Mediums could become Extra Large suits


Keeper of "good" ideas.
Valued Senior Member
"A change in the (UK) law could mean mediums, psychics and healers face prosecution if they cannot justify their claims. Spiritualists are delivering a mass petition to Downing Street and complaining that a genuine religion is being discriminated against."

On one side of the fence you have all those that claim (delusionally) to believe such things and that they should be treated much like a mainstream religion. (If I had my way, the main stream religious would be identified as Cargo cults anyway)

The other side says... Well about time, all those uneducated foolish people lowers the over all countries Mean IQ. (well not so much the Size ratio to intelligence, but more the "too stupid to realise they are being conned" factor.)

Could this mean the future of such people having to undergo Scientific principles when suggesting their para-psychological "gifts".... It's not before time.
Who will decide what needs to be challenged? How will the government enforce this? This seems like a huge waste of resources. I think it wont be enforcable.

There is a positive aspect: trying to protect people from con-artists; however, I don't think people can really be protected from their own stupidity. They'll be cheated out of their money one way or another regardless. Also, mainstream religions such as parts of Christianity have people who make ridiculous claims that can't be justified. This seems like unfair discrimination- unfair because only certain types of unjustifiable beliefs are being challenged.

As for people who geniunely believe in psychic powers and such, their freedom will be greatly infringed upon.

Many pagans believe that they are persecuted, and I don't want to see them have something real to back up those beliefs of persecution.

My other problem with this is that I don't think "hard science" accurately reflects the real world because we don't know everything. We shouldn't limit ourselves by assuming that what we know is absolutely correct. Lastly, science is subject to monetary motives. The more we use science as the standard to determine what is philosophically correct, the more the integrity of science will be infringed upon because those with money want to shut down a certain way of thinking for nefarious reasons. Diversity of thought actually helps society, even if many people are wrong.

I do believe in psychic powers to some extent. There is a ton of bs out there, but that is a symptom of the world we live in, and shouldn't be an excuse to ignore psychism completely. This is the kind of thing I would except from the British though...
I do believe in psychic powers to some extent. There is a ton of bs out there, ...

But that would be the idea, to get rid of the Bs...

If you have a healer who takes £5,000 of someone who has a serious illness, and the person dies, even though the person may well have died anyway...should'nt the healer have to justify their claims at spiritual healing or are they just simply conning money out of people who have no other option, but to put their faith in smooth talking strangers who may be without qualifications and track record in 'curing people'..

As for the delussional aspect it would get rid of %99 of the kooks and a least leave room for seriousness....

Could this mean the future of such people having to undergo Scientific principles when suggesting their para-psychological "gifts".... It's not before time.

I met someone who claimed to have lived before in Egyptian times, not to rarer claim so I did not dispute it...but after..
using the kings chamber to reach other dimensions,
memories of being around before the big bang,
memories of the big bang,
memories of mankind's pre-existence(on earth) in space,
regular out of body experiences,
talking to dead people,
meeting people who they knew in a previous life,
being able to control/move matter,
being able to bend time,
only existing in his current (host) body since 7 years old,
remembering being taken over at 7,
able send people to sleep,
able to stop traffic with their mind,
meditate to reach other dimensions....
there is plenty more

I find myself at a loss on how to point out the flaw's in his logic....
or able to point out why I can't take him seriously...when I point out a flaw, then i'm either being narrow-minded or just don't understand.

It should be law to undergo scientific test's to prove a gift:scratchin:but better start building an extension in bedlam as those who fail the test would be suffering from something else, would those who fail the test be open-minded enough to accept that their claims were wrong/mistaken or would they continue to believe, and if they continued to believe after being proved wrong, would that mean they were probably suffering from a type of delussional mental illness
Will this apply to things like acupuncture, acupressure and traditional medicine?
The mediums didn't see this coming.

Joking apart, if anyone can tell me about a medium that does not use
tricks that any decent confidence trickster would reject as too obvious,
and a disgrace to his craft, let me know.

I do not believe in mediums but would love to be proved wrong.
Will this apply to things like acupuncture, acupressure and traditional medicine?

acupuncture pre-dates most sciences and as far as I know is only known to work with some conditions...but I would rather have somebody who is registered sticking needles in me than somebody who may have never done it before.

I think most medicines are registered/tested which is why we do not see ''cure all syrups" on the shelf....
If someone is going to make a profit by helping somebody there should be some control in the validation of the help.
"A change in the (UK) law could mean mediums, psychics and healers face prosecution if they cannot justify their claims. Spiritualists are delivering a mass petition to Downing Street and complaining that a genuine religion is being discriminated against."

On one side of the fence you have all those that claim (delusionally) to believe such things and that they should be treated much like a mainstream religion. (If I had my way, the main stream religious would be identified as Cargo cults anyway)

The other side says... Well about time, all those uneducated foolish people lowers the over all countries Mean IQ. (well not so much the Size ratio to intelligence, but more the "too stupid to realise they are being conned" factor.)

Could this mean the future of such people having to undergo Scientific principles when suggesting their para-psychological "gifts".... It's not before time.

They will just do what was done in the US. Classify the BS as "adult entertainment".