

Registered Senior Member
I've heard that if you don't masturbate for like three weeks that your testosterone levels go way up. Is this true? I am pretty serious about weightlifting, so this could be useful to me. I have the will power to keep from doing it for that long and I'm just wondering if it would be healthy. Thanks.
Well there is evidence suggesting that masturbating a few times a week reduces the risk of testicular cancer; but I wouldn't go as far as saying that not doing it is unhealthy, the science world is still learning about this.

As for raising your testosterone levels, I don't reall y know anything about that. But I think that it makes sense for that to occur...whether or not that would help your weight-lifting is another question.
I looked briefly for the references but have not found any yet. Sex every night was linked to higher testosterone levels. Ditto for being around attractive women. I had read some years ago that sailors on a ship together for an extended period had lowered levels. These levels increased after being ashore for a while with the babes.
As to your question about what you propose to do to raise testosterone levels, I don't think there is much too it, but I'm not entirely sure. When sperm begin to be produced at a faster rate than they are ejaculated, a hormone called Inhibin, produced by the sustentacular cells in the testes, slows down the release of FSH from the hypothalamus. With less FSH sperm production decreases. But there is no effect, positive or negative, on testosterone production. So I don't see a link between not loping your mule and testosterone levels.
Maybe you can continue to beat your monkey and also lift weights. Or, better still, get a girlfriend. There ain't nothin' like steady sex to make a guy feel good. I mean, look at Nico. When I read all of the anger and hate in his posts, I think, "That boy sure as hell ain't gettin' any nooky".
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Is testosterone supposed to make you stronger? I thought it just dealt with aggresivness, hariness, and libido. I also have been weightlifting for quite a while, though im pretty sore, the effects are great! Keep only one thing in mind, In order for weightlifting to be affective, your metabolism needs to be pretty high. You may be strong, but if you dont got the metabolism, you wont look strong and "sexy". Youll just have a bunch of fat covering your muscle.

AND DONT OVER DO IT!!!!! START OUT FROM SSMALL AND THEN GO BIg!!!THE most common mistake for people is to try to lift so much and then they injure them selves. Another mistake is when people lift up so much and then the next day they are exhausted, they do the same much. Remember, weight lifting involves tearing your muscles apart. The building comes afterword,when your resting, so get rest. If your very sore, try to run a little bit or even lift a little but dont overexert, just do a little to pump out some of the lactic acid.
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Does testosterone make you stronger? Well, testosterone stimulates making more myofibrils, the actin and myosin, inside the fibers. So, yes, I'd say so.
See them women bodybuilders with the gigantic muscles? Well, them gals gotta be hittin' the steroids. Normal testosterone levels in females just don't allow for that kind of muscle development.
I think it's interesting that male golfers supposedly don't do the steroids like football and baseball players have been doing. They could really drive the heck out of the ball if they did. But, somebody pointed out that golf is such a mental game that any kind of steroid induced rage would mess up their games.
Well there is evidence suggesting that masturbating a few times a week reduces the risk of testicular cancer; but I wouldn't go as far as saying that not doing it is unhealthy, the science world is still learning about this.

I have read reports claiming the exact oppisite: that jerking off is good for the system and reduces your risk of testicular cancer. :bugeye:

As for testosterone I would not worry about jerking off reducing your physic, who knows maybe it increases your testosterone levels, maybe it has no effect. There is little research on this and many have conflicting results. Just stick with cretin and maybe proper use of anabolic steroids (they were made illegal because overdosing was a common problem with horrible side-effects.)
Originally posted by WellCookedFetus
I have read reports claiming the exact oppisite: that jerking off is good for the system and reduces your risk of testicular cancer. :bugeye:
....that's exactly what I said. Read what I wrote again.
You better beleive it.
If you hold back from releasing for more than a week,your strength and intensity will go up.Even a matter of days for that matter.Think about it.Imediately after you blast off,the last thing on your mind or in your physiology is to want to get under a loaded barbell and attempt to squat a personal best.
*Only people who have squated will know what I mean.*
I know this.
The body seems to be geared to releasing,and doing what ever it takes to get this done.Your body doesnt know a wet whole from a possums ass.It just wants to let er rip!
By holding back you are creating a strong physiological drive within the body,physicaly,emotionaly,and mentally.
I have been training for over 12 years,the last 5 years very seriously.
I can discuss the fundamentals of stress phisiology with the best of them.
I think the longest I went without release was like three weeks.
But man ,talk about severe blue balls.They start to ache.
After that,I began to develop small symptoms of depression.
So Just pay attention to your body and guide accordingly.

And yes.Testosterone=increase in lean muscle tissue and strength increases.As well as an increase in all male characteristics.Deepening of the voice,hair growth"everywhere but the top of the head,which oddly enough increases the chances of balding.
However,the major differences being whether or not you are increasing your bodies natural suppy of test,or supplementing with synthetic, and to what degree.

Bottom line,give it a try.I think the body can get by 3 weeks at a time.
If you want PM me,I would like to know of your progress.
Where you are now and where you want to be with your physical development.
the body might be able to last 3 weeks but the mind might not, most women can't even last that long!
Right now my bench press is somewhere in the 330-360 range. My squat is probably in the 450-500 range. I've been lightening up of my lifting lately and been focusing more effort on my running. I'm a senior in high school right now and I'm going into the army after I graduate and being able to run well will do me more good than a big squat and bench press.


My goal is to get three miles in 18 minutes or less before I graduate while mantaining as much of my strength as possible.
Originally posted by WellCookedFetus
the body might be able to last 3 weeks but the mind might not, most women can't even last that long!
Women can last that long easy
perhaps those they never have jerked off, but trust me those that have tasted the apple of sin can never stop, like cigarettes only worse: once your start you can never stop.
Sorry I still think you're wrong.

Sure some women would be like that ...but I don't think there's that many. I mean, you get over it ...and it's not necessary anymore.
Then your a liar as well. Tell me of a time when you promised your self you would stop?
Yeah maybe a few years ago....but like I said, you get over it. Girls are different to guys. Sure girls get the desire as well, but not as much as men. All I was detesting was your statement that most woman couldn't even last 3 weeks..... and so what I'm saying is that most can easliy last that long.

I am more then aware of the nature of female masturbation perhaps more then you are, I referr Dr. Kinsey report and that latter works of Dr. Benjamin Moore.

Female masturbation unlike male masturbation does not require any of following.
- achievement of orgasm
- manipulation of the genitals
- heightened state of sexual arousal or excitement.

In this way both Dr. Kinsey and Dr. Moore disregarded the 60% of all women masturbate statistic in Kinsey's report. Many time women were simply not aware they even have been masturbating, for example lightly touching your breast or thigh for half a second for any increase in pleasure is masturbation, as such women could not last 3 week not out of a lack of will power but out of accidental failure.