Masochism makes matter, sadism makes it really matter



We are born into a Spiritual Wonderland and then family and society start to make things matter.
The process that makes things matter is masochism.
Masochism is any process that feeds on/off imaginary differences. We normally associate masochism with physical pain but when it comes to the pain that can start wars – the internal pain of hurt, guilt, shame, revenge, anger, envy, hate – this external physical pain is not even a drop in the proverbial bucket. This physical pain becomes even more insignificant in this age when the pain of body mutilation and tattoos make it often even more desirable than drugs and even sex.

The Spiritual Wonderland we call Life turns into the Supreme Comedy when things that appear to really matter -- like life and limb, war and religion – still cannot matter, because they can only appear to matter.
And that is the universal message of all the great Saints before masochists and sadists made these Saints matter for the organized-sadisms we call religions.
The great Saints like Krishna, Buddha, Jesus and Ramana Maharshi never preached anything, nor were they crazy enough to write anything. Some of these saints went one step further than not-writing: they did no speak. Some of them even took an oath of silence.
Had these Saints preached or written anything then masochists and sadists would have made it matter. The best these Saints ever did was entertain us with parables that obviously could not matter otherwise they would have written them down. The great saints simply personified the word Compassion.
Compassion simply means that the differences between you and me are imaginary. The differences between you and me are imaginary because when you hurt I hurt, and when you are Joy then I have/am that same Joy. Compassion means that there are no differences between you and me because the differences are illusion. Without this illusion we are One and the same. This “sameness” is/means this Compassion.

As soon as the differences between you and me start to matter then this appearance of matter is masochism: your pain is not my pain because your pain, hurt, is my pleasure; your truth is my lie, your poverty is my wealth... your god is my devil... MASOCHISM.

When masochism is organized it is Sadism. Masochism is “your hurt is my pleasure.” Sadism takes masochism one step further with: the more I hurt, offend, insult, you the more pleasure I get. Sadism means: the more I insult and hurt you, your lies, the more righteous I feel with my truths. It is this Sadism that creates the gods that then sadistically must create devils, and what makes them really-really matter: hell.
When sadism is organized then things start to really matter like politics, religions. And when politics and religions make things really really matter for what really really matters -- testosterone, power, empires, oil and wealth -- then it has to sooner or later end up in the Big Bang of matter, a bloodbath of matter: the explosion of sadism (politics, religion) war.
When the illusion of matter vanishes then we have another Big Bang – an explosion unfathomable Compassion, Spirituality.

This explosion of Spirituality is such unfathomable Bliss that it makes literally everything that matters vanish. With this explosion there is an unimaginable Awareness that is not of this universe. This Big Bang of unimaginable Awareness, and unimaginable Bliss, cannot be of this universe because the body and its thoughts vanish in it, with the universe.

In the East they call this explosion of Spirituality, or Compassion, Kundalini. In the west doctors call this same explosion of Spirituality every mental disease in their books. Western doctors have to treat this explosion of Spirituality as a disease because it makes literally everything that matters -- like life and limb, money and disease, religion and politics and even testosterone -- utterly irrelevant, if not a joke, the Supreme Comedy. When, in the West, this Kundalini makes nothing matter, especially testosterone, then it has to be a disease that needs drugs like Viagra, and penile-implants and operations, prisons and insane asylums and sometimes even frontal lobotomies and electric chairs to cure.

Kundalini is simply different dilutions and dynamics of Samadhi, Nirvana, Heaven it-SELF. This Heaven it-SELF is the thoughtless Silence of dreamless-sleep.
When this Spirituality explodes to make even testosterone's empires meaningless it can do so with all sorts of dilutions and different dynamics. Rarely it can explode with such intensity and suddenness to make the body and its universe vanish that it makes an atomic explosion relatively insignificant by comparison. It can rarely explode with such unfathomable magnitude and even more unfathomable suddenness of infinite BLISS that it can only be compared to the Big Bang that scientists tell us started matter, the universe. And otherwise this Big Bang of Spirituality can only be compared to the unimaginable forces that the same scientists tells us exist around the end of all matter: Black Holes.

YOU ARE and I AM and ALL IS this Heaven it-SELF, and life, and its “reality,” is Heaven's (our) fiction, thoughts.
And no matter how rock-solid this fiction we call life appears – it is all just appearance, thoughts, that Compassion makes SUPREMELY obvious. On the other hand, the non-compassion of masochism turns this appearance, illusion, into all sorts of apparent matter, that feeds sadism until sooner or later it has to explode in the Big Bang of what really really matters, a bloodbath of matter: the explosion of sadism, war.

-- Eternally NOW, Heaven it-SELF (The only thing that can “matter; because it is utterly beyond the thoughts, like the body we call matter.)
Mod Hat - Er ...?

Help me out; I'm having a particularly slow afternoon and don't see the issue: What is the Ethical/Moral perspective of this topic? Or is there some sense of Justice I've missed?
I get the impression that Genep just starts typing 'cause he ain't got much to do, so words just appear on the page and he posts them without editing or givin' a shit what they might or might not say! ...LOL!

Baron Max
genep said:
We are born into a Spiritual Wonderland and then family and society start to make things matter.
The process that makes things matter is masochism.
Masochism is any process that feeds on/off imaginary differences. We normally associate masochism with physical pain but when it comes to the pain that can start wars – the internal pain of hurt, guilt, shame, revenge, anger, envy, hate – this external physical pain is not even a drop in the proverbial bucket. This physical pain becomes even more insignificant in this age when the pain of body mutilation and tattoos make it often even more desirable than drugs and even sex.

The Spiritual Wonderland we call Life turns into the Supreme Comedy when things that appear to really matter -- like life and limb, war and religion – still cannot matter, because they can only appear to matter.
And that is the universal message of all the great Saints before masochists and sadists made these Saints matter for the organized-sadisms we call religions.
The great Saints like Krishna, Buddha, Jesus and Ramana Maharshi never preached anything, nor were they crazy enough to write anything. Some of these saints went one step further than not-writing: they did no speak. Some of them even took an oath of silence.
Had these Saints preached or written anything then masochists and sadists would have made it matter. The best these Saints ever did was entertain us with parables that obviously could not matter otherwise they would have written them down. The great saints simply personified the word Compassion.
Compassion simply means that the differences between you and me are imaginary. The differences between you and me are imaginary because when you hurt I hurt, and when you are Joy then I have/am that same Joy. Compassion means that there are no differences between you and me because the differences are illusion. Without this illusion we are One and the same. This “sameness” is/means this Compassion.

As soon as the differences between you and me start to matter then this appearance of matter is masochism: your pain is not my pain because your pain, hurt, is my pleasure; your truth is my lie, your poverty is my wealth... your god is my devil... MASOCHISM.

When masochism is organized it is Sadism. Masochism is “your hurt is my pleasure.” Sadism takes masochism one step further with: the more I hurt, offend, insult, you the more pleasure I get. Sadism means: the more I insult and hurt you, your lies, the more righteous I feel with my truths. It is this Sadism that creates the gods that then sadistically must create devils, and what makes them really-really matter: hell.
When sadism is organized then things start to really matter like politics, religions. And when politics and religions make things really really matter for what really really matters -- testosterone, power, empires, oil and wealth -- then it has to sooner or later end up in the Big Bang of matter, a bloodbath of matter: the explosion of sadism (politics, religion) war.
When the illusion of matter vanishes then we have another Big Bang – an explosion unfathomable Compassion, Spirituality.

This explosion of Spirituality is such unfathomable Bliss that it makes literally everything that matters vanish. With this explosion there is an unimaginable Awareness that is not of this universe. This Big Bang of unimaginable Awareness, and unimaginable Bliss, cannot be of this universe because the body and its thoughts vanish in it, with the universe.

In the East they call this explosion of Spirituality, or Compassion, Kundalini. In the west doctors call this same explosion of Spirituality every mental disease in their books. Western doctors have to treat this explosion of Spirituality as a disease because it makes literally everything that matters -- like life and limb, money and disease, religion and politics and even testosterone -- utterly irrelevant, if not a joke, the Supreme Comedy. When, in the West, this Kundalini makes nothing matter, especially testosterone, then it has to be a disease that needs drugs like Viagra, and penile-implants and operations, prisons and insane asylums and sometimes even frontal lobotomies and electric chairs to cure.

Kundalini is simply different dilutions and dynamics of Samadhi, Nirvana, Heaven it-SELF. This Heaven it-SELF is the thoughtless Silence of dreamless-sleep.
When this Spirituality explodes to make even testosterone's empires meaningless it can do so with all sorts of dilutions and different dynamics. Rarely it can explode with such intensity and suddenness to make the body and its universe vanish that it makes an atomic explosion relatively insignificant by comparison. It can rarely explode with such unfathomable magnitude and even more unfathomable suddenness of infinite BLISS that it can only be compared to the Big Bang that scientists tell us started matter, the universe. And otherwise this Big Bang of Spirituality can only be compared to the unimaginable forces that the same scientists tells us exist around the end of all matter: Black Holes.

YOU ARE and I AM and ALL IS this Heaven it-SELF, and life, and its “reality,” is Heaven's (our) fiction, thoughts.
And no matter how rock-solid this fiction we call life appears – it is all just appearance, thoughts, that Compassion makes SUPREMELY obvious. On the other hand, the non-compassion of masochism turns this appearance, illusion, into all sorts of apparent matter, that feeds sadism until sooner or later it has to explode in the Big Bang of what really really matters, a bloodbath of matter: the explosion of sadism, war.

-- Eternally NOW, Heaven it-SELF (The only thing that can “matter; because it is utterly beyond the thoughts, like the body we call matter.)

I don't really understand masochism or sadism, both are extreme. The rest of your post does not make any sense at all.
I take it back, not all of the post is senseless. I understand the point the poster wants to make, but could the poster have at least used less confusing language when trying to explain these concepts ot the general public?