martial arts what is it really for??


Registered Senior Member
i know most of you in here will associate martail arts into jakie chan and bruce lee but that is the Hollywood side of it and really does not show its true meaning. I have been studying and practicing the martial arts since i was 4 and through the years you would think that i would have been in several if not many fights. Incorrect i have never used my training to hurt another human being (atleast on purpose) in 11 years of studying. Now i know by know you must think that im some strange person in all but i was taught that it was only to be used in self-defence and I was taught respect, self-dicipline, self-control, and concentration. Now these may seem very primitive or almost childish lessons but learning how to fight taught me these lessons (strange huh). My point is that there is much more to the martial arts than we think. What are your thoughts people?
I think the lesson there is responsibility...not the abuse of power and ability.
It's just such a shame that so many people with the ability to abuse power don't take a lesson from the Dojo.

Bruce was the greatest!!
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I to have studded the art, since i was ten, and have progressed through the grades, the art of being taught to fight,does not mean you have to fight,in fact i made a vow to my teacher that i would not use it only to defend myself if i ever needed,to this vow i have been true, i now teach my children the same values as i was taught, i also practice chi kung,which helps me concentrate, on my health and well being, i may not be as fast as i was but i still practice, and still can defend myself and my family if the need comes, martial art is also a way to keep your self fit both body and mind,

I agree with you bobby lee, as that is what chi kung does,it helps the mind/ body/ and spirit, if a lot more people could control there mind and spirit,them maybe there might not be as much violence in the world, the other day i was in a traffic jam,caused by a lady driver who took the wrong turn, and was in a panic, there was an old fellow about sixty years old, as we started to get passed, he put his head through the window,and started to scream at the poor woman, the language was disgusting,something you would hear at a football match, we only waited for about five mins, but this old chap had a temper on him, i could not help thinking if he had practiced chi kung,them maybe he would not have put a strain on his heart, and he might live a little longer, because after screaming at her he was a red as a beetroot.
I kind of have this image that martial arts stemmed for 2 reasons:

1: The Art of War
2: The need of Defense

The Warring arts are pretty self explainatory, a need for men that could withstand great feats of indurance was needed for a battle to be won, or keep it from being lost.

Sun Tzu's War academy is a good explaination for where particular methods were taught, of course the philosophies and teaching's would be about how to work together as an efficent army, and how to combat even if you had lost your arms (weapons)

As for the Defense, I can guess a reason for monestaries teaching their monks defense, might have been down to the fact that lords/masters and landlords might demand tributes(Taxes) from the peasants, and they might have been collected at monestaries.

Of course it meant that when the collection got the point of being convoyed to a location the monks might get attacked by mountain bandits, or hungry peasants. So they would need to be able to protect themselves.

Of course the difference between a War academy and a Monestary is the teaching, as a monestary too had disapline, but the reason the people were there was not too war, it was for them to learn and to pray.

These were the first real kind of mediums for mass teaching, One you would only ever be a warrior while the other you could develop into whatever kind of man you decided.

What people see of martial arts now adays has it's pro's and con's. It's good to have a chance to see and perhaps participate in something that has been handed down through these early academies, But it's bad that some of the teachings are lost.

I suppose you could look at it like this, people do some of these martial arts as a hobby now, they go out and theytrain for a couple of hours and return home, and maybe with a bit more training they will compete. Of course the entire reason for Martial Arts was to Learn also, like a school with languages, mathmatics and other types of classes, but including physical excersises with each.

As for someone mentioning how Martial arts can be wrongly used, This is something that teaching would have prevented of course through disapline.
Martial Arts

Perhaps martial arts are for riding the sword of Buddha poised as if on a surfboard above the swirling rings of destiny. For making swishing sounds with your arms at any velocity, slow or fast. They are for the secluded forest where covert ninja training takes place and young pupils smack their weathered palms upon the rough bark of wind twisted trees. They are for shiny, steel shurikens with cryptic writing and razor edges. They are for the WAY. They are for the beneavolant smile of a figure shrouded in the robes of the Shaolin. But perhaps they are for making Stephen Seigal look REALLY cool. That seems more likely.
I 've studied Martial Arts from the 1st Karate Kid right through to the 3rd, plus a bit of Bruce lee and Jackie Chan has helped:D

But seriously, I've never done a Martial Art but i'ver always wanted too and its not because I wanted to be able to kill someone with my bare hands( well not entirely) its because I was aware of the self disipline you can learn.
If you've seen the Karate Kid then you know that these arts are only meant for self defense and the like, movie's can be valueble damn it;) ( please, no-one tell me otherwise.):D
i think martiqal arts.. and all of tose other things are great for the mind.....
i have the answer..........


Hi Neb you have the right attitude to practice martial art,and it is not just to learn your body disilpine,you also learn your mind disipline, you dont have to be able to kill some one with your bare hands, you dont have to prove your self by getting into fights,you dont even need to get hit if you do get into fights, if you are as strong as an ox, or if you are as weak as a kitten you can still win a fight with out even fighting, the greatest weapon in the world is the human mind. try martial art neb and i am sure you will take to it, and i am sure it will improve you life, in all aspects,mind/body/and spirit, some people tell me that they are to old to start but age is only a number.
Wrongly used

Ihave seen the art used wrongly, and it cost the person a three year probation term, as he put two people in hospital because he lost control,he forgot his teaching,and his vow(and before you ask no it was not me) it took only two minutes to do the damage he did, he was also taken out of the dojo, he lost a lot of friends, so the art has been used wrongly thank god he was not taught with weapons.
Re: re:disipline

Originally posted by BLASTOFF
Hi Neb you have the right attitude to practice martial art,and it is not just to learn your body disilpine,you also learn your mind disipline, you dont have to be able to kill some one with your bare hands, you dont have to prove your self by getting into fights,you dont even need to get hit if you do get into fights, if you are as strong as an ox, or if you are as weak as a kitten you can still win a fight with out even fighting, the greatest weapon in the world is the human mind. try martial art neb and i am sure you will take to it, and i am sure it will improve you life, in all aspects,mind/body/and spirit, some people tell me that they are to old to start but age is only a number.

Well i've considered it quite a lot, I've never been in a fight before, well I have with my brothers and when I was little but I've never hit someone in the head or been hit in the head, I want to learn defence in the event that I need it or the event that I can use my mind like you were saying to get me out of it.
I have to get fitter so martial arts might be a good place to start.
Re:playing with him

Yes he was playing with him,as he was only a first grade student,which means he was still a white belt, think what he would have done if he was a black belt.
Re: Re: re:disipline

Hi neb blastoff here, listen dont forget to start at the bottom, and dont expect every thing to fall into place straight away, but you dont have to be super fit to start,fitness comes with the training, set aside some time for your self, on your own,and do some gentle warm ups,stretching two or three push ups running on the spot,warm ups like that for about fifteen to twenty mins, that is if you are practicing at home, if you go to a dojo then that is done first, you may find that you will have trouble at first, but my teacher always said if at first you dont suceed then try try again,keep on practicing and soon you will find you are getting fitter,and you will find your new found art come together, you will be able to take a lot more excercise, it is said that a true master only inhales and exhales five times a min, you will also find that your life will become different,you will see the world in a different way, but with this new found art comes responsebility,it must not be used to inflict harm on anyone,it is for self defence, and for the training of the body and mind, only as a last choice must it be used to fully stop an assault on your self or to defend a loved one, but if you are willing to take this responsability on then you will learn well, GOOD LUCK MY FRIEND.
Martial Art

Hello, I have taken Shotokan for the last few years. For those of you who aren't fimiliar to this it is very similar to Taekwondo. I do it as a hobby and for physical fitness. I enjoy it very much it helps me relax and stay calm under tence situations. Martial arts is 10% phyysical 90% mental, the other way around would be disasterous.
The 2 Martial Arts that are available to me to learn are Taekwondo and Karate, which do you guys think would be the best for me.
Martial art

HI neb blastoff again,i took karate first then moved on to taekwondo, plus in between i took kendo but it is going to be your choice,you can see both of them close up before you join,see what appeals to you,also see if you can get a course in chi kung, as that will go a long way in helping you to relax and become calm also try this go out some where quite on your own,sit still and just listen with your eyes closed,see if you can distinguish ten different sounds,and with each sound picture the thing that is making the sound, but in the long run it is your choice.
Thanks for the input Blastoff, I think i'll start with Karate and see how that goes, disipline and self defense is my main goal, plus the improvement in fitness.
Karate is the most convienient for me to do as the dojo is a school near my home.I'm looking forward to it.:D
Informed on martial art

Keep up when you start it will take a while and you will ache all over but in the end it is worth it and do keep me informed.