mass neurobiofeedback yoga


Registered Member
take say 50 people that have studied yoga
hook them up to neurobiofeedback tools and train them ~40 sessions
synchronize breathing brain waves emg etc..especially imagery

would telepathy and psychometry and god knows what
be enhanced
any BFT or neurobio people out there
what an experiment it would makered
Now, what exactly is a neruobiofeedback tool, what would you train these people to do, what does yoga have to do with telepathy, and how would these things enance either yoga or various unproveable numina?

Also, where does the color red come into all of this?
cool search engine, thanks for the linkage.

Having done both biofeedback and yoga off and ont he past 9 years or so, I'm not following what you are exactly hoping to discover here. I'd say that both yoga and biofeedback can be tools to help learn how to consciously control the human body and mind. However, I haven't learned how to control myself to any telekenetic level yet, so I can't say anything about that.
maybe some siddhis or even aglow

when the western scientists have studied gurus mystics and used n.b.f.t or earlier biofeedback
their abilities in psi seemed related to their mind /body
awareness and control
theoretically nbft may yield promise

what do you think:D :confused: