Masturbation is for Losers

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The bottom left picture. You have the separation point of the face on the left side of the picture almost perfect. You also got the shoulders.

Wasn't me, the new photoshop comes equipped with an auto masturbation damage line marker.

Next you have to describe why he looks like that.

He looks like that because tilting one's head is completely normal and is done by every single human being on this planet, (except for those that don't have heads). Occasionally people take photographs - and quite often they take photographs of people talking. As can be seen in that photo, the man is talking, (and gesturing). It is quite natural for humans to tilt their head when they're talking.
SnakeLord said:
Wasn't me, the new photoshop comes equipped with an auto masturbation damage line marker.

See what I mean? You will refuse to agree with anything I say. Even if it is a compliment of you. You are only here to be negative, to deny, to cause trouble. That is your purpose here and over in the religion forums trying to destroy the beliefs of those religious people.

Epiphany. Snake cannot stand belief in anything in anyone. He must destroy it the way a bull charges a matador.
Today's picture is dedicated to Snake and Cole. Both men pointed out discrepancies in the picture of the man I said was healthy.

It takes expertise to make the judgements about these people that I do. Snake is correct when he says all people tilt their heads. It takes expertise to understand why. To separate normal head tilting from tilting that is a sign of underlying damage to the body.

I have clearly said that lots of people know what I do. It is nothing more than advanced body language reading. Asian people are quite good at reading body language. The people and their minds have not been destroyed the way the minds of the those are being destroyed in the west by the foreign country of Israel.

Asians display their deep knowlege of the body in every action they take. One of the websites I go to has a penchant for posting revealing photos of western world leaders. As I said, all asians know most of what I know. When this website posts a picture of a western leader, they do not need to write "He looks like a bozo, he masturbates, he uses drugs".

The Asian people as a whole see many of the things I do. They see that the man in the picture is a drug user or masturbator and recognize it. No written explanation needed.

I feel the need here to explain one of the motivations for what I am doing. Asian people are going to rule the world if it is not destroyed in the coming oil wars. This is a simple fact of superiority. Asian people are superior people to most western people. It is a fact. One of the things that make Asians superior is that they all understand how the body works on a deep level.

My point it talking about how telepathy is real, how possession is real, how human energy is real, how Happeh theory is real, is all an attempt by me to push the entire western people's so that they can catch up with the Asians. The closer we are in abilities and knowledge to them, the more we can protect what is ours.

Asians believe in telepathy, energy, possesion and Happeh Theory. They don't sit around wasting time arguing proof. They use it to advance themselves in the world. I know many of you must be in professions where Asians are dominating. They dominate in schools.

That is because they cheat. If you are in school, and you are telepathic, what is a test? A test is when you sit there and exchange answers with your buddies. You all get equally good scores because you all telepathically gave each other the same answers.

I can see this will be a topic of discussion by itself, so let us leave it there. One of the reasons I am talking about the things I do, is to try to help any western person that wants to catch up with Asian people.

Here is today's picture.


Snake and cole both mention people with straight heads. This man has a straight head. But he still shows signs of Happeh Theory. My theory is not just about tilted heads. I can diagnose anyone. Tilted heads are an obvious thing I felt even untrained people can see. It was to help you learn. It is not a limit of Happeh Theory.

We notice immediately that Blair is making an arm gesture similar to the sign of the loser. It does not matter that he is adjusting an earplug. To a chinese person, this posture immediately reveals the inner character, strength and weaknesses of this man. No explanation, no words, nothing. Just one look at this picture tells any Asian what they need to know about this man. He is making the sign of the loser.

This man is the usual repsonsible for innocent deaths and torture like the other guys. In this picture, what an Asian person sees is a shrunken eye and right side of the brain.

This man is also a good example of how Happeh Theory can be tricked. This man has had plastic surgery every year or so. The surgery covers many of the symptoms that should be apparent. He looks better than he really is.

Finally I would like to call attention to the fact that his face looks the way it does, and he has had heart problems. I said many causes are related to the symptoms of Happeh Theory. A person who engages in excessive sex or masturbation can literally kill themselves by heart attack. You only understand that if you understand that sex is more than the penis on the outside of your body.

The signs in his face and head could be related to his heart, instead of masturbation, drugs or physical exertion.
This post too is dedicated to snake. I am getting soft in my old age. Instead of forcing you to think and learn, I am giving things out like grandpa gives candy to the kids. Even if they do not deserve it.

This picture can be used to describe most of Happeh Theory.


There are two large objects on either side of the center of the body. They are supposed to represent snakes. The human body can be thought of as two large vertical snakes as you see in the picture. Most of Happeh Theory symptoms can be described as a change in the shape of the snakes due to any cause.

This is what Asian people know. No matter how it is described in whatever culture from the world you choose, this picture is a good representation of what a human being really is. I speak in terms of Happeh Theory. Someone else would create some totally different terms and theory. It would be talking about the same two snakes you see in the picture. We are both saying the same thing. We each changed it to fit our brains, our learning, our upbringing.
you are spaking utternhogwash Happeh....i may be kinda on your side in the suuudofporums, but listnin to yo hear.....well, pullleze

it is racism to believe one group of people are superior to the next. ie., with your belief Asians are 'spiritually' suprior to EVERYone else on planet Earth. an absurd belief

is the Asian karmic doctrine supeior. the one that has divided up the community into definate calsses, and that believes the ones right at te bottom, in dire poverty, many of whom literally shovel shit of the 'top classes' are like that cause of karma......

you amuse me, cause you remind me of myself many years back. i also got into this phase of being awed by tales of yogic feats etc. and i used to believe Asian people had 'transcendental eyes' etc. .......this is all romance, baby. reality is way different

i personally believe, and am not on my own,that it has been Asian metaphysical beliefs that have contributed to the conficutal sense between body and mind, and that tese beliefs have infiltrated many Western beliefs, including the Western Mystery Tradition.

They emphasize interiority, and asceiticms, which denies the expression of natrual instincts. like you here preachin bout te 'sin' of self-pleausring

Ascetics is antithesis to many Indigenous traditions, and also the Goddess Stream of human understanding, whic very much encouraged ecstatic freedom which ionvolves both mind AND body

a good indication of how the Eastern belief systems maintain their psychological dominance is there abohorrnce and taboo about psychedelics. this fear and prohibition they whare with Monoetheism, and Western religions and institutions all of which rally bhind its war on [some] drugs. tis is not surprising considerng psychedelic experience can see RIGHT thru te game being played, and also is THE more primeval source for the awakening of EROS. the sensual feeling one has for both body mind and Nature

it is all very well, YOU choosing the ascetic route IF that dry joyless route is what turns yo on. but when you preach it, expect challenges. espesh from me

Can already damaged individuals recover from these symptoms if all masturbation and frequent sex is halted?
that's not fair. 90% of guys do, and like 40% of women do.
It's supposed to hurt if you don't do it as a man.
See what I mean? You will refuse to agree with anything I say. Even if it is a compliment of you. You are only here to be negative, to deny, to cause trouble.

It's called 'humour' Happeh. Seriously.. lighten up. Go have a wank or something.
i think (Q) and cris is right


i see skakelord is right, all of a sudden money wouldn't mean a thing.
you implied to james that this was like some guys getting together for some fun.
the very last thing me and my neighbors talk about when we get together is masterbation.
you have failed in your proof after 30 some pages.
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It is a mythical assumption--specifically Asian, that 'losing' semen saps spiritual energy.....This is also the patriarchal interpreation of Tantra, where te coule, nearly always female and male make lofe and male uses various techniques to no come......and this is supposedly the sublimation of animal energies into spiritual energies. Actually, when you seea criiqe of Tibetan antra, you read that themale is using the female as kind of like a mere rectacl for the powering up of his spiritual body.

I also dont contracist Happeh's views that such acxetic techniques, plus ascetic yoga etc may not achive 'powers' which Tibetan Buddhists call 'Siddhe', BUT...i am questioning the oppressive dogma that comes wit this way of being. So much so it guilts tose ho do not want to do it. who prefer sensuality, and coming, etc, and wankin

Itis better, and more healthy in my opinion you check out the work of Wilhelm Reich, for example his bok The Mass PSychology of Fascism, where he says how the suppression of sexual orgasm is a major cause of all forms of sadism, which can culminate in mass fascism

tis can happen not only beng celebate, but also not really letting g at orgasm. That the whole meaning of sexual energy is for it to be allowed to flow, and this offers profound physical and emotional and spiritual release

Now THAt makes more sense to me. the ascetic way of trying to gain powers by over-powering te instincutal appeaties for me is authoritarianism of the mind over body, and this can project outward as power over anoter, oters, and Nature itself
Oh and happeh I don't think you are as old as you say.
See i'm an expert in Huwy theory voice analysis.
Judging by your voice, i'd say you were younger than 40, probably younger than 30.
I'm quite confident you aren't any older than 40 I'd bet money on it.

Besides anyone with the maturity of more than a 30 year old would have to acheive something more positive with their lives.
Contrary to popular myth, masturbation does not cause blindness. There is some basis, however, to the myth: zinc is required both to transport vitamin A from the liver to the retina and is excreted in relatively high amount in semen. Thus, it is not inconceivable that in zinc-deficient or vitamin A-deficient environments excessive male masturbation could have caused night blindness (in which case sexual intercourse has an equal probability of causing blindness). Given a normal contemporary diet, however, this is extremely unlikely to happen.

happehs "face reading" is a total joke
you cannot look at someone and tell if they masturbate
masturbation does not cause twisted heads, necks, atrophied faces
slumped shoulders.

masturbation does not cause aids
happeh quote:
"excessive masturbation is the leading cause of death due to aids"
the above quote is total nonsense
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did he really say masturbation caused aids? doesn't he know HIV/aids is an STD?
what a moron.
Huwy said:
Oh and happeh I don't think you are as old as you say.
i don't think he ever mentioned how old he is
but i'll agree with your assessment
i'll go as far as saying he's less than 25
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He goes on and on about his "old age" and "experience" and how much more "experience" he has than me - that i'm still a "child at school" (cause i'm at uni)

I have no idea how he ever would have passed high school science.

Question 1 (circle one answer below):
The "auto-immune deficiency syndrome" (aids) is caused by:

A.) Being gay.
B.) Masturbating.
C.) Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), which is an STD
D.) Both A and B.

Question 2:
In the "star wars" movies, the character "Darth Vader's" "choke" ability was:
A.) A Fictional ability
B.) Wouldn't it be cool if I could do that too.
C.) A real ability - that some people can do without touching people - because they have mastered their body's magical "energy body".

Question 3:
People who tilt their heads from time to time may be
A.) Talking
B.) Listening
C.) Trying not to laugh at "happeh theory".
D.) Suffering from the chronic health effects of masturbation.

Question 4:
The statement "You must be a child because you are still at university" is
A.) Stupid, plenty of adults go to university, which you'd know if you'd ever went.
B.) Accurate, even if you have never been to university.
C.) A result of having nothing to say - the best attempt at defending yourself when being questioned about your ridiculous beliefs.

Question 5:
When I am in a room with a dead man's body and a group of female anatomy students, and I suddenly feel like touching the cadaver's penis, I should
A.) Give in, grab the dead man's penis and put it in my mouth.
B.) Accuse the women of possessing me with evil witchery.
C.) Seek professional counselling.
Question 6:
The planet earth is shaped like a:
A.) Sphere
B.) Penis
C.) Its round of course, but people are just like big penis's and the universe is shaped like a vagina (actually said that)

Question 7:
People who don't accept happeh theory are
A.) All "out to get me" - claimed
B.) "Evil and doing the work of the devil" - claimed
C.) What do you mean they don't accept it, how dare they!! I'll have to teach them and show them I'm right!!
D.) I'll show them, I'll choke them with my darth vader powers.
E.) none of the above.
i object
the questions are too hard
you rigged the contest
you cheated
you must be a scientist, all scientists are cheaters, liars
you must have been talking to leopold again

about your questions, i would not expect any answers from happeh if i were you.
only the above rant.
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