Martial arts/Mental abilities/dreams/afterlife, connecting the dots

Wingmaker Seeker

Mudutu Ina Gishtil
Registered Senior Member
There have been quite a few threads devoted to these various topics, but I wanted to start one posing the question of how, if you believe in such things, these connect. And, if you don't believe in such things, and do not believe that they somehow connect, why you don't.

Personally, I think that the first two, Martial Arts, and mental abilities are supremely connected. I think that in all Martial arts is merely a development of the mental abilities. I. E. the faster your mind works, the faster the body moves. Most martial arts focus around developing a sense of "oneness" and focus, which is in essence a development of the mental abliities.

I also, interestingly enough, believe in astral travel and remote viewing and, consequently, beleive that dreams can be (NOT always) "portals" to higher levels of existance where we, in turn, inhabit once our physical bodies become useless.

In short, I think that martial arts is the best physical format to begin achieving the enlighenment (through what we call mental abilities) that we all must eventually achieve once we are dead and can glimpse in our dreams.

Now, I know that this thread is going to be a magnet for the various skeptics of things here. I just ask that, if you do not believe in one or more of the topics here, you give an explanation other than "That's stupid" or "That's not possible". Elaborate Please, and keep it civilized :)
Sounds like you would be interested in a man called "Bodhidharma."
He is considered as the godfather of Zen buddhism, and was a great influence on the Shaolin monks of China. Specifically, he was the one to add great emphasis on the practice of martial arts in Shaolin buddhist monastery. You could use his works to further "connect the dots."
Again, I would like to state that I love dreams. Because of this I think that your assumption that dreams are related to enlightenment is viable. I've never expeienced astral travel or remote veiwing, therefore, I don't accept them as real. Does your brain have a metabolism? I dunno. As far as mental abillities, I did some of the excercises in the book "the Psychic Reality, " and I felt something, but not sure if it's not just my mind playing with me. I did Hapkido for about 4 years, Judo for 3, and TKD for a little less than a year, and I've done a little meditation on my own. I've felt breif periods of a feeling of enlightenment, but only one involved MA at all. I was usually with a girl at these times. I stayed for 6 classes straight once though(TKD/Judo/TKD/TKD/HKD/Judo), I felt a feeling somewhat of enlightenment, like a dream. But dreams are really the best, at least for me anyway. Dreams, dreams, dreams, dreams, dreams, dreams, dreams, dreams...
Sounds like you would be interested in a man called "Bodhidharma."
He is considered as the godfather of Zen buddhism, and was a great influence on the Shaolin monks of China. Specifically, he was the one to add great emphasis on the practice of martial arts in Shaolin buddhist monastery.

I have never heard of him, thank you I will look into it. (yay!)

I've never expeienced astral travel or remote veiwing, therefore, I don't accept them as real.

Yea, thats the biggest problem with most experiences related to the mind. You kind of have to see them to believe them. I personally have seen studies done of remote viewing but havent tried it myself (it would be difficult to test it with one person). But I have gotten SOOOO close to actual astral travel that I can almost taste it. There are tell-tale signs, shown in techniques you find, but when you're close you just know it. And if you 've gotten that close, you wouldnt be a nonbelever any longer:)

As far as mental abillities, I did some of the excercises in the book "the Psychic Reality, " and I felt something, but not sure if it's not just my mind playing with me.

Thats another huge problem, when your first starting (with psi/ki balls and psi wheels and such) its hard to discern whats real or whats just your brain wanting something to be real. I have gotten similar results, thos little feelings, touches, etc that you cannot explain and yet you doubt. I think that you just have to push through.

I did Hapkido for about 4 years, Judo for 3, and TKD for a little less than a year, and I've done a little meditation on my own. I've felt breif periods of a feeling of enlightenment, but only one involved MA at all. I was usually with a girl at these times. I stayed for 6 classes straight once though(TKD/Judo/TKD/TKD/HKD/Judo), I felt a feeling somewhat of enlightenment, like a dream.

Wow, you've been busy. I think that it takes longer to get a response with "conventional" MA, only because its more physical and takes more time to focus and such. I, myself, have taken MA classes on and off for about 8 years in different forms (on and off because I only wanted to learn the basics and philosophy of each respective one because...) and I have, within the last two years, been developing my own mix style of MA that mixes the mental with the physical and the elemental in more of an equal manner (its called F.R.E.E.D. [focus, re-energizing, esoteric, elemental, discipline], name is under construction:) )

But, without a doubt, I definitely agree that dreams are the best, they are the most fun. And I recommend trying some various Astral Projection techniques at night before bed, it is really fun.
Any links on how to perform those techniques? I'd be interested in trying them.
About your martial art, for the physical means, you should take one style for a significant period of time. Also, there are books that contain information on just about every style of marial arts. I have The Tao of Jeet Kune Do, and a similar Brazillian JuiJitsu book that's a bit longer. But semi-full/full contact sparring is important for the effectiveness of a style. That's why Kung Fu thrived in ancient China(it was practiced frequently), and why BJJ, Judo, and Thai Boxing are commonly pacticed in the MMA world. I would suggest joining a MMA school. Remember, you want to increase mental/elemental aspects, not decrease physical. Also, if you're interested in being all inclusive, look into Marbo, it's a European style. Also, check out Silat, Escrima, Capoeira, and maybe Greco-Roman wrestling. Finally, you should probably take a few philosophy courses online. Those are all just suggestions, of course.
Also look into "Dynamic Stretching & Kicking by Bill 'Superfoot' Wallace"
Well, the thing is that taking MA classes is time that I dont have at this moment in my life (not to say that Im not committed or anything, its just really hectic right now) and I am a firm believer that MA comes from the inside, which is a big reason that I wanted to form my own type of MA. That is not to say that I dont prectice the physical side of it, I do spar (full contact) about once every two weeks with friends of my that take classes and using my own style and it has worked out very well. I do plan on taking more classes in the future (I am getting kind of lazy nowadays), however. I have used books to increase my proficiancy as well, and those styles seem very interesting, I will definetely check them out (I have actually seen an Escrima match, so to speak and enjoyed it immensly). BTW, the classes that I have taken were in Kickboxing, jujitsu and and Kung Fu. I really want to do ninpo/ninjitsu though

As for Astral Projection techniques, if you just google it, you find many a result but here is a website that shows all of te classics. The best thing to do, however, is to take these and meld them into a technique that you are most comfortable with because, in the end, thats all that matters. Just a word to the wise, its the thing that always gets me, when you start to get close you will feel strong vibrations and if you pay attention to those, it wont work. For me, it always comes as such a weird suprise that I pay attention and lose focus and then it fails:( Have fun and I will definetely check into those forms.
I think that in all Martial arts is merely a development of the mental abilities. I. E. the faster your mind works, the faster the body moves. Most martial arts focus around developing a sense of "oneness" and focus, which is in essence a development of the mental abliities.
Nope. In martial arts you keep practicing the moves until they become automatic - so that you don't have to think about them. It's not about mental abilities so much as losing yourself in the moves....
Oli said:
Nope. In martial arts you keep practicing the moves until they become automatic - so that you don't have to think about them. It's not about mental abilities so much as losing yourself in the moves....

Yup, 'muscle memory'. Trials at Loughborough University (famed for its sports science research) have shown that thinking about what you are doing during sport degrades your performance, but thinking about what you are going to do helps. Thinking about a simple task, such as lifting a weight might help, but anything more complex, such as accurately throwing a ball will suffer if you concentrate on the task.

From a martial arts pov, this is why combatants get 'the red mists', because they are 'lost in the moves' as you describe, and not thinking about their actions, which are instinctive. Often, not realising they have prevailed until the threat is incapacitated, and they regain a more reasoned state of mind again.
I consider this "muscle memory" as actually progression of the mind as well as the body. When your doing these things without thinking they are happening in the subconcious which falls under the aspect of mental development becuase that is where most psychic experiences happen, when we tap into our subconciousness.
That is cool that it made you go numb:) I think ( I dont claim to be an expert though) that you were pretty close. I got closest on my first try too, The only problem is that since you felt that now, everytime after that you will have a tendency to expect that subconciously from now and on and that wont help your chances.
Yea, I noticed that, I tried it this morning and it didn't work.
Im sure you know this but it works much better at night due to the fact that your breain is much closer to subconsciousness when you're tired. Im just posting for post sake.
Who are the experts? What benefit, aside from even more curiousity than you started with, is the goal of these techniques, or even the other techniques that I've tried from "the Psychic Reality?" Also, there's a lot of people who I hear or see online talking about a higher level of existence? Wha does this entail? A dream-like state? But then wouldn't you be less conscious, or would you be more focused on yourself while ignorant to the reality around you? Is it the same as enlightenment? Where does this belief come from?
Well, by excelling you mental abilities (at first) you get the obvious benefits. More focus in everyday life, better concentration at hard tasks, more efficiency. But, as you progress further along (and I would check out ki training techniques here first) you get cool "powers" (for lack of a better term). You may be able to learn how to teleport, create balls of energy and attack with, create shields of energy, fly even. I am a firm believer that you can do anything you want when it comes to mental abilities, some things just take longer than others. What you're really learning to do however is bend the laws of our 3rd Dimension, and ultimately mental "upgrading" is the step you can take while alive to advance enlightenment. These abilities obviously come later in the game and are hard and very dangerous for a novice to try (I personally can only create a slightly visible ki/psi ball and move an object vvia telekinesis maybe an inch if I try for like 2 hours). Telekinesis (and other kinesis), clairvoyance, and teleportation all fall under the learnings of mental development.

The idea of enlighenment orginally comes from the Buddhist religion in which they believe to relinquish yourself from the pursiut of fortune or outside knowledge but search for the knowledge within and attain Oneness withe the universe or enlightenment (in a nutshell of course).
I have so many problems with that website. None of the media looks real at all, and ROUGHLY translated definitions and wording aren't proof of anything.I tried some of the excercises though regarless of my doubts. The ki ball didn't work for me, but I have had my hands repel each other before, not sure if it's the same thing. I've done chakra excercises more than anything. If I ever had some experience to suggest that the Demons discussed on th site could exist, I would do the oppositeof what it says to do. Uh... basically, I think you're thinking a litle too hard on this martial arts stuff. Sounds something like Dragon Ball Z, especially the levitation technique.I'll try some other stuff later. Thank you for the two websites though, tell me if there's anyomore.
Yea, Im sorry about that. For the record, I think Ki did arise from people who watched too much DBZ but it is a lot friendlier than psi is. I sent you to the site because Its pretty nice and friendly:) Ki and psi are basically the same, but ki is much easier to learn at because its easier to visualize an energy when the source is inside you (for ki, the tan tien [3 inches below the belly button])Anyway, this site isnt ki, but its a great deal more professional...And about the ki ball, its going to take a little longer to learn it because its new (and I dont know how much youve trained so far) but like I said, the best thing is to try out different techniques and then meld the ones you like together to make one you can work with...And abut the demons, there are many things that dwell on the Astral Plane, and I am sure there is something...not nice among them (but dont think about that or just dont believe because you will have better success, trust me:) )