Mass Sighting


It was only a few weeks ago, my Father phoned me up and ''its amazing, its amazing.''

I said ''what's amazing,'' wondering if he was drunk or something.

''There's several lights in the sky over the mountains, and they are performing some dance,'' he replied, ''and... wow!!''

''What?'' I asked in anticipation.

''They just shot off... in all different directions... really fast...''


This was the phone call i received, and i was in awe. I could hear the people my dad was with going, ''what was that?''

A few days later, his home town across the water was rife with talk of the ''strange objects in the sky,'' that ''shot away faster than sound.''

Just thought you should know.

p.s. I was kinda jealous. It's been more than seven years since me my father, my mother and gran had observed three strange lights directly above my house, acting in a strange manner, and then escaping in exactly the same fasion. I would have gave a right leg to have seen it again.
metor showers are beautiful i agree:)

*shakes head

I know I am going to kick myself in the ass and may never let myself forget it for not carrying a video camera with me at all times "just in case" (guess I have my phone most of the time)I ever see something even remotely as phenomenal as I have seen again.

Oh well...fuck I hope these things are ET.(only because if they are M.M. we are in a lot of trouble)
I didn't know you lived in Arkansas Reiku!!!

Apparently you aren't aware that Scotland has THE highest rate of UFO sighting anywhere in the world. I believe that to be a fact because I've heard and read it in several different places.

Obviously it's something... ahem!... in the air (or water). :D {Pun intended.}
Apparently you aren't aware that Scotland has THE highest rate of UFO sighting anywhere in the world. I believe that to be a fact because I've heard and read it in several different places.

Obviously it's something... ahem!... in the air (or water). :D {Pun intended.}

So what you are saying is that scotland is full of the craziest people in the world?
Maybe there's something in the Irn Bru.

I think it's what makes them ginger too.
People climb mountains and usually don't get back down in time, so they send search and Rescue which could be helicopters. On top of that the military has a habit of doing manoeuvres around mountain ranges both for their troops hiking and again aircraft related.

Too many "human" elements to suggest anything so grand.
Reiku where was this? I'm sure someone had a camera and I bet some of it ended up on youtube, or the news.
So what you are saying is that scotland is full of the craziest people in the world?

Nope - just they 'see' more of this stuff than anyone else, apparently. I don't know why. Perhaps they, as a group, don't know how to recognize aircraft, military flares, there's more military traning going on there at night? Who knows?

But the fact remains that per square mile they have more reported sightings than any other part of the world.
On top of that the military has a habit of doing manoeuvres around mountain ranges both for their troops hiking and again aircraft related.

Hell yes. I had the crap scared out of me by a pair of Harrier Jets screaming along at about 100ft when I was walking in Scotland once.

I used to live on an airforce base, and was used to aircraft, but they don't half come on you fast.
Apparently you aren't aware that Scotland has THE highest rate of UFO sighting anywhere in the world. I believe that to be a fact because I've heard and read it in several different places.

Obviously it's something... ahem!... in the air (or water). :D {Pun intended.}

A few days later, his home town across the water was rife with talk of the ''strange objects in the sky,'' that ''shot away faster than sound.''
So presumably there are seismic records showing they were there?
Supersonic objects over land should show up quite well on any device for recording Earthquakes.
A few days later, his home town across the water was rife with talk of the ''strange objects in the sky,'' that ''shot away faster than sound.''

Here's an oddity, I lived on or near airforce bases for large portions of my youth. I could not tell you easily if an aircraft was flying at supersonic or subsonic speeds.

I've been overflown by planes that were subsonic, but didn't hear them until the last second, and you can't always hear planes that are flying away from you, as the sound can dissipate before it reaches you.

So the 'shot away faster than sound' embellishment is always a clue, it means the observer thinks they have witnessed something special, and out of the ordinary, because it doesn't fit with their world view. Says more about the observer, than the event observed.

They didn't hear what they saw, so they assume it's faster than sound, ... but you can hear planes travelling faster than sound, they just aren't where you hear the sound coming from, and if they think they can judge the difference between a subsonic craft, and supersonic one, ... well, that's a stretch, 700mph is subsonic, 800mph supersonic, either way it's fast.

I'm telling you.
It was only a few weeks ago, my Father phoned me up and ''its amazing, its amazing.''

I said ''what's amazing,'' wondering if he was drunk or something.

''There's several lights in the sky over the mountains, and they are performing some dance,'' he replied, ''and... wow!!''

''What?'' I asked in anticipation.

''They just shot off... in all different directions... really fast...''


This was the phone call i received, and i was in awe. I could hear the people my dad was with going, ''what was that?''

They must live deep in the countryside, with few lights from towns.
As soon as you move away from light pollution people see strange things in the sky.

It's nice when people tell you about these things.

I was listening to the radio a few years ago when the presenter said that we were having a display of the Aurora Borealis in the UK.
Sitting outside, I saw probably the only display I will see in my lifetime.
We only get a good display as far south as the Midlands about every 10 years.
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