Either everything should be for both genders, or both men and women should be able to have men-only and women-only clubs. However, as it stands now in Australia, men can NOT have men only clubs but women can have women only clubs.

There is a gymnasium franchise here called Fernwood. They only allow female members. NO gym can get away with allowing only male members.

Similarly, there are gay nightclubs which will NOT get in trouble for keeping out or tossing out people they think are heterosexual. At the same time such behaviour from any other nightclub would have them dragged through the newspapers for weeks.

At the moment there is no equality here in these matters. Any small group which jumps up and down in front of the news cameras automatically gains more rights than the general population. This, of course, breeds antipathy toward those small groups from the general population.

We need either absolute equality or a public acceptance of inequality, not this current charade.
the government has not set legislation banning woman/man only clubs but i dont think that they should set legislation [in my country - Scotland]. Why force into men only clubs women if they are clearly not wanted (or vice versa) clubs in their very nature are a group of people with similar qualities/flaws, if the government intervein do you not feel that they are getting more totalarian?
Don't forget the lawn bowls Adam... in spite of the fact that there are competitions for mens, womens, and MIXED doubles, a woman recently sued to be allowed to play in the mens comp. Pitiful.
I have a question.
Why would anyone want to go into a club, in which they are not welcome?
I, being a long-haired hippie, am looked down upon whenever I have ever had the opportunity to attend some high class functions. A bunch of rich assholes standing around looking down their noses at me. This has happened on several occasions & I never go back to these places, after that. I will definitely no tbe suing them for dis-inclusion. I don't want to be around them anymore than they want me around.:cool:
one day i was sitting on the train first thing in the morning drinking beer and this woman came upto me and said "please will you put that away you disgusting individual", i just looked at her and carried on drinking. maybe cause ive got long hair. people look down on me too cause ive got longer hair than most people, its sad really that people feel the need to look down on men with long hair.
I think maybe, that's a different situation. Being different is one thing... attempting to force your way into a sport which has defined leagues for you and everyone else, is not.
Originally posted by ratbat
I have a question.
Why would anyone want to go into a club, in which they are not welcome?
I, being a long-haired hippie, am looked down upon whenever I have ever had the opportunity to attend some high class functions. A bunch of rich assholes standing around looking down their noses at me. This has happened on several occasions & I never go back to these places, after that. I will definitely no tbe suing them for dis-inclusion. I don't want to be around them anymore than they want me around.:cool:

Oh, come off it, you know we had a blast messing with little yuppie heads at Carley and Bruce's party last year. :D
The Masters, Augusta National & Women

First of all, lets define this subject. This about a golf club in the US named Augusta National. At Augusta National a golf tournament takes place each year by the name of The Masters. Golfers from all around the world compete in this tournament and many consider it to be the most important in all of golf. Augusta National was founded some 69 years ago. In 1990 they admitted their first black member. They currently have no female members, nor have they in the past. It should be noted that they do allow females to play the course as guests and spouses. There are golf clubs in the US that do not allow women on the grounds, at all.

Recently, a group that works towards the advancement of women's rights has confronted the membership at Augusta National and asked them to admitt a female member. The clubs response was that while they may admitt a female in the future now is not the time that they will do that. Furthermore, they wrote that they will not be bullied into membership decisions by anyone. The women's group then threatened to boycot the sponsors of the golf tournament and has talked about the idea of picketing the tournament. The Masters response to the pressure on their sponsors (3 TV sponsors) was to release their sponsors from their contracts and then televise the tournament without commercials (they do have the financial means to do this) At this time the womens group now says they will go to the sponsors of individual golfers i.e. American Express & Nike sponsor Tiger Woods and ask them to pull their sponsorship if their particular golfer plays in the Masters.

Now it seems to me that as long as a group does not cause finanial or physical harm to someone they ought to be aloud to do what they want. If the KKK kills some black people and the main reason they exsist as a group is to kill black people then they should be banned. But if some Southern Gentelmen want to hold a golf tournament, one week a year, and the rest of the time they want to have an all male membership, that should not be a problem. What I do think is a problem is a group telling companies they will work to harm their bottom line if someone that represents them plays in a golf tournament. Especially when that tournament has given 15 million dollars to chairity since 1998. The tournament has insisted over the years that even though they are the most watched tv golf event each year, their tv sponsors are not to be charged above standard advertising rates. These are not bad people running this club. Their chairman led a university in the southern part of the US to enroll black students when that was considered taboo. They give millions to chairity each year.

We need some people to step back and think a bit. Will making a women a member be better for the world than forcing a legal group to do something against their wishes??
