Mathematically incorrect (Good vs Evil)



Good could survive with Good
+Positive and +Positive = +Positive

Evil could survive with Evil
-Negative and -Negative = +Positive:confused:

I don't believe this is mathematically correct!

Imagine that only evil people will live one this planet. Who will work? I don't believe they will survive. I even believe they will become cannibals.

In real life and movies good wins. God and Noah!
That's why I believe;

-Negative and -Negative equals -Negative. :)
Like magnetism

You can compare to the laws of magnetism.
Positive and negative poles attract each other while same poles reject mutually.
Black + White = Grey.

Opposites don't always equal one or the other.

I believe that if there's even a little bit of "good" (as we define moral actions on a general basis, I'm assuming?) or evil, than the "world" (human society?) cannot be completely one or the other, but once either is gone forever, there is no recovery.

In an entirely good society, where could one learn evil, and vice versa? And if you say that either is in human nature, then it doesn't apply to the aforementioned as that suggests that the society wasn't entirely good or evil anyways.
Good could survive with Good
+Positive and +Positive = +Positive

Evil could survive with Evil
-Negative and -Negative = +Positive:confused:

I don't believe this is mathematically correct!

Imagine that only evil people will live one this planet. Who will work? I don't believe they will survive. I even believe they will become cannibals.

In real life and movies good wins. God and Noah!
That's why I believe;

-Negative and -Negative equals -Negative. :)
-1 - 1 = -2

-1 + -1 = -2

-1 - -1 = 0

-1 (--=+) 1 = 0

Your reasoning reminds me of the last calculation (and the one above it) but it has nothing to do with good and evil, which you also seem to have aknowledged.
Yeah "This does not compute" hehe...

Good, Evil, positive and negative are all terms coined from a PERSPECTIVE.
Good and bad are artificial atributes we use to describe a situation in relation to our own values, they are not inherent qualities.