"meat is murder" & "animal rights"


convince me or convict me
Registered Senior Member

the 'activists' (see also terrorists) involved will cry and plead for the latest cancer fighting drugs, and numerous other life saving treatments.

where do they think they come from?

Find the sick bastards responsible, and put them to the sword. an example must be made, digging up corpses to 'get at' the relatives shows a sickness and demented nature that cannot be resolved.

I doubt animal activists would seek benefit from research involving animals, they would probably rather die first. So, who did they harm in this case? A corpse? Corpses don't feel.
This is kind of sick (edit: Kind of? well, thats understating it a bit). I can totally understand their concerns about animal testing, but when you start putting the suffering of gerbils ABOVE (note, not equal to) the suffering of people, then you are no better than the people you are persecuting.

'They're cruel so we can be cruel too' does not justify their actions, but they obviously seem to think that it does. Animal rights activists like these people piss me off. To your average joe, who doesn't give too much of a damn about these animals, they are totally destroying any chance, or opportunity that other, more reasonable, animal rights activists, may have of being listened to.
the 'activists' (see also terrorists) involved will cry and plead for the latest cancer fighting drugs, and numerous other life saving treatments.
Were these guinea pigs in this case used to test 'life-saving treatments', or 'cosmetics'?
Yes, this kind of activism is totally unacceptable, such a huge attack over a trifling point, yet I suspect this thread is a straw man.
spidergoat said:
I doubt animal activists would seek benefit from research involving animals, they would probably rather die first. So, who did they harm in this case? A corpse? Corpses don't feel.

by that reasoning, i can be a bank robber, banks dont feel, what does a bank need money for.

in the same vein, go out, kill someone THEN take their belongings, as they are dead, they dont care. so although the law might get you for murder, the robbery part doesnt matter.

Anyway, back to planet earth, the burial site was desecrated, the body taken with the aim to cause mental anguish to the family.

i would be very interested to know which church this lady belonged to, and the manner in which she was buried. -

If this lady had been an ethnic minority, buried under the terms of whichever faith, could we expect this to be classed as an act of war against (for example) islam? And would the family be looking to wage a 'jihad' upon the activists/TERRORISTS.
phrogget said:
This is kind of sick (edit: Kind of? well, thats understating it a bit). I can totally understand their concerns about animal testing, but when you start putting the suffering of gerbils ABOVE (note, not equal to) the suffering of people, then you are no better than the people you are persecuting.

'They're cruel so we can be cruel too' does not justify their actions, but they obviously seem to think that it does. Animal rights activists like these people piss me off. To your average joe, who doesn't give too much of a damn about these animals, they are totally destroying any chance, or opportunity that other, more reasonable, animal rights activists, may have of being listened to.

Although i disagree totaly with the putrid vermin that have commit this crime, i have to admire their will to act instead of protest, i am a firm believer that protesting gets you nowhere and that direct action is the only way to change things.

Re: a million walk through london in protest at the iraq war.

The british people could learn an awful lot from the french people, when the french people dont like a decision, they dig their heels in and strike, stop everything and bring their country to a stand still (as well as hindering their neighbours)
mountainhare said:

Were these guinea pigs in this case used to test 'life-saving treatments', or 'cosmetics'?

not sure, but does it really justify their actions one way or the other.

James R said:
For another thread on animal rights, see:

Is eating meat morally wrong?

thanks for that, i have in fact read that thread, and contributed, i feel this thread to differ slightly, the clue is in the titles...

* Is eating meat morally wrong?

* "meat is murder" & "animal rights"
Communist Hamster said:
Yes, this kind of activism is totally unacceptable, such a huge attack over a trifling point, yet I suspect this thread is a straw man.

"yet I suspect this thread is a straw man"

please, do explain wont you :)
Animal rights activists and their extreme activitites are akin to the extreme activities of religious/political terrorists and I expect they are driven in exactly the same way.

Desecrating corpses is sick and inhumane, you don't solve a problem with inhumanity by becoming inhumane yourself. All you do is prove what a strong motivating force inhumanity is and how much pleasure is clearly derived from it by those who perpetrate it.
On a seperate note, I was once in touch with an activist group and my friend was a member at one point, interesting to note both of those I was in touch with ate fish and chicken, so their animal right views were strictly restricted to what other people were doing and not what they were doing! I think this demonstrates that sometimes people just like joining extreme groups and the 'cause' is irrelevant.
ellion said:
also makes people pay attention.

Indeed it does, makes us pay attention to the fact that there are some very sick dangerous individuals out there who probably need a restraining order.

No one is ever much interested in the reasons behind terrorist activity, only the outcome of their activity. Hence it is VERY counter productive.
ellion said:
also makes people pay attention.

"The 82-year-old's body was taken from a grave in Yoxall in October 2004.

Forensic work on the body may continue into Thursday and the scene of the find has been cordoned off. "

This woman no doubt has granchildren, what emotional trauma is this going to have on them. What about a possible grieving widower, sons, daughters, friends neighbours. Somewhere in your family line you may have someone engaged in something 'unpopular'. Imagine this happenning to the body of one of your decesased loved ones. Does the perpetartors motivation justify their actions?
just in case that last one was aimed at moi

Find the sick bastards responsible, and put them to the sword. an example must be made, digging up corpses to 'get at' the relatives shows a sickness and demented nature that cannot be resolved.


you know my method for dealing with terrorists and such like.
Theoryofrelativity said:
Indeed it does, makes us pay attention to the fact that there are some very sick dangerous individuals out there who probably need a restraining order.

No one is ever much interested in the reasons behind terrorist activity, only the outcome of their activity. Hence it is VERY counter productive.
we are talking about animal rights now. would there be this discussion if not for their actions?

people are paying attention.

it is making national news headlines.

that is people paying attention.

This woman no doubt has granchildren, what emotional trauma is this going to have on them. What about a possible grieving widower, sons, daughters, friends neighbours.
from their perspective there does not seem to be much concern about the relations of the deceased so long as they are making them question and making a demonstration of their feelings.

Somewhere in your family line you may have someone engaged in something 'unpopular'. Imagine this happenning to the body of one of your decesased loved ones.
you ask me to consider myself as a victim in order to justify the actions as a perpetrator. seeing both sides of the situation in this light will only create a confusion of perspectives.

i am curious why you have asked me to consider my repsonse if this was to happen to me. in a sense it is like you want me to question how i justify this behaviour in my self. which means that you think i support or condone this behaviour.

i dont support or condone neither do i condemn it, i just take their perspective for the point of understanding their actions and their motives.

Does the perpetartors motivation justify their actions?
this is a question of subjective value. i can only surmise that yes, They think Their actions are justified, not only that but the results of their actions give further justification. the fruits of Their endeavours have been satifactory. TO THEM.
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Qm said:
you know my method for dealing with terrorists and such like.
you have a very similar atitude to the animal rights activists.

though under your law the activist would feel more justified in executing those responsible for the animal cruelty rather than their chosen method of emotional torment.
ellion said:
we are talking about animal rights now. would there be this discussion if not for their actions?

We are NOT talking about animal rights, we are talking about activists and their sick iditotic ways.

Inhamanity does not cure inhumanity, these acts just demonstrate that the activists are low intelligence and don't really understand 'morality' at all.