Meditation/trip expereinces?


Registered Senior Member
I was curious to see if anyof you have had any meaningfull/totaly cool experinces while meditating or using Salvia, peyote, mushrooms etc?

I'll start with what happened to me yesterday, which inspired me to start this thread...

I opened the windows to ventilate the room where the air has been stagnant and stale for many months now(winter). And in the draught I sat down to do my daily meditation. I started off with a usual breath counting method, nothing unusual for the first 15 minutes. But arround this time the wind started building up, I could hear it gently howling and rusteling outside. I was gradualy filled with a great calm, so much that I forgot all about my counting and simply listened to the wind blowing. With the wind the curtain would first be sucked towards the window, and then blow in towards the room. I soon found that my breathing was synchronizing(or rather it was folowing my breathing) with the expanding and detracting curtain, there was a rythm to it, inhaling and exhaling, the curtain following my breath. The wind outside rushing along with my emotions. I then felt that I was breathing along with the earth, that it's being was indistinguishable from my being.
I brought myself slowly back, and closed the windows. I don't think it's too usual for the wind to be this rythmic, but what do I know?
It may seem boring, but I remain changed by the experience, I have a few more from herb trips etc, this one happened yesterday so I remember it best.

Please share yours!:cool: