

Registered Member
I am a staunch masculist, that is, I believe that in the Western world men are seriously underrated in comparison with women. Every woman has her price and yet she gets the same pay as I do, on average doing less and worse job! She does not need to buy a car - she may easily choose from a line of males who would gladly drive her everywhere. Thus she gets free sex plus a free car while the male gets only free sex.
I'm a "useproperfuckingenglishist" myself.

But please, what on earth is "masculism"? It does not appear to exist in any dictionary.
Masculism is not exactly an analogue of feminism.

The Oxford English Reference Dictionary gives the following definition of feminism: "The advocacy of women's rights on the ground of equality of the sexes".

I believe that there's no equality of the sexes; I believe it is much easier to live in the contemporary world if you are a woman, therefore the men should fight to equalise their rights with the women's.
If it were a word I think it would be 'masculinism'.
The fact that it isn't a word proves you might be onto something... :cool:
Masculism, with certainty!

No, it should be "masculism", not "masculinism". We form "feminism" from "feminine" by crossing off the suffix "-ine" and adding the suffix "-ism". If we do the same with "masculine" we will obtain "masculism".
Re: Masculism, with certainty!

Originally posted by Arteum
No, it should be "masculism", not "masculinism". We form "feminism" from "feminine" by crossing off the suffix "-ine" and adding the suffix "-ism". If we do the same with "masculine" we will obtain "masculism".

Funny, I figured it would be spelled "Chauvinism".

Silly me. ;) gives no entry for "masculism" nor does my dictionary.

I'd advise you to learn some remedial English.

No, it should be "masculism", not "masculinism". We form "feminism" from "feminine" by crossing off the suffix "-ine" and adding the suffix "-ism".

Actually, we form "feminism" from "femina", the Latin word for woman, which stems from the root idea of germination. Therefore, since a femme is a woman, a feminist is one who advocates for women or is in general partial to women.

Now, your concept is inane - women are able to manipulate men through sex because that is the way we evolved. We all know that the male's usefulness is primarily in his ability to impregnate the female and support his offspring - the black widow and the praying mantis are only the most obvious examples.

Basically, the male's only use is to fuck and to provide. As an advanced species, we will occasionally entertain ourselves with this otherwise useless organism - hence our species has produced Mozart, Beethovan, Telemann, Michelangelo, Trent Reznor and assorted other semi-interesting males.

This of course does not mean that the male should be accorded no rights at all, however, our culture must face the unpleasent truth of the matter - males are useful only for sperm and slave labour.

However, with the advant of the industrial age, much of that labour can be done by machines (which were primarly invented by men - clever!) and we can perhaps hope that with education, the male mind can be brought out of its present degraded state.
xev you DO realise that a lot of the spiders that eat there partner either die when they lay there eggs or alow the offspring to eat them:p

what goes around comes around:p

in a lion pride the females are subserviant to the alpha male

nature seems to be full of contridictions
Xev, I agree that females manipulate males because of the way we evolved. But I do not understand one thing - why do they receive the same salary if they are also able to manipulate other people for free?! It's like overall they receive more money! :mad:

Of course, one can argue that the males have more developed brains (as opposed to tits) and on average have higher chances to earn more money, even if women formally receive the same salary. So our rights are equilibrated. How many women millionaires are there in comparison with men millionaires?
To avoid this gender discussion, let's propose a genderless version of homo sapiens. Partner selection? Old fashioned... just carbon copy yourself with a little bit more genetic mutation to preserve enough diversity in the gene pool.
*Xev yelps*

Egad, I was joking.

Xev, I agree that females manipulate males because of the way we evolved. But I do not understand one thing - why do they receive the same salary if they are also able to manipulate other people for free?! It's like overall they receive more money!

You're weak. You're weak and pathetic, and you would have the rest of the world be weak and pathetic like you.

You would have one gender be - oppressed - because they are stronger? What a bloody fool of a slave moralist you make!

Of course, one can argue that the males have more developed brains (as opposed to tits) and on average have higher chances to earn more money, even if women formally receive the same salary. So our rights are equilibrated. How many women millionaires are there in comparison with men millionaires?

Learn English. And logic. You've just invalidated your whole argument.
Originally posted by Salty
Like a guy can't use his looks to also manipulate women? Fight fire with fire. ;)

haha, can't he? To the best of my knowledge it does work both ways. But then maybe it's just that chicks dig gay dudes, so maybe that's what I have going for me :p