Mathematical proof for a miracle


There is a miracle in the bible about Jesus feeding a large crowd with only a couple of fish and loaves of bread. What he did increase the numbers of fish and bread in the basket, allowing him to feed a large crowd.

This can be proven possible mathematically, based on a simple math procedure that is acceptable in math.

Say we start with 1 fish and need 1000 fish, all Jesus had to do with divide one fish by 1/1000. This equals 1000 fish. So it is mathematically possible.
You know what else is possible? That you have a fish for brains. This isn't just a baseless accusation either, because I can prove it. Let's say you started with a brain, which later became a fish. All that needed to happen was for 1 brain to be subtracted (1-1=0), and then for one fish to be added (0+1=1). You see? Mathematically possible!
That doesn't fill the requirement of "feeding". Gee thanks, Jesus, for the 1gram of fish, really super work.
I know this is a comedy club about the fish and Jesus. But down to the topic, the premise of how Jesus fed so many people is obvious, he started giving the little of bread and little of fish that he had and other people who carried food with them started sharing as well based on the example, thus came the notion that Jesus was able to feed with the little fish and bread that he had. The story teaches us about cooperation and good heartedness amongst people will bring out the best even in tough times.