

I thought this was such a cool picture.

Peace? It is the result of sheer exhaustion, that's all. Your attempts to control or suppress your thoughts only tire you out, making you sort of battle-weary. That is the effortlessness and peace of mind you are experiencing from meditation. It is not peace.
Even though this video is an advertisement for a game, I just thought it was soooo coool!!

"If every 8 year old in the world is taught meditation, we will eliminate violence from the world within one generation". Dalai Lama

I have great respect for the Dalai Lama, but I'm skeptical about that remark.

Teaching elementary-age children beginning meditation, how to calm and center themselves, would probably do them a lot more good than some of the things they are taught. I favor that.

But 'eliminating violence' within a generation sounds like a utopian dream to me. It suggests that expanding meditation teaching will quickly bring the world's entire population to something approaching enlightenment.

The Buddha himself never seems to have had that kind of expectation.
Ah .. the Dalai Lama quote in the pic, above. Seems he's a bit of a hypocrite. I've never thought of him to be anything other than a political animal ..

Then I'm assuming you haven't read any of his books, many of which clearly have no political bias or mention of politics at all.
Then I'm assuming you haven't read any of his books, many of which clearly have no political bias or mention of politics at all.

You assume correctly. And I have no doubt as to many of his books having no political bias.

I was contrasting the quote in the pic to the links I provided. There was also quite a powerful TV article recently, from one of the investigative programs, which went into this.