Medical mistakes! and what can be done about them?

lucifers angel

same shit, differant day!!
Registered Senior Member
Medical mistakes! and what can be done about them? i dont know if any of you have suffered a medical mistake, but i have, i have been ill for the last 8 years not being able to work, not being able to carry my children, well when i moved i was offered what i thought was going to be the operation that ended all the pain i was constantly living in, so i went for the operation, and i thought i recovered from the operation i started playing with my kids started having a life, but after 6 months everything started again, so i was offered yet anouther operation, and that didnt work, and after tests after test i was offered yet another operation, and this time i said this is the last, so of i went for the operation, and i didnt help, now i have been told by a new Dr that all i needed was a course of tablets that stopped my stomach muscles contrating, so i am left unable to have children again, and the worse thing is i cant find a dr to go against my surgeon who so much butchered me. I am still not over it all now, and i dont think i ever will be i have been left dis trusting the medical community, and i dont think i ever will again.

so do any of you have any medical mistakes and how did you deal with it?
Doctors, Nurses, medical practioners, and anyone else in the medical field should not be permitted to work until they can prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that they're absolutely perfect, and that they know everything there is to know about the medical field and the human body.

Baron Max
Doctors, Nurses, medical practioners, and anyone else in the medical field should not be permitted to work until they can prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that they're absolutely perfect, and that they know everything there is to know about the medical field and the human body.

Baron Max

thats ok, but medical procedures are changing all the time, medicines are constantly changing, they cant possibly know everything, quite frankly i think they making to many mistakes and not paying for them,
so do any of you have any medical mistakes and how did you deal with it?

Go to a lawyer. The lawyer will find a doctor. If what you have said is accurate (or can be seen as accurate) a lawsuit could be worth large amounts and the lawyer will take care of everything. You will not even need to pay him or her, the lawyer will get a % of the winnings should there be any.

But, of course, doctors make mistakes and this is inevitable, bodies are incredibly complex and individual. Drs should know this and stop being so arrogant.
Doctors, Nurses, medical practioners, and anyone else in the medical field should not be permitted to work until they can prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that they're absolutely perfect, and that they know everything there is to know about the medical field and the human body.

Baron Max

On a mental level what you mean here (sarcastically conveyed) is correct. But it seems so emotionally cut off of to say it this way to someone who has gone through what she has. Does she really deserve to be the target of sarcasm. If it was someone simply dealing with the issue in the abstract, fine. Abstract idealism meets Abstract sarcasm. But here...
Medical mistakes..What can I say, I can think of at least 3 in my family alone. Not to talk about the traumas caused like angel said.

One general practical solution is to get a second opinion. And I try to go to doctors who are also university teachers. It's not any kind of guarantee but I feel a bit safer.
But it seems so emotionally cut off of to say it this way to someone who has gone through what she has.

And just how do you know that she actually went through anything like that? Just because she posted it on the Internet under an anonymous name? Do you believe everything you read on the Internet?

Does she really deserve to be the target of sarcasm.

Public forum; public has a right to respond in any way they choose ...well, mostly anyway.

Baron Max
And just how do you know that she actually went through anything like that? Just because she posted it on the Internet under an anonymous name? Do you believe everything you read on the Internet?

Public forum; public has a right to respond in any way they choose ...well, mostly anyway.

Baron Max

well i can tell you that it did happen (because it did) but its up to you no to believ me of course.
well i can tell you that it did happen (because it did) but its up to you no to believ me of course.

Even if true, your post was asking a general question about medical mistakes. Your experience was just an example, which didn't even have to be included in the original post.

Mistakes happen all phases of human life. Accidents happen all day, every day. People are killed every day, all day. People die all the time, all day, every day. Dying or being killed, purposely or accidentally, is part of living in the world. Not accepting that is ...somewhat arrogant and egotistical of humans, don't you think?

Baron Max
Hospital and doctor's have a spécial insurance if anything wrong happen during surgery ,in rare time a doctor can be radiate of the medical order if there is proof about making a mistakes and didnt tryed to repair immediatly or stop the surgery for not do more damage (need someone to testify evidence about that when that's happened,nurse /medical assistant)
if there is any evidence ,you have to see a lawyer for engage the hospital and doctor responsability.

in any way it's alwais better to speak to a lawyer befor start anything.
There is a huge difference between a medical mistake and malpractice.
My husband's Dr is the one that delivered him. The man is 82!!! My husband doesn't want to get another Dr because he's afraid he'll hurt his feelings. Wanna guess how many mistakes that quack makes? What he does is malpractice. But I have to hold my husband responsible for still going to him.
Well if you feel there have been mistakes you would need to go through the NHSLA and contact an attorney. The process is somewhat different then it is here (U.S.) where all physicians or hospitals/institutions, and staff are required to have malpractice insurance coverage to be able to practice.
Doctors, Nurses, medical practioners, and anyone else in the medical field should not be permitted to work until they can prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that they're absolutely perfect, and that they know everything there is to know about the medical field and the human body.

Baron Max

you do know you have stated something thats impossible right. i'd say we need to train more doctors and the like so they can work shorter shifts. the would be less tired and better able to do their jobs