Men In Black


Secret double agent deer
Registered Senior Member
Let me start off by saying please no comments on the movies, alright? We all know the movie took the idea from people reporting about this stuff not the other way around... and what was up with that sequil how could you make a sequil to that movie suck so mcuh it showed so much promice as a sequil kind of movie then that blah comes out... back on topic!

Yes, men in black those guys who some abductees, and UFO seeing type folks claim have appeared to them and threatened/interrogated them about their encounter.

The Department of Homeland Security has just a few days ago been established in the US, and its the biggest reorginization since the Department of Defence. The new department combines 22 former law enforcement agincies into a big super agency that is supposed to be able to spot someone who so much has a terrorist like thought a mile away.

The point is, does anyone think there will be a noticed change, increase/decrease/new procedure with the men in black? Do you think whatever secret agency they are a part of will be affected by this reorganization in any direct or indirect way?

The proof of the pudding is if, gangs and organized crime disappears, then you can say the Homeland security is working.

Think about it. They found $113 million dollars they think going to the terrorists. What about the illegal drug business that is probably the size of $25 billion dollars?

And about extraterrestials? Our relationship with them wont change, but I wonder, why they are not using the same technology in Israel?
Let's also talk about Santa In Black, The Seven Dwarves In Black, Priests and Ministers in Black, Being in the Black and not in the Red. What's wrong with you, treating fiction as if it was really OUT THERE in our physical reality? Do some BASIC research and you'll find that the creation of Men In Black came from an individual's mind who must be laughing at you in his grave. I got a Black bridge I'd like to sell, interested? And, please, don't challenge me on this, I've been a UFOOLogist since 1958. I've forgotten more about MIBs than you'll ever learn.

Well I think the reason they are not using this technology in Israel is because I didn't mention a technology and neither did you so theres that answer. Unless you are talking about some kind of technology that you think is inherently linked with the Men in Black? If so youll have to expound on that some more.

Also the homeland security department wont be concerning itself with gangs and organized crime, there are regular police forces and the FBI to deal with those two respectivly, the homeland security departments jurisdiction is strictly forign terrorist threats.

That isnt to say that once there arent enough threats to fully occupie the attentin of this massive new department that they wont turn their sights inward and begin slowly classifying more mundaine crimes as terrorist acts and claiming jurisdiction over those. but thats another thread, probably for one of the other boards.

What im really interested in hearing is theorys people may be speculating on as to if this shift will affect anything like say the MIB's funding, or are they attatched to the government at all? Maybe the department they were once secretly a member of is now part of the homeland security department and with new people in charge perhaps real information may come to light about them.

Its not completely absurd to think that they may be a part of some obscure minor department, almost every department in the executive branch has its own swat teams, special highly trained quick responce police types. Is it insane to think that maybe during the cold war when espionage was so in vouge that these government departments started forming their own little espionage corps (the same way they like to keep their swat teams now) and one of these, groups (having little or nothing to do because the department of fish and game or atomic energy commission really dosnt have much use for swat teams or espionage groups but they like to have em anyway cause thats how beuracracy works) took intrest in extraterestrials as a possible threat to their department and these are the mythical Men in Black...

wow i just said a lot. anyone else with any other speculation? any real life encounters with them?
As Stryder Explained in one of my Answer me thread (First thread on Sciforums) on Intelligence forums,I might know how to build those memory zappers.All you gotta do is flash the electrical signal to depolarize and disorient magnetic poles in the brain.and that is not very difficult i beilieve...

It is easy to zap the short term memory (3 to 4 days) than the long term memory where it is basically turns into metadata and reconstruction algorithm.

People who have done research using psychiatric patients and volunteers, report that even mild electric shocks to specific areas of the head can scramble short term memory. I have used high lumens of color and strobes in a relaxation session and got unusual results.
Originally posted by Avatar
can you please tell more?

Well, simply put, the lady (my subject) got horny - without just cause because she was one of my regular students and that is a no-no in my book. Next day, she had the best day at work as if on a mood elevator. For the next 3 to 4 days she was overly happy. I minimized my contact for a week or so and abandoned my research in this area.