Men on the moon?


Registered Senior Member
Ralph Rene, the New Jersey author of NASA Mooned America, claims to have researched the Apollo missions since 1992 and concludes that the flights were impossible since radiation from the sun is so high that the astronauts would have burned up in space.

"Anybody that claims that they went out through the Van Allen shield is a liar, which is why I call them Astro-Nots," said Rene.
Many years ago a read a article written by a Russian scientist. He claimed that landing on moon was impossible due to some gravity problems or something like that. So, there were doubts about the landing a long time ago. Besides, russians could be hiding something about there space missions, too.
Whatever you read about impossibility of landing on the Moon is BS. It's all rather simple Newtonian physics. Russians sent a robotic 'bathtub on wheels' they dubbed Lunohod 1 (moon walker 1) to the Moon in 1970, and quite a few followed since. All of them managed to land.

What I actually find astonishing about this claim of Apollo conspiracy is the fact that the Soviet Union must have been in on the American conspiracy, and hasn't blown the lid on it in all these years! Russian spies certainly infiltrated the American government and especially military and space agencies enough to know if something this large was being faked. Additionally, the Russians followed the American space activities both from ground and from space just as diligently as Americans observed Russians. There is simply no way such a huge fake could have gotten by the Soviet intelligence apparatus. But supposing it didn't -- what in the world was the reason for Soviet Union to keep it under the covers for all these years? I mean, it would have been a <u>beautiful</u> opportunity to expose and ridicule the capitalists, don't you think?!

I am; therefore I think.

[This message has been edited by Boris (edited July 21, 1999).]
It's bad already that there are people
who believe in theories such as "Aliens
being God" and "Aliens walking among us,"
but do you have to go around saying
B.S. about Men never having walked on
the moon?
I can remember reading an article about this a couple of years ago. Although it did focus on a slightly different angle, that is that NASA did actually put a person on the Moon, but not when they said they did.

There`s lots of evidence to overwhelmingly prove people went to the Moon. The most obvious is 350Kg of moon rock that was brought back. However, the popular theory examined was that Kennedy placed an impossible deadline, a promise to the American people that this would be achieved before the end of the decade. In the light of this it`s believed that the initial claims of a landing was an elaborate lie, the first real landing was speculated to be Apollo 15.

May be it`s all untrue, but we always say the big lies are the ones we believe the most.
This sort of ties in to all this..

I was surfing the web late one night about 2 years ago and came across this web site (I wish I could find it again) but the person was a hard line Government coverup type person who basically if the gov said the sky was blue he would have proof that the sky was really green with pink and yellow stripes..

Anyway the guy was proposing all this "proof" that the moon landings never actually happened because we were not advanced enough to do this. Not that strange since I think 11% of the population thinks the moon landings were a hoax. But what was funny he also had "proof" that the government sent people to Mars in 1926, and had established a Mars Base in the 30's.

Pointless post I know but I just found the whole paradox<?> funny..

Everone knows the moon is made of cheese. A heavy space craft would sink right through. No cheese in the world is strong enough to support a moon landing.

You know it to be so
It's interesting to note that most of the people who don't believe we ever walked on the moon think that professional wrestling is real.