mass organised religious groups.


i wanted to give my opinion,

i personally think that all major religious sects that take in money from collection plates etc, are a bad idea,

is there anybody here who is a part of one of these mainstream religions? and pays money to the church/temple etc.

i want to ask a few questions,

one of these are, did you join the religion with your own free will as an adult/teenager. or was you brought into it by your family as a cult type thing,?

anouther question would be, why do you give money to a relgion?.


To me, is like helping anti-science people. Kill the progress of the world.

When i was young, i was forced because of my parents. If i refuse to go to church ill get wiped.

As for money, well my parents told me is to help the church. (to help spread the virus)

Now atheist, ive successfuly deconvert my parents into agnostic/atheist and for a very loooong time i never went to a single church.
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agnostic? whats the difference between an athiest and an agnostic person?

i was never brought into any religion, i have been an athiest since early childhood, no body in my family is religious,

but yeah whats the difference between atheist and agnostic?.

Do you believe in god ?

Strong Atheist say = No
Weak Atheist say = Who's god ? Teach me. <--- born atheist
Agnostic say = Maybe... Yes & No
Theist say = Yes
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EmptyForceOfChi said:
but yeah whats the difference between atheist and agnostic?.

I'm an agnostic. I'm quite similar to a weak atheist. I don't believe in God, but I consider the question of his existence to be insoluble. There might be a god, gods, or something else we cannot even conceive of. Or not. I don't pretend to know. I say that nobody can know. But I generally live my life as if there is nothing 'out there' - just a cold, uncaring universe that exists for no fucking reason at all.

The way in which I really differ from an atheist, myself, is that I have a sliver of hope that I'm wrong - I honestly hope when I die that there is an afterlife and all this whole she-bang is going to be explained. But that is my own quirk, most agnostics are not like that.
Lerxst said:
I honestly hope when I die that there is an afterlife.

I hope there isn't. I want to sleep.

Answer 1: Death is a long, dreamless sleep where eternity passes by unnoticed.

Answer 2: Remember what it was like for the billions of years before you were born? It'll be just exactly like that.
Really? Why not kill yourself now and get your wish immediately?
Zappa said:
Really? Why not kill yourself now and get your wish immediately?

I enjoy life but i dont believe in afterlife... if there was one, i would be very confused :confused:

There is no point to have 2, 3, 4 Life... i am 1 out of billions of sperm cells to live. Does that mean my sperm cells are in that so called ''heaven'' ?
You said that you don't want an afterlife. In an afterlife, you'd still be living; thus, according to you, still enjoying life. So in reality, it would seem you WOULD like there to be an afterlife.
I dont want to kill my self. i love the world the way it is and afterlife is just wrong cause i woudn't be my self anymore. I would be... a brainwased sheep.

I want to be me.
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How can anyone really enjoy heaven when you know people you love(d) are suffering in hell? I mean most Christians know some non-Christians who they know will burn in hell, and yet they think they will really enjoy heaven? How do you go about your heavenly duties knowing your mother or grandmother or sweet Aunt is burning and being unmercifully tortured in hell? Seems very selfish to me.

I mean does God just erase your memory of them? If so, that's pretty cruel because that could be your mother or son that is burning in hell and I wouldn't think it proper to forget about someone that important.

I'm sure there are those Christians who really couldn't give a darn about people who don't share the same beliefs that they do but for the rest of them, this is a serious question that I would like answered.
How would you not be yourself? Why would you be a brainwashed sheep?

You love the world the way it is? That's sad. I'd love the world a whole lot more if it were drastically different, and I quite hope to escape this Earth and the self-destructive people upon it.
Mythbuster said:
Do you believe in god ?

Strong Atheist say = No
Weak Atheist say = Who's god ? Teach me. <--- born atheist
Agnostic say = Maybe... Yes & No
Theist say = Yes

no i dont,

but i believe it is logically possible for an infinite energy source that created the universe to exist.

but "god" no i dont believe in god,

Mythbuster said:
I hope there isn't. I want to sleep.

Answer 1: Death is a long, dreamless sleep where eternity passes by unnoticed.

Answer 2: Remember what it was like for the billions of years before you were born? It'll be just exactly like that.

Actually the best scenario would be long life, the exact lenth of which is of my choosing. If after fifteen scadzillion years I want that eternal sleep, then, by God, I'll take it.

But 70-80 years is not enough. I have to much I want to do and see. Not ready to go to bed just yet. No sir.
mythbuster brings up very good points though,

especially with the pre-existance of ourselves, that is very logical and a good point to stress i must say.

but, if there were a god, maybe he lets you choose your own fate. maybe every lifeform who is aware of themselves, and conscious about life and death gets granted afterlife, maybe life forms who dont question existance, dont get an afterlife,

maybe the only way you get an afterlife is through the power of the self, the ego the mind the aware state etc, maybe at the point of death you get to choose your afterlife, at the exact point of death maybe what you truley believe will come true,

ie, if you believe there is just a void and nothingness, thent hats what you get,

if you believe there is a heaven with angels that is what you get,

if you believe your going to hell through sin then thats what you will get,

if you believe you get reincarnated as anouther person with no previous memory of yourself, thats what you get.

obviously i dont truley believe this, but it has come across to me as a possibilty,

and this is the reason why i dont choose to believe anything, in fear of myself causing myself to have a bad after existance,

and about the "afterlife" it isnt really an "after" life is it? its just a continuation of your now life, but in anouther form, for it to be a "next" life you would have to become non existant and then be born again,

but mthbuster has a great argument, about pre existance, but my only confliction with that would be, maybe your not aware of transitions between physical life and death,

i think maybe only life forms who wish anouther life upon themselves get granted this.

EmptyForceOfChi said:
agnostic? whats the difference between an athiest and an agnostic person?
but yeah whats the difference between atheist and agnostic?.

Do you have a belief in a theistic GOD?
Yes - you are THEIST
No - you are ATHEIST

If you are ATHEIST - do you have a belief that there is NO GOD?
Yes - you are a STRONG ATHEIST
No - you are a WEAK ATHEIST

Do you think there is, or will be, sufficient knowledge to ascertain the existence, or non-existence, of GOD?
Yes - you are NOT AGNOSTIC.
No - you are AGNOSTIC.

Agnosticism is NOT a middle-ground between Theism and Atheism.

Agnosticism is concerned with the level of knowledge.
A/Theism is concerned with nothing other than your stance on BELIEF IN GOD.

You can have agnostic theists, agnostic atheists, and theists or atheists who are not agnostic.

The two are independent of each other - although the thought process that leads you to an agnostic or non-agnostic stance may well lead you to one of theism or atheism.
Lerxst said:
Actually the best scenario would be long life, the exact lenth of which is of my choosing. If after fifteen scadzillion years I want that eternal sleep, then, by God, I'll take it.

But 70-80 years is not enough. I have to much I want to do and see. Not ready to go to bed just yet. No sir.

a agree with this, thats kinda how i see it,

but then again i always think to myself, "why do i even deserve this small existance that i have been given"

i actually secretly wish heaven upon all humans good or bad, i haver never told anybody i do this in secret for them, you could call it prayer, i prey for humans and animals alike, i prey that everyone gets eternal afterlife and happyness, but i dont tell anybody i do it for them, but funnily i have never wished or prayed for my eternal afterlife, because it is selfish,

Sarkus said:
Do you have a belief in a theistic GOD?
Yes - you are THEIST
No - you are ATHEIST

If you are ATHEIST - do you have a belief that there is NO GOD?
Yes - you are a STRONG ATHEIST
No - you are a WEAK ATHEIST

Do you think there is, or will be, sufficient knowledge to ascertain the existence, or non-existence, of GOD?
Yes - you are NOT AGNOSTIC.
No - you are AGNOSTIC.

Agnosticism is NOT a middle-ground between Theism and Atheism.

Agnosticism is concerned with the level of knowledge.
A/Theism is concerned with nothing other than your stance on BELIEF IN GOD.

You can have agnostic theists, agnostic atheists, and theists or atheists who are not agnostic.

The two are independent of each other - although the thought process that leads you to an agnostic or non-agnostic stance may well lead you to one of theism or atheism.

damn ok thanks,

so what the hell am i?

an agnostic athiest?

EmptyForceOfChi said:
i actually secretly wish heaven upon all humans good or bad, i haver never told anybody i do this in secret for them, you could call it prayer, i prey for humans and animals alike, i prey that everyone gets eternal afterlife and happyness, but i dont tell anybody i do it for them, but funnily i have never wished or prayed for my eternal afterlife, because it is selfish,


That is a nice sentiment, empty.

It reminds of something I read in Miguel de Unamuno's Tragic Sense of Life:

Spiritual self-love, the pity that one feels for oneself, may perhaps be
called egotism; but nothing could be more opposed to ordinary egoism.
For this love or pity for yourself, this intense despair, bred of the
consciousness that just as before you were born you were not, so after
your death you will cease to be, will lead you to pity--that is, to
love--all your fellows and brothers in this world of appearance, these
unhappy shadows who pass from nothingness to nothingness, these sparks
of consciousness which shine for a moment in the infinite and eternal
darkness. And this compassionate feeling for other men, for your
fellows, beginning with those most akin to you, those with whom you
live, will expand into a universal pity for all living things, and
perhaps even for things that have not life but merely existence. That
distant star which shines up there in the night will some day be
quenched and will turn to dust and will cease to shine and cease to
exist. And so, too, it will be with the whole of the star-strewn
heavens. Unhappy heavens!