Maybe someone could explain this to me...


Valued Senior Member
I am constantly being told that religion, specifically Christianity, is under attack in the US. Now, I'm not one to poo-poo everything that I'm told, but I do tend to like things which are supported by evidence. So I went and looked for these alleged attacks and all I found was Christians complaining about a "war on Christmas" and complaints about evolution(you know, the best evidenced theory in all of science) being taught in schools.

I just can't turn up any real attacks on Christianity, or even on religion in general. Maybe my googlefu isn't strong enough, or maybe I'm engaged in confirmation bias(as all humans are wont to do). Perhaps there is a hidden agenda, some sinister plot against the faithful. However I've not found one shred of evidence to support this.

So tell me, how is religion under attack in the US?
We are attacking the Christian ability to impose their Christianity on others. That's like if I prevent you from kicking me in the balls, I'm oppressing your freedom to kick people in the balls.
I do not live in your country, but the perspective from where I sit, is that the U.S. Army has a corp of Chaplains, and with the budget that the DOD has, religion has serious standing in your country.

Mission Statement:
The US Army Chaplaincy provides religious support to America's Army while assisting commanders in ensuring the right of free exercise of religion for all Soldiers. In short, we nurture the living, care for the wounded, and honor the fallen.

Vision Statement:
Spiritual Leadership for the Army Family.

Perhaps it is church attendance that is falling, or the fact that technology and the information age may have more people actually analyzing their religious beliefs and practices. Society is restructuring on many fronts, in response to a wide range of pressures, none of which I observe to be an organized attack on Christianity.

The global economy, with it's 24/7/365 agenda may be partially responsible in shifting energy away from the formerly established practice of church on Sunday. :shrug:
I think that there is a struggle for world domination, and the stronghold that
the group of people who masqueraded as Christians enjoyed since the ''fall of the roman empire'', is to step aside to the big banks and corporations, who are just eating up everything. The old world order must either give up or die.
This is what I call evolution.
And for this reason, any old world order ideals will come under attack.

My two cents.
I think it comes down to numbers, people are finally realizing that organized religion is not needed for belief in god and the fact that the church, much like the government, is more concerned with your money than helping you in any way and I think people are tired of it, I don't think the different christian denomination will actually lose believers as much as organized religion will lose a lot of money.
this thread response is like a closed loop so far . All circles of influence are attacking each other . It is the fight for viability . The fight for longevity in a diminishing world. Niche businesses are popping up every where with all kinda ideologies of whimsical plans of attack. Why would Atheist be any different. Well some of them are . Like me Daughter and me Mother , Me son too.

There are all kinds of missions in life . When you find your addiction you beat it like a drum or a dead white horse . Just joking , We don't want to beat any White Horse . Maybe just with a wet noodle , or a feather duster
I think it comes down to numbers, people are finally realizing that organized religion is not needed for belief in god and the fact that the church, much like the government, is more concerned with your money than helping you in any way and I think people are tired of it, I don't think the different christian denomination will actually lose believers as much as organized religion will lose a lot of money.

It is my opinion that the main reason that organized religions arose around the globe, would be as a social organizing force and a mechanism to control traditional territories and resources, which we know today as real estate and currency, in addition to minerals, natural resources and also importantly human resources.

Many organized religions expect a tithe, often in the amount of 10%, so human resources are invaluable to organized religion in many regards, not the least of which is to maintain their control of the assets of 'the church'.

Though it does not often get public scrutiny, the major religious organizations of the world control vast amounts of real estate, financial assets and human resources.

One of the benefits of belonging to a religious community is a broader base of support when challenges are encountered. I observe that many religious groups in my community do an incredible amount of work to address many of the social problems that are common everywhere, homelessness, substance abuse, battered spouses, and poverty, to name a few, and many of these organizations do not care about denominational lines....they truly want to better the lot of their fellow man/woman/child.

Perhaps people are finally beginning to realize that we do not need to divide along political or religious lines.....we just need to wake up to the fact that we are all going through our own set of trials in the experiencing of life.
So tell me, how is religion under attack in the US?
It's simple. If a million christian preachers stand at the pulpit and tell their followers that atheists are wicked sinners who are ruining society, that's them exercising religious freedom. If the atheists politely but vocally disagree, they're being intolerant bigots who are persecuting the poor, picked-on christians.

Does that clear it up for you?