Meditation-facts and fiction

Pollux V

Ra Bless America
Registered Senior Member
For those of you who can succesfully meditate this thread is for you! I'd really like to learn how to do it succesfully, and I have the time if you have the information. Thanx for reading!
I have done meditation. It's really relaxing. And if you smhow shut down all external sounds tht can be done in boring lessons also (I do tht in german classes).
First - take a comfortable possition, but DON'T cross anything (legs, arms, fingers), because then "energy" is inproperly transfered through your body. I say -energy-, but really don't know what's that. You may try during meditation cross your arms and then you'll feel tht smth else is crossing (like disturbing streams of smthing).
Put on some music (there are a lot of meditation music). I prefer Mike Oldfiels and native American.
Next - immagine a place what you find fantastic (last time for me it was - my by a beautiful river, sitting by the shore, big green valley, singing birds, hearing of waves, sun -( going from dusk till midday during meditation), feeling the warmth of the sun, feeling emotions like happyness, joy. etc.
For the best results record your voice giving directions with interval after each phrase (you a river......the slowly...flowing by......there are beautiful trees......among the shores.........on the trees there are singing birds..... all is green.....isun is slowly's early morning....sun light is slowly spreading across the feel's fresh and smells... like pine trees....sun is feel warmth....sun rays go gentle by your start to shine....little drops of water...are look into river....see your reflection......all is shining ....all is feel're all alone....all your problems..are far away....everyone you know is very far from you etc etc).

It really calms me and makes me feel better.
If you want you can get some books on meditation, but try not to buy "bestsellers" about tht. they are comercialised and made for ordinary stupid public.

hope this was a little bit helpful
Meditation for me is often marked by frustration at not being able to hold an image. I frequently like to envision alein landscapes, impossible exagerations of existing ones, landscape art, living landscape art, or plain abstract living art... Of course, I've always got music on in the background, sometimes classical, other times baroque, other times specified relaxation tapes, or alot of the times dark ambient music such as Sigur Ros, Stigmata Soundtrack. Of course, because of this it's more difficult to imagine sounds, smells, thoughts, and hence I'm unable to re-enforce the image so it's often fleeing. Often around the fourty minute mark the visions become more vivid with creative uses of imagery. But even in the best of instances I'm still often left somewhat unfufilled. Unlike Avatar, I don't have a means of recording my voice handy, though if I did I could see myself having more instances of successful meditation. As well, I find that not having a pillow or blanket or even laying on a bed helps as well. Because I'm re-enforicing to my mind that I'm not going to sleep, but meditating. I could also really use a wider scope of musical landscapes because listening to the same old ones gets tiresome for the purpose...

Anyway, thats my experience with it.
I record all the sounds on my pc.
and then combine them with musical background. sorry, it's the other way round. voice in deep background and music as the first layer.
A basic microphone costs ~4$ american .
I tried it but didn't discover anything of much value. The only challenge was learning how to quiet the mind. Other than that, it had no value for me.
Boring. If I'm gonna hangout in there, I would rather play with my imagination. But even that has limited value these days. Anyway, it wasn't very enlightening.
sometimes reality is boring (like german classes),
immagination is like a virtual reality kit always with you, just have to know ow to use it.

to me meditation isn't boring and I find it quite entertaining
(smtimes I meditate, like I'm Alexander the Great and taking over the world - tht's not boring)

There are many types of meditation, but I think I can categorize them into two types. (1) Focusing on something, (2) Quiet mind.

I meditate to relieve stress, and that requires deep relaxation. So anything that requires concentration or focusing will prevent true relaxation.

I took up TM (Transcendental Meditation) in 1977, and became a TM-Sidhi in 1986.

The idea is that if the mind is active then you can’t relax, so the TM technique helps you free your mind of thoughts. Think of those times when you’ve tried to sleep but can’t because your mind is too active. Any form of relaxation is going to be blocked if your mind is filled with thoughts.

You’ve probably heard of illnesses caused by stress and worry, but these are physical conditions caused by mental activities. This should tell you that the mind and the physiology are intricately linked. And it works both ways. If you have ever had a fever then you will likely have experienced hallucinations and strange dreams. Here the physiology is affecting the mind.

Those who exercise regularly usually also feel mentally invigorated and alert as well.

One might say that sleep creates relaxation, and it does to a point, but remember you dream for most of your sleep time and that means your mind is active.

The deepest form of relaxation you can achieve is through meditation where you are able to stop yourself thinking. Sounds easy huh? So try sitting still for 15 minutes without thinking. You’ll fail within a few seconds.

What TM does, after some practice, is to allow your mind to come to rest and stay that way for 20 minutes. The technique requires you to begin with an unrecognizable sound that you can repeat to yourself in the back of your mind. This sound repeated silently and slowly allows your mind to drift downwards and become quiet. But you don’t focus or concentrate on the sound, you simply allow the sound to drift away as well. After a while thoughts will naturally rise up and as soon as you become aware of them you simply return to that quiet and pleasant background sound and sink downwards again.

The background sound, as you’ve probably guessed is known as a mantra, but in TM it is never voiced and each person has their own customized version.

When your mind becomes free of thought both your entire body and mind experience a state of very deep relaxation. In such a state the body’s natural repair mechanisms become significantly more efficient.

When the meditation period is over the body will continue to feel relaxed for some time afterwards. Repeated meditation say twice a day will keep the body and mind in a constant relaxed state and operating at peak efficiencies.

Meditating outside in the open is probably not such a good idea. Distractions from the surroundings and insects do tend to disrupt quality mediation. The best place is indoors sitting in a comfortable armchair in a silent environment. Early mediators will find that once they reach a deep state of meditation they will tend to jump a mile even if a pin drops. One learns fairly quickly that most noises can be easily ignored, one simply allows them to exist and they never cause a distraction, although having quiet music in the background is generally a bad idea. Although I have to admit I can very successfully meditate at unpleasantly loud parties or in airport lounges, or other noisy environments. I do find I can mentally shut out the world whenever I need to.

The cross-legged or lotus position, while a classic position for easterners is not particularly comfortable for most westerners. A comfortable chair is definitely the best position.

However, if you are trying yogic flying then the lotus position is best. Mainly because as you bounce around there is a tendency to come down hard and that is painful on the knees if you are simply cross-legged. But achieving a lotus position takes some practice and requires a significant degree of suppleness.

Yogic flying is an early attempt at levitation in a strange sort of way. Once basic TM has been mastered then it is possible to introduce special thought packets into the quiet state. These are known as sutras. The flying sutra creates a surge of energy that is, well kinda very pleasant. But the energy has to go somewhere so you tend to fly a few inches into the air. After a while you find you can control these effects, but they are best done on the floor on soft mattresses or something similar. And I think at this point you aren’t going to understand much more until you’ve tried it yourself.

Hope that helps.
Everyone thank you very, very much I had no idea this thread would be as popular as it is. I'm up to my left ear in work to do and can't get a second off until wednesday, at that time I'll sort through all of this data and begin practicing. Besides wanting to learn how to do it as a basic skill there's also this website I found that said that you could travel through time by meditating, saying only very experienced people could do it. I'll show everyone the site later (even though it may be total b.s) when I find it but for those of you that know how to meditate this is what they basically said:

Imagine yourself in a place devoid of anything except a building. Inside the building there is a movie theatre with a seat and a remote control. On the remote control there are two buttons: one for travelling forward through time and one for travelling backward (I'd imagine the fast-forward and rewind insignias). Upon pressing either button you'll see what you want to on the tv screen. Whoever can meditate make sure to try this out and tell me what you see!

Meanwhile, this is the website with the information on it somewhere. Check it out, even if all of it is bs it's still fun to read. Again, thanks for your help.
I could be wrong, but I believe that meditation is also used for the purpose of sharpening one's ability to focus on the moment at hand, to realize lifes moment and one's self, the idea being that people waste too much time in their thoughts and spend too little time living in the moment.

Something like eating an apple while busy with your thoughts. You're not really eating the apple, but rather, you are eating your thoughts.