Martial arts


Registered Senior Member
Who has studied any type of martial art ? and why ? and how far have you gone with it ? did you keep it up? are you still doing it? do you think you are to old to keep doing it? or may be you think you are to old to start? i started when i was seven years old, i carried on when i joined the armed forces, and i still do it today, as well as meditation, it is very rewarding, i get piece of mind i also teach my wife, i was trained in bushido, plus others.
[Raises hand]

I study Taekwondo. I have been a black belt for 3 years. In April I will be testing for my 2nd Dan.

I've probably trained for a total of about 11 years. It has not been continuous because of moving, grad school, etc.

I love it, it is an integral part of my life. I literally don't know how I would get along without it. My family all attends - my wife and 6 year old just started, but my 12 year old just got his black belt.

It literally plays the role of religion for us. The do-jang is our church. I try to train at the school six days a week.

Why? So many reasons. Number one for me is because it is an art - an aesthetically gorgeous art. Number two is the physical and mental focus it brings. Other reasons are the discipline, the physical fitness, the social aspect of having a group of friends with this same interest, the self-defense aspect, etc.

I don't plan on ever stopping. You know those pictures of old asian masters that are still flexible and healthy? That is me in old age.
<> Taekwon-Do (ITF)
<> I like to feel alive
<> At the current style - some 7y to this day,
before that there were some others, but not too serious.

I'm interested in trying out more styles, but am too busy with studies right now.
Particulary I want to add Aikido techniques to improve my skill at meeting and stopping an attack,
something that would disable the opponent fast (without killing) from any further combat.

I'm not too interested in the combat part of martial arts though, i.e., I dislike fighting for real.
My idea of a fight is more like avoiding the fight in the first place, or hide, do a short burst of precise and disabling blows (I know a few, but they are too disabling, thus my wish for Aikido), then run away. That is to say - I prefer stealth to direct combat.
In daily training life my attitude towards martial arts is more like towards a dance.
I like to keep myself fit and be able to kick, jump, fly, hike for days. Then life is a lot more fun and enjoyable.
Recently I've been practicing wallrunning/kicking Matrix style. It's pointless, but cool.
Also been self-practicing with a Bo (128cm japanese white oak hitting stick).
I studied Karate, Kung Fu then Thai Boxing, never for more than 2 years for each, and I was never totally immersed in it. But I really enjoyed all of them for lots of reasons - keeping fit, the community and the self discipline as well as the beauty, history and culture behind them.

It's been a while since I went to any classes and I really miss training so have been planning to start Kung Fu again as I found it to be the most beautiful, varied and fluid style.
I don't know if this is the type of martial art you care about, compared to the cool ones anyway, but I boxed for four years in college and then another year in the army. I really enjoyed it and got a lot out of just doing the work-outs.

Over the years I've gone back to the work-outs when I wanted to get back into shape. Plus, boxing, as well as all the other martial arts I would imagine, helps with one of the hardest things about being able to defend yourself. Recognizing and taming your fear. Fear can paralyze you, but once you get used to it, it's much easier to stay calm and think.
I studied Taekwondo for two or three years in elementary school. I quit immediately before testing for my brown belt, so I was a red belt at that point, I guess. I thought my instructor was an asshole at the time, but I wish I had kept going now.
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I took Tang Soo Do for a couple years as a teen, but I'm out of shape now. I have a friend who's a Hapkido expert, 3rd. degree black belt.
One of my brothers is a third degree black belt too. I still wish I had taken one of the other martial arts. Maybe it's not too late. I'd have to get into shape just to be able to take the lessons though. Heh.
It's totally worth all it! Besides it will help you to get into better health. :)
I started some Tai Chi from a video, does that count? BTW, it's much harder than it looks.
Tai Chi is not really considered a martial art, it's more like yoga, i.e., healthy and good for you, but not really suitable for any serious combat.
i was gunna test for my blue belt in tae kwond do... about 10 years ago..

but i couldnt take the pain of rheumatism anymore... i had to stop..

i was almost bed ridden... i could barely walk..

but today.. i can run again... and lift wieghts..

so im thinking of signing up again.. but i cant deside what type to study.

Avatar said:
It's totally worth all it! Besides it will help you to get into better health. :)
I figure it will be very good for me. The only problem is that there aren't any dojo's in town. The nearest is about 45 minutes away, each way, and I don't really have the money to drive that far several days a week. I've thought about moving, just for this. :)
Avatar said:
Tai Chi is not really considered a martial art, it's more like yoga, i.e., healthy and good for you, but not really suitable for any serious combat.

actually that is not true,

not bieng negative but seriously taiji just appears flowery to the untrained eye, yes i know alot of slander will follow me after this post probably from certain people (not avatar),

taiji is very impressive for combat skills, its roots are in bagua or baguazhang (fighting formed variation) it emphasizes on using the enemies wieght against themselves, using central points of gravity to assist every movement, key is knocking an opponent off balence and counter attacking every move he/she makes, moving in circles getting full arc of motion into strikes, breathing is an important part of any excersize/ or fighting art, breath control and posture is the root of correct striking, coodination of body movement,

taiji is for defence, and well bieng health wise,

Well I did Judo, got only to yellow belt...but thats cause, I was afraid to hurt anyone so I never went to any competitions. My favorite move is to take the back of the opponent's cloth with one hand, twist around so that the opponent is behind me while holding that cloth, lift the opponent on my back, and throw him over.
Or another favorite move of mine, is to take one hand of the opponent, hold that hand while turning around so that the opponent is behind me, and then lift the opponent on my back and throw him over as hard as I can. That makes them crawl in pain...
draqon said:
Well I did Judo, got only to yellow belt...but thats cause, I was afraid to hurt anyone so I never went to any competitions. My favorite move is to take the back of the opponent's cloth with one hand, twist around so that the opponent is behind me while holding that cloth, lift the opponent on my back, and throw him over.

i used to go to judo classes with my uncle i dont attent anymore, i liked it though very good sparring, i like martial systems without training gear and protective wear,

i didnt attain any ranking or level at judo though,

i study many other forms of martial arts, at the moment i am concerntrating on my muay thai and northern long fist chinese styles,

I tried TaeKwanDo...but still like Judo more...once I loose the weight...Ill be able to participate in martial art clubs so that people are not afraid of me...otherwise I come to a Judo challenge and when someone tries to do anything with me they cant even budge me, because my master always told me how to stand properly and seize the power of gravity so that others are not able to move you, and cannot make any moves on me. So after two or three people try it out...noones wants to challenge me....*sob*...thats how it I dont do Judo anymore...
Who has studied any type of martial art ? and why ? and how far have you gone with it ? did you keep it up? are you still doing it? do you think you are to old to keep doing it? or may be you think you are to old to start? i started when i was seven years old, i carried on when i joined the armed forces, and i still do it today, as well as meditation, it is very rewarding, i get piece of mind i also teach my wife, i was trained in bushido, plus others.

i have studied many types of martial arts since i was about 3-4 years old,
i still practice everyday, it is my lifestyle, i enjoy any martial art, i learn from every culture , i favour chinese styles i admit, but i practice as much diverse training as i can from good sources, i currently train at the shaolin temple in brixton,

muay thai,
shaolin gong fu, (various methods and forms)
jeet kun do,
both northern and southern chinese styles, (northern favours me as i am tall)
karate (shotokan/go kan ryu, and other forms)

me and my best friend have trained together since we were little children of about 4-5 years old, we have come along way, and have along way to go, we always train together and have other training partners that join us (friends and other associates)

i love all martial arts i study more aswell but am consistant with my training even though its so diverse, i train in my proffession aswell im a PT, so i get alot of benefits from the trade,

i would love to read everybodies experience in martial arts, i believe although i have been training for almost 20 years consistantly, i could still learn something from a 10 year old white belt. but i could also teach a old master a thing or 2, we have alot to learn, and alot to teach, i will read everyones post with content.

(belts mean nothign to me in the old days peoples belts turned blackish in colour because of the amount of hard hours put into training and it got dirty, so the blacker the belt the more training had been done, thats where it comes from)
