Today's picture is dedicated to Snake and Cole. Both men pointed out discrepancies in the picture of the man I said was healthy.
It takes expertise to make the judgements about these people that I do. Snake is correct when he says all people tilt their heads. It takes expertise to understand why. To separate normal head tilting from tilting that is a sign of underlying damage to the body.
I have clearly said that lots of people know what I do. It is nothing more than advanced body language reading. Asian people are quite good at reading body language. The people and their minds have not been destroyed the way the minds of the those are being destroyed in the west by the foreign country of Israel.
Asians display their deep knowlege of the body in every action they take. One of the websites I go to has a penchant for posting revealing photos of western world leaders. As I said, all asians know most of what I know. When this website posts a picture of a western leader, they do not need to write "He looks like a bozo, he masturbates, he uses drugs".
The Asian people as a whole see many of the things I do. They see that the man in the picture is a drug user or masturbator and recognize it. No written explanation needed.
I feel the need here to explain one of the motivations for what I am doing. Asian people are going to rule the world if it is not destroyed in the coming oil wars. This is a simple fact of superiority. Asian people are superior people to most western people. It is a fact. One of the things that make Asians superior is that they all understand how the body works on a deep level.
My point it talking about how telepathy is real, how possession is real, how human energy is real, how Happeh theory is real, is all an attempt by me to push the entire western people's so that they can catch up with the Asians. The closer we are in abilities and knowledge to them, the more we can protect what is ours.
Asians believe in telepathy, energy, possesion and Happeh Theory. They don't sit around wasting time arguing proof. They use it to advance themselves in the world. I know many of you must be in professions where Asians are dominating. They dominate in schools.
That is because they cheat. If you are in school, and you are telepathic, what is a test? A test is when you sit there and exchange answers with your buddies. You all get equally good scores because you all telepathically gave each other the same answers.
I can see this will be a topic of discussion by itself, so let us leave it there. One of the reasons I am talking about the things I do, is to try to help any western person that wants to catch up with Asian people.
Here is today's picture.
Snake and cole both mention people with straight heads. This man has a straight head. But he still shows signs of Happeh Theory. My theory is not just about tilted heads. I can diagnose anyone. Tilted heads are an obvious thing I felt even untrained people can see. It was to help you learn. It is not a limit of Happeh Theory.
We notice immediately that Blair is making an arm gesture similar to the sign of the loser. It does not matter that he is adjusting an earplug. To a chinese person, this posture immediately reveals the inner character, strength and weaknesses of this man. No explanation, no words, nothing. Just one look at this picture tells any Asian what they need to know about this man. He is making the sign of the loser.
This man is the usual repsonsible for innocent deaths and torture like the other guys. In this picture, what an Asian person sees is a shrunken eye and right side of the brain.
This man is also a good example of how Happeh Theory can be tricked. This man has had plastic surgery every year or so. The surgery covers many of the symptoms that should be apparent. He looks better than he really is.
Finally I would like to call attention to the fact that his face looks the way it does, and he has had heart problems. I said many causes are related to the symptoms of Happeh Theory. A person who engages in excessive sex or masturbation can literally kill themselves by heart attack. You only understand that if you understand that sex is more than the penis on the outside of your body.
The signs in his face and head could be related to his heart, instead of masturbation, drugs or physical exertion.