Melchizedek another God?

Is Melchizedek another God? (Your interpretation of the Scripture)

  • Yes

    Votes: 4 33.3%
  • No

    Votes: 8 66.7%

  • Total voters


Searching for Truth
Valued Senior Member
"1This Melchizedek was king of Salem and priest of God Most High. He met Abraham returning from the defeat of the kings and blessed him, 2and Abraham gave him a tenth of everything. First, his name means "king of righteousness"; then also, "king of Salem" means "king of peace." 3Without father or mother, without genealogy, without beginning of days or end of life.."
Hebrews 7:1-3

For a person "Without father or mother, without geneology, without beginning of days or end of life" is surely a describtion of God.

So is Melchizedek another God?

Peace be upon you :)
Well, nowadays, you could make a hamburger your god and no one would care but that is not the question...

So, first, that guy sounds like an orphan, but the thing about "without beginning of days or end of life" surely sounds like immortality, so he may be a god. That would not surprise me, other gods are mentioned in the bible (Baal for example). But he could still be a "false" god, for whatever the description is worth.

Anyway, I think he may be a god.


Ever did a google search on that Melchizedek guy? Some pretty interesting stuff comes up, and he is obviously not considered a god...

For what it is worth:
So is Melchizedek another God?

No he was not another God.

He was a King of salem and a priest of the God. He met Abraham and gave him a blessing.

All Praise The Ancient of Days
I know he is not considered a God.

But I'm not asking about your considerations. I am asking that the characterists of this person in the bible are surely of God's.

Adstar tell me, who is someone without beginning nor end except God?

In other words who is Eternal except God?

Peace be upon you :)
Why did you ask a question then if you know there is only one God?

Let me ask you a question. Did you read the book of Hebrews and come to the scripture you have brought hear? Or did you pick it up from somewhere else? have you read the scripture within it's context or did you receive it isolated by itself?

All Praise The Ancient of Days
Yo 786,

Good question, but on investigation not quite so cut and dried.



"The belief that Melchizedek was Christ rests on three erroneous assumptions about Hebrews 7:3, shown by the superscripted numbers in the passage above.

The first is the argument that since Melchizedek is said to be without father, mother, and genealogy, he has to be eternal and therefore the Son of God. However, many have failed to see that the author does not use the terms "without father" (apatoor), "without mother" (ametoor), and "without genealogy" (agenealogetos) literally in this passage.

The concept presented by the author is not that Melchizedek lacked an actual father, mother, or family tree, but that there is no record of his parents and lineage. The Mosaic law required that all priests be descendants of the tribe of Levi. Those who were not Levites could not be priests under the law. Melchizedek is introduced in Genesis 14:18-20 as priest of the Most High God, but no details are given about him. Under the law, he was not qualified to be a priest."

I think this is a pretty reasonable explanation for the statement: "3Without father or mother, without genealogy, without beginning of days or end of life.."

But intruigingly from:


The Coming of Melchizedek

It is written about him in the Songs of David ; "A godlike being has taken his place in the council of God; in the midst of divine beings he holds judgement" (Ps. 82;1).

Scripture also says about him ; "Over it take your seat in the highest heaven; A divine being will judge the peoples" (Ps. 7;7-8) Concerning what scripture says; "How long will you judge unjustly, and show partiality with the wicked? Selah" (Ps. 82;2)

So the question is, just how many godlike beings are there in Christian and Judaic tradition? These same qualities above were bestowed upon Jesus.

Well if you read further it does mention that jesus takes over Mel's job, so the answer can be given in two ways:

1) He was, but not anymore

2) No, and neither is jesus.

More on this interesting topic. :)

Excerpts from:

There are a number of interesting parallels between Melchizedek and Jesus:

1. Both were characterized as priests ordained specifically by God, rather than by man. Neither was eligible under Jewish law and tradition to be considered priests: Melchizedek was a Gentile, and Jesus was not of the priestly tribe of Levi. Both represented a dimension above the law with divine ordination.

2. King of Salem means King of Peace, and Jesus was heralded and proclaimed the Prince of Peace.

3. Melchizedek was both a priest and a king. Jesus' priesthood is documented in Hebrews, and he was known by the sign on his cross as "King of the Jews."

4. In giving his blessing to Abram, Melchizedek brought forth bread and wine, traditional memorials of offering and sacrifice. Similarly Jesus, in blessing his disciples before his trial and crucifixion, offered bread and wine as symbols of his body and blood and of the sacrifice he was to make.

5. In tablets excavated at Tell el Amama dating back to 1400 B.C., Jerusalem is referred to as Uru-Salem, and in Psalm 76:2 (a psalm written by Asaph, who incidentally the Cayce readings say was another incarnation of the Master soul) Jerusalem is simply called Salem. Most scholars have concluded, as did first century Jewish historian Josephus, that Jerusalem was originally known as Salem. If so, then Melchizedek was king of the city where Jesus eventually was crucified and ended his ministry.

Some early Christians did apparently understand the full implication of the connection between Melchizedek and Jesus. A footnote to Genesis 14:17-26 in the Jerusalem Bible states that several of the early Church Fathers "even held the opinion that Melchizedek was a manifestation of the Son of God in person.

The name "Melchizedek" has generally been translated, from Josephus to modern scholars, to mean King or Lord of Righteousness.' With this meaning in mind, the following messianic prophecy by the great Hebrew prophet Jeremiah becomes very significant:

"In his days Judah will be saved, and Israel will dwell securely. And this is the name by which he will be called: "The Lord is our righteousness."
(Jeremiah 23:6)

Is not Jeremiah identifying the anticipated messiah as Melchizedek? "The Lord is our righteousness" is the actual, literal meaning of the name "Melchizedek."


Even Jesus seemed to imply that he may have been Melchizedek when he said:
"Your father Abraham rejoiced that he was to see my day; he saw it, and was glad. The Jews then said to him, "You are not yet fifty years old, and have you seen Abraham?" Jesus said to them, "Truly, truly, I say to you, before Abraham was, I am." (John 8:56-58)

Ahem. :m:
Melchizedek was one of the early incarnation of Jesus. important incarnations of Jesus in the world's history. In the beginning as Amilius, as Adam, as Melchizedek, as Zend, as Ur, as Asaph, as Jeshua-Joseph-(Joshua)- Jesus
I will put more details
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Melchizedek was one of the early incarnation of Jesus. important incarnations of Jesus in the world's history. In the beginning as Amilius, as Adam, as Melchizedek, as Zend, as Ur, as Asaph, as Jeshua-Joseph-(Joshua)- Jesus I will put more details

M*W: Taken from Acharya S., The Christ Conspiracy: The Greatest Story Ever Sold, she states:

"The mysterious king of Salem, Melchizedek, or Adonizedek, as he is also called in the Book of Jasher, is mentioned in the OT as the priest of the Most High God (El Elyon) who blessed Abraham."

(The 'Most High God' refers to the Sun). ~ M*W

"In fact, the christian gnostics considered the Order of Melchizedek a savior-god higher than Jesus: "Melchizedek was the savior for angels (stars), while christ was only the savior for men."

"Jeru-salem was 'the House of Peace,' or the god Salem, whose earlier city was ruled by Melchizedek (Genesis 14), the 'King of Light' called Melek or Molech in Phoenicia."

~ Walker, Barbara, The Woman's Dictionary of Symbols and Sacred Objects.

"Molech is the sun and fire god, originally from Persia and India, and worshipped by the Canaanites."

~ Higgins, Godfrey, Esq., Anacalypsis.

"Moloch was a god of the Ammonites, also worshiped among the Israelites. Solomon allegedly built a temple to him, on the Mount of Olives, and human sacrifices were offered to him."

~ Doane, T.W., Bible Myths and Their Parallels in Other Religions.

"Sacrifice to Moloch/Molech was by burning, and when the "sons of Judah" thus incinerated their children (Jeremiah 7:31), drums were beaten and instruments were played to drown out the screams."

"The baptism of Molech or Melchom was likewise by fire, which is why Christ, as high priest of the Order of Melchizedek, was said to baptize by fire. It is this baptism by fire, as well as imolation by fire, as in burnt offerings, that distinguishes the Order of Melchizedek; hence, when mention of the Order is made in the Bible, it serves as a reference to these rites, the practitioners of which are considered the "true" priesthood.

~ Walker, Barbara, The Woman's Dictionary of Symbols and Sacred Objects.

"The 'sons of Zadok' were the high priests, the only ones allowed to go to the north part of the temple to offer burnt offerings. The offering by burning is a mark of the cult of Molech, which, as we have seen, is being vindicated in the Zadokite Document. The cult of Molech has been demonstrated to be the same as the Order of Melchizedek, whose name 'king of Righteousness' could also be written 'king of Zadok.' As expected, Melchizedek takes an important role in the Zadokite literature. In one of the scrolls (11Q Melch), Melchizedek is depicted as the 'savior-king who will bring peace and salvation to the faithful and consign punishment to the wicked and who will also mediate divine forgiveness for the former on the Final Day of Atonement."

~Gaster, Theodore, The Dead Sea Scriptures.

"And Melchizedek will avenge the vengeance of the judgments of God... your Elohim reigns... And your Elohim is Melchizedek...".

~ Vermes, Geza, The Dead Sea Scrolls.

"The Zadokite brotherhood thus considered Melchizedek, or 'righteous Molech,' to be their El or god. Molech, as noted, is the voracious deity to whom the Israelites sacrificed their children by burning, beating drums and playing instruments to drown out their screams. That the Zadokites were worshippers of the Elohim and Adonai is also demonstrated with the Zadokite author says, "No one is to take the oath by EL--or by AD--" abbreviations utilized out of respect for the Divinities. As we have also seen, Molech, El and the various Elohim/Adonai represent aspects of the sun, and the esoteric sun-worshipping of the Zadokites/Sadducees of the scrolls is further evidenced by the fact that they used a solar calendar as opposed to the Judean lunar calendar. It should also be recalled that horoscopes were found at the Dead Sea, further demonstrating that the composers were esoteric adherents of the old solar religion. Also as related, the synagogues of Galilee/northern Israel, whence evidently came at least some of these Zadokites, commonly had zodiacs in mosaics on their floors."

~ Acharya S., The Christ Conspiracy: The Greatest Story Ever Sold
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