Melbourne, America, and the War Against Terror (tm)


§Þ@ç€ MØnk€¥
Registered Senior Member
Today the university computer club had a debate organised with their opposites in the Malaysia campus. A bad day for it really, since the topic was "America should mind its own business". I had thought we were on the positive side, so last night I came up with heaps of material and sent it to the people on our campus's side. Today, however, I found we were on the negative side instead, so sat in with the debating group and helped out, writing points down and handing over info, all that stuff. Apparently I was useful. Our campus won.

Anyway, before the debate I had two exams, and after the exams I went to the campus pub for a few vodkas with some classmates. Maybe more than a few. So I got a little sloshed, and mentioned the coming debate, and discussed it for a while with this Lebanese chap. Apart from him thinking I make a very funny drunk, we were discussing this whole war on terror thing. This chap loves Australia, loves Melbourne. We agreed that one of the very groovy things about Melbourne is that is full of people from everywhere. People say Melbourne has the largest Greek population of any city outside Athens. There are entire suburbs of Vietnamese or Italians or whatever. Basically, Melbourne wouldn't be Melbourne without all these people from other countries all over the place. It's really quite groovy.

The funny thing is that while absolutely blotto on vodka I was very useful in that debate. :D
*Xev yawns at ChristCrusher*

Hey twit, you want to give me tickets to Oz, just PM me with your bank account info. But I'd come back.

Adamski, are you ever NOT sloshed?