Matthew 18:6


Valued Senior Member
Do you think kid fiddlers would suit being at the bottom of the sea in a concrete coffin, containing you and your soul.

Do you agree with Jesus? If you were God.
You're not a bright man are you? Just asking for a friend.
Not last time I checked. But I think we live in a cartoon and all mirrors/camera's etc. are magic. You look different in different pictures, I don't actually know what I look like.
"If anyone causes one of these little ones--those who believe in me--to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea." - Matthew 18:6.

More wisdom from the Book of Love Thy Neighbour and be nice to people.
Did not know the Bible took a stance on child molestation. And did not know it was pretty much the same stance as we hold today.
Do you think kid fiddlers would suit being at the bottom of the sea in a concrete coffin, containing you and your soul.

There is, in Christian literature once upon a time, a discussion wherein the child asked God why he needed to die, and God replied that He saved the child before he could sin and find condemnation, whereupon a great lament arose from the depths of Hell, and the cursed asked, "Why, Lord, did you not save us?"

The particular reference slips my mind; I forget its specific purpose, but it illustrates something, and the fragment I've recalled is incomplete.

Still, the idea that God would prefer self-destruction to the harming of the innocent ought not be so difficult, despite everything else, like the genocide that includes killing babies, or the bit with the angel warning Mary and Joseph off, so that their baby could escape the slaughter of the innocents; the Book of Matthew does not include any record of a rising lamentation from those not spared. Oh, right, and there was that slaughter of the firstborn, in Egypt.

It is also important to pay attention to everything else. Such as it is, the Disciples asked a silly question, and Jesus is just getting started with the millstone line. Stop fisking the Bible, and try reading the chapter as a contiguous rant; it's an interesting bridge between the Sermon on the Mount (Mt. 5-6) and the sermon and parables delivered at the Mount of Olives (Mt. 24-25).
Did not know the Bible took a stance on child molestation. And did not know it was pretty much the same stance as we hold today.
On the other hand, Lot said:
"Look, I have two daughters who have not known a man; let me bring them out to you, and do to them as you please; only do nothing to these men, for they have come under the shelter of my roof." (Gen 19:8)
You can find pretty much whatever you want in the Bible.
On the other hand, Lot said:
"Look, I have two daughters who have not known a man; let me bring them out to you, and do to them as you please; only do nothing to these men, for they have come under the shelter of my roof." (Gen 19:8)
You can find pretty much whatever you want in the Bible.
Welllll ... technically it doesn't say they're children.
A distinction without a difference? :)

Nominee, 「Creepiest Post of the Year」.

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The tale of Lot's daughter's generally has two purposes: It describes the origin of local enemies of the Hebrews as the produce of sin, and it assigns the sin to witchy women being responsible for whatever is wrong. The purpose of the story is to denigrate Moabites, Ammonites, and women.

(What, did nobody ever notice how weird Biblical men are? Adam blamed a woman for telling the truth and making him ashamed. Onan didn't want to get laid. Lot was a virtuous patriarch who offered his daughters for flesh trade, and would never get on those daughters, himself, but has the best whiskeydick in history. There's also Jesus, apparently hanging out with a prostitute and never getting close to her, which isn't quite right since one of the stories excluded from the Biblical canon, several centuries later, is one in which the Apostles attempt to chastise Jesus for his physical intimacy with Mary Magdalene, but only because they're jealous. We might recall the old political point regarding how little Jesus said about homosexuality, compared to the rules for heterosexuals; all these rules, but whenever there's a problem, blame women. Still, since the underlying question attends the value of children, we should note that when David stole his friend's wife, God was displeased, could not blame the woman except, perhaps, for bathing at a time when a king might spy her from distant vantage, thus killed their newborn son on the seventh day in order to make the point.)​
"Don't get angry, be happy, and let them be the angry one, that shit hurts." - myself.
There is, in Christian literature once upon a time, a discussion wherein the child asked God why he needed to die, and God replied that He saved the child before he could sin and find condemnation, whereupon a great lament arose from the depths of Hell, and the cursed asked, "Why, Lord, did you not save us?"

The particular reference slips my mind; I forget its specific purpose, but it illustrates something, and the fragment I've recalled is incomplete.

Still, the idea that God would prefer self-destruction to the harming of the innocent ought not be so difficult, despite everything else, like the genocide that includes killing babies, or the bit with the angel warning Mary and Joseph off, so that their baby could escape the slaughter of the innocents; the Book of Matthew does not include any record of a rising lamentation from those not spared. Oh, right, and there was that slaughter of the firstborn, in Egypt.

It is also important to pay attention to everything else. Such as it is, the Disciples asked a silly question, and Jesus is just getting started with the millstone line. Stop fisking the Bible, and try reading the chapter as a contiguous rant; it's an interesting bridge between the Sermon on the Mount (Mt. 5-6) and the sermon and parables delivered at the Mount of Olives (Mt. 24-25).
These can't come up from anywhere(kiddy fiddlers).

EDIT: Maybe type out the full verse next time? People can copy and paste into google or whatever search engine, yahoo .. etc. Bang, biblehub.
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