mars rover - evidence of alien activity


Valles Marineris (MPI) - A spokesthing for Mars Air Force denounced as false rumors that an alien space craft crashed in the desert, outside of Ares Vallis on Friday. Appearing at a press conference today, General Rgrmrmy The Lesser stated that "the object was, in fact, a harmless high-altitude weather balloon, not an alien spacecraft."

The story broke late Friday night when a major stationed at nearby Ares Vallis Air Force Base contacted the Valles Marineris Daily Record with a story about a strange, balloon-shaped object which allegedly came down in the nearby desert, "bouncing" several times before coming to a stop, "deflating in a sudden explosion of alien gases." Minutes later, General Rgrmrmy The Lesser contacted the Daily Record telepathically to contradict the earlier report.

General Rgrmrmy The Lesser stated that hysterical stories of a detachable vehicle roaming across the Martian desert were blatant fiction, provoked by incidents involving swamp gas. But the general public has been slow to accept the Air Force’s explanation of recent events, preferring to speculate on the "other-worldly" nature of the crash debris. Conspiracy theorists have condemned Rgrmrmy’s statements as evidence of "an obvious government cover-up," pointing out that Mars has no swamps.
No swamps? Well, duh!

The Martians built all those canals to drain
all the swamps thousands of years ago.

;) Peace.
Ozymandias said:
Where'd you hear this, Spookz? Some e-mail circulating?

huh? i have the daily record news ticker scrolling on desktop. and guess what? i can even find mars on a map!
Persol said:
Didn't I promise you cookies earlier?

bribed the whitecoats with em.
i think you are jealous that you do not have a subscription
am i right or wrong?


as far as i can tell it was a post made to rec.humor on usenet sometime in 97
You are right. I am jealous of your MPI subscription.

Now follow the nice men. They have milk.
Persol said:
You are right. I am jealous of your MPI subscription.

do you feel a load off your chest?

now sit and lemme shatter your delusions. there is no paper. no martians. it is a fairly simple spoof.

some folks however want to to say hello. while you wait, anything i can get ya?
milk and cookies perhaps?