Mayan end of time is here. :)


Registered Member
*** Meulen's fantasy Hypothesis. ***

Note, this is written as an idea. I have no interest in arguing anyone.
I hope it may inspire people.

Space pressure, it seems to be like a liquid that is everywhere and its particle's smaller than that of atoms.
I will revere to space pressure from here on as subtron's and subtron particle's.
I believe a atom nucleus is created by compressing subtrons together combining them into neutrons, positrons and following more pressure the atom's nucleus.
Atom's and subtron's have an attraction towards each other, yet they do not seem to combine under normal circumstances.
The forming positron's, neutron's and following up, the combined atom's nucleus must have taken a higher pressure that is not normally present in what we would call outer space.

Electron's on the other hand, seem to form due to the attraction between the atom's nucleus and subtron's.
Kind of like a slightly compressed form of subtron's as subtron's press up against the atoms nucleus.
Electron's, like subtron's are attracted to the atom's nucleus form and will orbit around them as subtron's press as well by their attraction to the atom's nucleus yet also hold back the electron's velocity due to their own pressure and difference in size and shape.
As for the velocity of subtron's I can only think of them as being stable under their own pressure and shape until atom's interact with them.

Atoms unlike light particle's are likely keeping themselves stable in the stream's caused by subtron's due to the electron's around the nucleus acting as a stabilizing array, following the shape of the nucleus as electron's orbit.
Where the electron's will react to the nucleus when the nucleus interacts with a stream of subtron particles.
Although this pressure is most likely very stable in its density in the known universe.
It is possible that most anything else created not stable like atoms, in the universe got repelled outwards in all directions a long time ago and newly created forms that are not stable still repel in all directions.

When a stream of subtron particle's drag around a atom's nucleus it will most likely change shape to that comparable to a tear. the orbit of electron's around the nucleus will adjust and g-force will be demonstrated until a stabilizing electron rotation has been achieved.
For instance if an atom would be pushed to accelerate, during this period of acceleration the nucleus and electron array will change shape until the stream of subtron particle's is stable and continuous.
The newly created orbits of electron's will stay this way until subtron streams will force different drag upon an atoms nucleus.
With a tear shape nucleus the electron array will actually propel the whole atom as the orbits have changed slightly matching the nucleus.
The electron array propelling the whole atom can be visualized as a cartoon like very rounded rocket.
As the orbit's criss cross one and another in tear shape. there will be a opportunity for them to push the atom in the direction of which it was accelerated into.
It will allow an atom to continue to move forward in what we call outer space as it will propel as much as drag from subtrons has caused to make the nucleus and following up the electron array change shape.
Again, while accelerating, turbulence will happen and its during this period of adjusting to continuously increasing speeds of streams of subtron particle's that the g-force is actually noticed.
When a stable stream of subtron particle's is happening the atom will continue to propel itself in this new shape kind of making a equal response between the stream of subtron particle's, the nucleus its shape and following up how much the electron's will propel the whole atom.
As written already, anything not as stable as an atom was probably propelled out of the known universe a long time ago.
That said, atoms can not compensate for turbulence where subtron particle's criss cross from multiple directions. This will cause sideway's g-force as the array can only propel the whole atom in one direction.
The atom will try and compensate for the different streams of subtron particle's and will point the nucleus and electron array in the direction of the least resistance.

As for difference's in measured weight I attribute that to the flexibility of the atom's nucleus.
Where as a more sturdy nucleus will change shape more slowly and the electron array following up making the overall atoms reaction slower towards subtron particle streams and turbulence. Making them appear more heavy under g-force.
Thinking of the electrons as a propelling array around the nucleus of atoms it shows why atoms will pull outwards when rotating around a molecular bonded axis as well as creating g-force inside the surface of a spinning ball. Atom's simply want to press forward.

Decelerating g-force will be caused by the atom's nucleus shaping itself back into a rounder shape more slowly as decrease in subtron particles dragging it and following up the electron array adjusting itself.
During decelerating the electron array will propel the atom in forward motion faster as required, it will cause g-force as a result.

The earths core probably converts mass quantity's of subtron particles into electric magnetism or even other things.
Pulling subtrons inwards in its transformation vacuum in what i think in twister like strains causing atoms not to be able to adjust and thus keeping everything compacted towards the planets core and to the ground surface as subtron particles continue to stream inward.
The magnetic field itself maybe the cause of subtron particle's to spiral as they move inwards.
Just as water can be seen spiraling going down a drain.

Light, like other radiating particles would probably have a donut shape.
With electrons orbiting in and around them causing them to propel against subtrons in the most convenient direction at the speed of electrons them self. Gravity, or rather said a stream of subtron particles should have influence on radiating particles however at the speeds light travels, and that we can not perceive the streams of subtron particles, drifting, is hard to predict accurately.

Subtron particles and electrons can be noticed interacting in how electricity will always take the shortest road threw a copper wire frame.
As for a visual, unlike a bobsled that would be pulled outward inside a tube by g-force. Electricity is pushed inward of the copper wire frame away by subtron pressure.
It seems to go as electron's are made of subtron's, electron's will attract to a atom's nucleus but will also be pushed at the same time by subtron's towards atom's their nucleus's.
Where subtron pressure is applied in all directions around a copper wire framework. Electron's simply take the road of the least resistance while being pushed threw the copper wire frame.

Such things as time and theory's of that seem unnecessary and mostly a human invention due to our perception of memory and predictions that can make us favor such idea's. Personally i see such idea´s as domes around the universe and i don't like to think in such way´s, i like to think everything has a shape.
Subtron particles need only their own pressure to cause the behavior displayed in nature. As explanation I think of them as little universes of their own that react irrelevant of time and are as thick as liquid water in their own size and respect.
I like to think we haven't perceived subtron particles because anything we use to see with, atoms and radiating particles are all surrounded by electrons which are pushed by the pressure. Also I think they will be too small to notice per particle.
The pressure of space is probably something if seen as an object as a whole much larger than the known universe. Like its all filled with candy we don't see.
I like to think of subtron particles as the root particle of all matter, electron's probably much quicker than a neutron's or positron's in the course of energy in motion, all matter will unfold back into the state of subtrons.

My name is S.F. van der Meulen, I have a difference known as schizophrenia. It let's me think in images and motion very well. This hypothesis seems a very rational explanation and one of the least resistance how and why some things may work in the known universe and that is why i want to share it.

15:46pm 21 December 2012
:wave: welcome stranger to sci :mufc: we did not go :splat: as of yet. Very interesting thread and post Stranger.
Everything weird is interesting, this is true.

But your punctuation is deplorable. No smiley faces for you.
I'd much rather you removed the superfluous ones.

There is, for example, an apostrophe in "I'll" but one is not required when writing "punctuations"... which, incidentally, I'm not even sure is a word. In which case I should say that an apostrophe shouldn't be required when... meh. Screw it.

Terribly sorry, I'm in the middle of a poker game, bored between hands, and I'm being a grammar Nazi.
Odd phrase, that. "Nazi" is obviously a word having some seriously negative connotations, and the use of the term seems to imply that grammar is bad, as a result.
That can't be right.
It's starting in Dallas:


It's been nice knowing y'all.
Stolen from another member:

People keep posting apocalypse jokes like there's no tomorrow!
And as I mentioned before if it don't occur (which it didn't). We will say we had the time wrong. And there is still time before midnight. But anyways when is the next predicted apocalypse? :D it was not Y2K or 5am my time today.... ;)