Materializing Matter.



To materialize the Flat-Earth so that it could then appear to Really matter Religions had nothing else to do but to VERY simply CONDITION mankind to:
1: FEAR Death, Necrophobia.
2: Degrade Women.​
Death is “waking up to be Heaven”, Samadhi. (Religions materialized this Samadhi into: “death leads to matter's heaven... which is also its masochistic, and fear-of-death, hell.)

By degrading women Religions degraded, if not obliterated, Spirituality.
Spirituality is the pre-religion “Shakti” alias “Kundalini,” (the manifestation of Samadhi, SELF, to thoughts) that the female has personified EVER since Eve came along to Awaken Adam from his dream, hallucination, thoughts, fiction; that Religions would use CONDITIONING and a Snake and a very juicy fukking Apple to materialize into their very Flat-Earth “reality.”

Religion's Science then came along and materialized Religion's Flat-Earth even better: into the Universe ... and then with the likes of its Atomic Bombs Science helped make Religion's matter appear more and more real .... even though Physics tells us that the “reality of the Flat-Earth ” that Religions materialized into their “matter” – the reality of our body's senses – is less than 1% of the Universe that appears “real.”

SO MUCH LESS THAN 1% (<1%) that it MUST add up to ZERO: nothing but thoughts, hallucinations that ages ago Religions used CONDITIONING to materialize, until Religion's Science came along with its Atomic Bombs to not only materialize but also vaporize Religion's matter even better...

ALL these words without the need for a word called “god” -- only “Heaven” which has nothing to do with the word or thought called “matter” because it is pre-religion's: Consciousness, Atman, SELF, Samadhi.

-- Really Reality
thank you. i don't know much about hinduism, but the more i hear about it, the more i'm like, "wow". so thanks.