

Worship me or suffer eternally
Valued Senior Member
Can anyone explain to me how one goes in to the state of meditation?

I've always thought that you just have to get in a comfortable position, close eyes and relax. This doesn't really have any special effect on me, so I was wondering what I am supposed to feel while meditating.

Also, is there anything special that you can do while meditating, such as visualising yourself in another world that one can create with one's imagination, sort of like lucid dreaming?

Or reach one's unconscious mind and communicate with it. If this is possible, would it be possible to recall information from one's unconscious, such as events from the past?
From my understanding Mediation is not about exploring some sort of esoteric ambition but more about learing to control those ambitions.
If you are going to use mediation as a way of furthering an ambition this is not realy meditation but another form or concentration.

Normally mediation is about achieving stillness of mind and not about maintaining activity.
Essentially the idea is to get to a position of neutral center so that you bring balance to your life in general.

Instead of chasing one craving after another meditation if successful, means that you can learn to choose your cravings rather than have those cravings choose you. Chasing other dimensions and metaphysical projections is just pursuing another craving.
Why is this in parapsychology not psychology? :bugeye:
It's an exercise for psyche not some spirit calling or astral walking.
Well, meditation is not a philosophy really, it's just a process and a state of mind.
It doesn't have to be a state of mind of some particular philosophy or religion follower.
IMO of course
Agreed, but it does lend itself to the Eastern Philosophy section since that's where most of modern-day meditation practices originated.
Avatar said:
Why is this in parapsychology not psychology? :bugeye:
It's an exercise for psyche not some spirit calling or astral walking.
It's in parapsychology because the thread starter wanted to use meditation to explore para psych realms.
As we have suggested though, this is not what meditation is normally about.
i use meditation for many many reasons, to find my center, to unlock things, to relax, to test my mental strenth and endurance, many more.
I have been really interested in the psychic skills for about two years (school interferes though) and my understanding of meditation is this:

You get in a comfortable position and relax, push all of the thoughts out of your mind and focus (focusing on breathig helps me). Then you sit for an amount of time that you have predetermined (or not). Since time is relative, the time may either speed or slow when your meditating (it seems to speed up for me).

As far as special things while meditating, of course! There is what is called mind training when you imagine that you are fighting other people or training by yourself in a remote place, this is from a deep state of meditation and it takes time to learn, but after about 20 hours of mind training you will notice that your reflexes have gotten faster. Astral projection (lucid dreaming) is actually a form of meditation itself, so you can do that.

After meditation, I usually feel quite energized or at peace with nature, but it takes time to learn how to do it properly, so keep at it!
I don't close my eyes. I pay attention to my inner dialogue until it stops, then look around. It's kind of like waking up from a dream.
What I do is think of nothing/watch the's that simple, but is really tricky. There are lots of methods but I think the main thing is to focus on one specific thing until your brainwaves slow down to Alpha, Theta and finally Delta where things start getting interesting
using meditation to reach different realms is a matter pure chance. I dont blv i can do it personall, since i doze off after a minute of meditation, :D
It is the relaxing of the consciousness that is the key thing.
Getting comfy helps with relaxing the body so that it is easier to relax the mind. Focusing on breathing in and out helps beginers to relax as does thinging of nothingness. Focusing on creating an image in your mind helps block outside thoughts.
I like to focus on creating a ball of blue light.