members and respect YO


Do we take proper sciforum members (the ones that pay for their avatar and stuff) more seriously than members who do not pay for the privileges?

I could have made this into a poll of course, but I loath polls. Reminds me of politics?
If anything I would LOSE respect for someone that would PAY for an avatar, seems like an odd thing to do, but thats just my opinion and I don't even have an avatar. :p
i'm really gullible...if i see an avatar i immediately think that this person must be really important.

I stopped thinking a long time ago and put my brain in automatic. My life is now governed by reflexes and instincts. Naturally a dressed up monkey looks more intelligent than a naked monkey. Both are funny, but i'd rather buy insurance from a dressed up monkey, that is if the monkey is wearing a suit instead of a dress.
Originally posted by spuriousmonkey
Do we take proper sciforum members (the ones that pay for their avatar and stuff) more seriously than members who do not pay for the privileges?

I could have made this into a poll of course, but I loath polls. Reminds me of politics?

Avatar is hard to fail , but it is worse never to have tried to succeed in avatarism....
You'd buy insurance from a monkey???!!!!

Your avatar comment is how society too often is, according to the gullibilty quotient you used to ascribe to. That is mere window dressing, or fancy clothing. We should all run around naked, and in here, luckily, we can! :eek:
Originally posted by Weiser_Dub
You'd buy insurance from a monkey???!!!!

Your avatar comment is how society too often is, according to the gullibilty quotient you used to ascribe to. That is mere window dressing, or fancy clothing. We should all run around naked, and in here, luckily, we can! :eek:

so you are actually saying that it is good that we have to pay for avatars here, because most people won't. And the more people are naked the better the world is.
Originally posted by spuriousmonkey
so you are actually saying that it is good that we have to pay for avatars here, because most people won't. And the more people are naked the better the world is.

Spurious , have you read the book the naked ape....we are all on a spiral back down....:cool:
Originally posted by IXL777
Spurious , have you read the book the naked ape....we are all on a spiral back down....:cool:

read it? I made the cover for the book

Originally posted by spuriousmonkey
yes...and now i ruined my own thread

Well Avatars are like your alter-ego..your second skin...your best friend!!:cool:
I was wondering how many posts it takes before you reach happiness. I have over 1000 posts now, but still didn't get any satisfaction.
Originally posted by spuriousmonkey
I was wondering how many posts it takes before you reach happiness. I have over 1000 posts now, but still didn't get any satisfaction.

its not the number its the content!:D