Mars Spirit Rover Forgery's


Registered Senior Member
Sand Dunes of Mars Spirit Rover

I have shot up the contrast on many images hoping to bring out the real image..

The sand we have been seeing in these images on mars in my view proves beyond a shadow of a doubt, That Nasa's has no intentions of an honest scientific space program...

1) These sand blown images most likely are only a tiny fraction of the coverup of data..
2) Only through Nasa's continued and total contempt, as well as absolute
confidence that the stupidity of the public
will remain status quo,will this be able to continue.
3) All Scientific models must therefore be reevaluated with NASA's Data as
the Unknown....
4) Bad data is still Data provided you know the data has been tainted..For
instance these Mars Spirit Rover Images....
5) The only conpiracy is the american publics stupidy.
It wasn't to long ago that the mention of the possibilty of water being on Mars was taken to be "As if!", "Your on crack", blah blah blah, and so on.
Even from those that seemed to be writing all of the scientific stuff.
Now it seems as though every time I read something about it, it's like it been there all the time.
I still find that amazing that there is evidence of water that close to us in the same solar system.
I think that greatly improves the odds that there are other planets containing water.
A thought.
You have got to be kidding me. Is that the best you can do? You change the contrast with your "magical photoshop software" to the point where you make false shadows and then call Nasa and us stupid because of it. If anything YOUR lying to US because YOU are changing the pictures from what they were originally. So we should really just ignore all you say and stay in the real world because you lie to us with extreme pregidous. So have full staying in that group of public idiots you say are a conspiracy.
I would accuse fluid1959 of intellectual dishonesty due to the extream editing of these pictures he has done and the fact that he never makes claims about them except vuagely stating that they are clearly bougs (clearly not), but that would probably be inaccurate because what he is doing is only intellectual in a very loose sence of the word. Tell us fluid, do you believe yourself or are you trying to get us involved in some kind of preformance art or roleplaying?
fluid1959 is preaching about it.
Here are some of his previous threads:
Review of these is a clear sign that fluid1959 either with Lucy in the sky with diamonds or is smoke some really serious :m:


I'm sorry but we see nothing but rocks and sand!!! Can you tell us then in detail how these images are fake?
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I am once more left gaping in shock and awe. . .

Having worked with digital art for several years and being about a semester away from having a BA in Digital multimedia, I'd be very interested in hearing what exactly Fluid things these images show. As far as I see it everythign is quite as it should be. Turn up the contrast and dark things get darker and light things get lighter, while the midranges slowly bleed away. What exactly is so spectacular about that? These pictures show nothing of any clear importance.


Hey, one other thing I'm curious about. Regarding the title of this thread, do you, fluid, believe that spirit is a forgery, but not Opportunity? And what does this say about the other threads you started? They all worked on the premise that you were genuinely looking at pictures from Mars. . . in your own round-about way, do you at least now admit that you were wrong to say that they had been doctored?
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You know fluid, although none of "proofs" you have provided support your contention of life on Mars. It is possible that there is life on Mars, as well as human habitation. In fact the Martian atmosphere is suitable to support life. I am not sure if it has indigenous intelligent life, but im pretty darn sure, there is extamartian life.
crazymikey said:
It is possible that there is life on Mars,

Certainly is matey, we sent it there on the recent rash of probes! The newer ones weren't sterilised like the old ones (Viking etc) so it's quite possible Earthly microbes are hanging out on Mars.
Actually they were phlogistician, we sterilized the crap out of them but all the probes sent to mars were in fact caring some tiny bits of life from earth.

Also I find it very hard to believed there is life on the surface, the radiation levels are way to high. The UV alone is many time higher then in a UV sterilizer. The atmosphere is not exactly much, water levels are low at best, boiling normally and dry as hell some of the time. The temperatures swings greatly as well kicking anything that not well insulated or rapidly conditioning. If there is life on mars it is underground or under ice, at the very least under shade.
That maybe all bullshit WCF, if that so, we would not be pressing to colonize it. It can support life, and it may also have a suitable atmosphere to support life.
6-9 millbars of 95% CO2 is enough to support life... especially earth life seeking colonization???

Humens could colonized mars inside air tight pressurized radiation protected buildings, and maybe after several hundred to several thousand years maybe even terraform mars but there is no way we could just live there unprotected.

I don't see how there is a connection between wanting to colonized mars and it being a habitable place to live, we want to colonize the moon as well for example.
crazy. There are plans to colonize asteroids soon or later. Just because we want to go there means its lack of atmosphere can support life? Your logic is a bit flawed. We can't breath very very thin CO2 to survive...but total life support doesn't have to be a prerequisite for visiting and setting up base on another planet, moon, asteroid, comet, Oort cloud object, ect.......we just learn to live off the land so to speak.