Meaning of Life?

That's a concept I haven't heard of before and it makes more sense than a God that created us and now was ready to throw me in hell because I didn't follow the Bible. But in my defense, noone follows the Bible as it is impossible. I do believe in God but I have issues with religions that think the Bible is Gods word as It disputes itself over and over and I just can't buy " the times have changed" or somethings we wasn't meant to understand as a reason. The disputes in the Bible cover many topics but the most popular one is killing and wars..
Mr. Black,

***What if our reason for being is that God simply got lonely?***

I don't know if it's as simple as that but this thought has crossed my mind before. I wrote a paper about it years ago.

Anyway, man's relationship with God* is a two-way street and I have no doubt that God* needs us as much as we need God*.
There is a theory that if no one believed no gods would exist. the converse applies, if enough people believe a god will exist.

Anyhoo, all life starts with a bang didn't you hear?
Originally posted by blonde_cupid

I don't know if it's as simple as that but this thought has crossed my mind before. I wrote a paper about it years ago.

Anyway, man's relationship with God* is a two-way street and I have no doubt that God* needs us as much as we need God*.

Here's a quote from a Christian, and I completely agree with her. What do you think? :)

God created things out of His love. He is Perfection Himself therefore He wasn't bound to create. He is perfectly happy without finding anything necessary to make Him happy, but He is also Love, He wills it that there should be things beside Himself that can share His happiness & thus the creation began (if you love somebody then it's only natural that you should want him/her to share in your happiness; in the case of God, there had been nobody beside Himself to share in His happiness, therefore He created things).
God didn't create evil. Evil is a negative entity, that is it doesn't exist in itself, but it is the lack or absence of goodness just as darkness doesn't exist in itself, but it is the lack or absence of light. Since God Himself is Goodness, outside Him there's no goodness. It happens that God gives His creation free-will to choose to remain in Him (therefore in goodness, in truth, & happiness) or to walk out from Him (therefore to evil, to darkness, & unhappiness). Sadly the creation doesn't always choose to remain in Him & thus evil comes into being.
Mind you that the personal pronounce 'He' doesn't refer to God's gender! It's only a convention to refer to God as He since the English language as we know now is man-made.
Mr. Black,

Welcome to sciforums.

There is no meaning to life except for anything we choose to define as meaning.

Since there is no God then any meaning will be of our own creation.