Mass-Field comprehension of non-absolute space-time dilation & 'the twin paradox'.


Registered Senior Member
The Consequences of a materially expanding Universe.

The realm of the very small - microcosms - is said to host strong forces acting at very short distances; that are not considered to be related to large, 'weak forces of gravity', said to exist only in very large spaces and act at large distances in the very large - macrocosmic - spaces and times. So it is presently and dominantly considered, in the macrocosmic realm of the very large, exemplary, planetary-generated forces.

Gravity is thought not to occur - significantly - in the microcosmic realm of the very small. Whereas, gravity, like Gold, is actually where you find it, and how much of it you find; in large and *small, tenuous and *compact electromagnetic densities (*refer, nuclear binding forces). Moving in one of two possible - direction(s). Toward and/or away (impelling or repelling) from its material (4-D particle/charge) source.

Question: ‘Is matter expanding at the same rate of acceleration as light?’

Answer: ‘Yes, but, in a value of square (2). Consequently, the rate of acceleration is the same, but the expansion speeds vary with microcosmic (very small) and macrocosmic (very large) space-time, in a value of square.

Consider the (incorrect) distinction between electromagnetism & gravity as the status quo, i.e., the prevailing idea that microcosmic ‘nuclear binding forces’, ‘are not, and cannot be’ related to gravitational forces. This ‘disqualification’ of any unification of microcosmic electromagnetism with gravity is based on the false, prevailing and formerly uncontested premise alleged in the ‘difference’ between large gravitational forces which cause planets to orbit, and the smaller forces which bind ‘particles’ together within the atomic nucleus - sometimes called ‘nuclear resinal forces’.

In this sense, contemporary physical science still dwells in the archaic conceptual world of *Ptolemic-*Aristotelean dualization of ‘earthly & heavenly motions’ - *when it was thought that the unidentified forces of the far flung universe and heavens were apart from - unrelated to - the unidentified forces acting on earth; until the time of Newton, who proved that large forces in the universe were the same forces acting on and near earth. That the fall of an apple was governed by the same forces that caused the moon to orbit the earth, and the earth’s orbit around the sun...

It is said that the electromagnetic force reciprocating between an electron and a proton is 1039 times the gravitational force; the gravitational force between these two ‘particles’ alleged to be ‘too weak’ to be measured’ at this microcosmic level.

The nuclear force which is distinquished from gravity ‘because’ it is 1039 times stronger, is (microcosmic - 'earlier Moment A') gravity (unrecognized and unacknowledged by physicists): this is due to the (4-D continuum) fact that the value(s) of time is covariant with the moment(s) of space it (time/motion) occurs in...

Allow this pie plate chart design diagram <[/SIZE] to represent (from left to right) the Moments A, B, and C, 4-D expansion of any given physical or spatial system, where the left-most intersection of the two lines represents earlier Moment A (the convergence of the 4-D space-time continuum emerging from out of the infinite microcosms) the right-most opening representing later Moment C, advancing into the infinite macrocosms, with the middle of this pie plate chart representing Moment B - the 'eternal now' - of the considered, ongoing, 4-D space-time continuum. (The actual shape of which would account for acceleration, in a profile structure such as Riemannian geometry's representation of a 'gravity sink' <Refer 'rubber sheet analogy'; featuring Riemannian geometric shapes>).

The value of a linear, square or cubic mile of space on (earlier) Moment A earth, is not the same value as that same mile measured on (later) Moment B earth, or on (latest) Moment C earth.

When a motorist on Moment A earth drives his automobile at the speed he measures as 60 miles per hour, he is not traveling 60 of Moment B miles per Moment B hour...

Moreover, the velocity of 18 & 1/2 Moment A miles per second, traveled by Moment A earth around Moment A sun, is not the same velocity as compared with the 18 1/2 miles per second traveled by Moment B earth around Moment B sun...
Neither is the 365 1/4 days of Moment A year the same interval in time - in this case determined by the completion of an orbit around the sun - as the 365 1/4 days of Moment B or Moment C (providing that these moments could be and were compared with each other).

The velocity of light - C - in this continuum, correspondingly varies from one moment to the next, while remaining constant, relative to the space-time moment from which it originates and with which it is associated. This principle of relative velocity is what allows for and causes an 'optical', or 'event horizon', for example.

When the ‘mini person’ inhabitant of Moment A earth may look ‘up’ along the positive (future) side of the 4th dimension of time, and see themselves at (later) Moment(s) B or C, they would see their own image as an incredibly huge, slow moving giant; if this slow moving giant of Moment A mini-person’s future could look ‘down’ along the past side of their continuously accelerating 4-D projection, they would then observe themselves as a tiny, very fast moving ‘mini-person’.

There is no way for Moment A mini-person (thinking in 3-D conceptual physics) to know that their 3 dimensions of space, and consequently their time will be relatively larger (spatially) and slower (chronologically) at (future) Moments B and C.

Conversely, there is no way for that same giant, slow moving person in (later) Moments B and C to know that the spatial dimensions and time of their entire (Moment A) universe was correspondingly more contracted in space, having proportionately smaller durations of time, at Moment A.

The false assumption is that the value of space is the same with the passage of time; that, if Moment A earth was compared to Moment B and C earth, it (the earth) would have the same uniform size and density in space, when compared with itself at different moments in time.

Newton contemplated a 4-D continuum but did not anticipate that the values of space and time would vary with different spaces and times of that continuum.

The ‘here and now’ dimensions of ‘space and time’ appear - and are 3-dimensionally conceptualized - to be uniform and unchanging. The law of conservation of mass-energy is not infringed upon, since this expanding continuum is always the same amount of energy distributed over an ever increasing space; maintaining uniform relative density.

The acceleration of the apparently static (‘non-expanding’) 3 dimensions of space along the 4th dimension of time (the 4-D space-time continuum) reveals a contracted micro-space accompanied by a correspondingly and inevitably contracted micro-time. and a dilated macrospace accompanied by an equally and correspondingly dilated (‘slowed down’) macro-time.

This is the reason that Einstein called ‘Space and Time’ :

This is the cause of what Einstein calls ‘Non-absolute time’, and 'non-absolute space'...

It is also the cause of what Einstein calls ‘time dilation’. The value of time is determined by the value of space it occurs in. Larger - future - moments of 4-D space result in relatively slower time, when compared with the value of time in smaller - past - moments of 4-D space.

Resolution of the 'Twin Paradox'.
A popular example of relativistic non-absolute time (time dilation phenomenon) is known as the 'twin paradox'. One of two twin brothers remains on coordinate system earth, while the other twin departs the earth in a spacecraft vehicle, approaches the velocity of light; remains in deep space sustaining high velocity for what his senses and instruments measure as 30 days; then returns to earth to learn that his earthbound twin brother and everyone else on earth (who was his age upon his departure) is considerably more aged than himself.

There is no conceptual explanation for this, however, the mathematics of special relativity indicate that time dilation is a true effect of greatly increased velocities. The twin paradox becomes conceptually comprehensible with the application of the issued, expanding mass-field concept:

When an object - a space-craft and its contents accelerates faster than the cooridinate system from which it originates and with which it is normally associated (a system of relatively uniform space and time; in this case, the earth), the spacecraft and its contents are distributed over a greater area (its mass value increases with its velocity). Consequently it becomes an independent coordinate system, having relatively larger values of space and proportionately slower experiences of time than its original coordinate system, earth.

In a spacecraft nearing the velocity of light the individual hairs on the heads of it's astronauts may (for example) be dilated (enlarged) to the diameter of a large redwood tree (relative to the dimensions of space recognized on coordinate system earth). Yet, the astronauts detect no change of spatial values relative to themselves or their ship and its contents, including all of its time measuring instruments, because everything on board is proportionately dilated in 4-D space-time. For example: It takes these mass field dilated astronauts several of earth's relatively micro-spatial hours - and one of their relatively macro-spatial seconds - to sneeze. Upon returning to coordinate system earth, they must slow their speed, and in so doing they proportionately decrease and resume their earthbound size and mass values.

Upon disembarking the now 'normal sized' spacecraft, they learn that many years have passed on earth, while they and their instruments have experienced, recorded, and can account for only a month of time in space.

Up to the time of this writing, there are not even any failed efforts to conceptually account for 'time dilation' and the 'twin paradox' that popularly accompanies it.

The (stubbornly unrecognized and denied) ever enlarging value of material space is a ‘non absolute space’, which causes ‘non-absolute time’, AKA 'time dilation'.

The fundamental import of this discussion is that the value of given units of time (seconds, hours, days, weeks, months, years) is entirely determined by and covariant with the 3-D value (size) of the spatial moment it (time/motion) occurs in.
Thank you for reading this missive. - K B Robertson
Will Someone Please Explain What is and isn't 'Spamming'?

Will Someone Please Explain to me What is and is not Spamming?

48 years ago I wrote a book. Since then I've written, published, distributed and sold out ten small press editions of that book - about gravity. It is long ago sold out and no longer for sale. I have posted a condensation of the book at .

Problem: For example. Recently someone asked me 'WTF is gravity'? That is an excellent and enormous question.
The book at issue here is an answer to that question. The question cannot be comprehensively answered in three or four sentences, paragraphs or pages. It requires a (condensed) book length discussion to properly respond to the question. There certainly isn't any room allowed here for it, so I provide a clicker (URL address) for it...

Problem. About half the time I respond to such questions by providing the URL, a moderator - or someone - will proclaim that I am 'spamming'.

This eight chapter book and a lot of other information (at is not being sold over the net, it is being offered as a public service, without any cost or gimmicks for the education and recreation of the interested reader.
Question: When non-commercial - interesting, educational and recreational information is freely offered and made accessible on the net, is it to be categorized and discriminated against, the same as someone who is using the net for commercial purposes?

Sometimes the moderators say nothing about the above described communications and sometimes the moderators, administrators and even the non indoctrinated readers call it 'spam'. Ongoing dialogue has been 'locked', and, I have been extemporaneously banned for this on many science forums.

I have learned through experience that nearly every time this happens it is presumed that something is being sold or otherwise financially profited from, whereas, what it is, is a free book. Offered to the public, which may or not read it and draw their own conclusions. I learn much from my readers when they respond to my work, pro or con.

The condensed rendition is already adequately descriptive and self redeeming but due to the fact that the reading public occasionally tells me what they think of it and how to make it better, improvements are made.

It is a work in progress. It will always be made available to the public at no cost whatsoever. Posted on the net at the above URL.

QUESTION: Is This 'Spamming'? Giving away free, vital, non commercial information. Isn't that one of the reasons for being of the internet? And, if the described activity is 'spamming' why is it categorized as such right along with the entrepeneurs who would use the net to their financial advantage? (My hard cover books are all sold out and no longer for sale.)

Thank you for reading this missive. RSVP. K. B. Robertson
(Gravity Is The SpaceTime 4th Dimension.)