Mars Rover Anomalies Ignored...

the only anomaly I see there is your altered perception
now tell me - what's soooooo anomalous in this image
a snake? laughs
look at the Mars thread and you'll see plenty of images that are taken on earth, actually look more artificial than those of yours and are of a completely natural origin
in the rest of the images where you haven't pointed an arrow or magnified it I see nothing at all, a barren landscape
How do you know they are anomalous when they are all new images of an area of mars never before seen? To recognize something is out of place or unusual would require a familiarity with the area no one has yet. Besides wouldn't fake sand look like real sand? Sand is not so hard to get.
No, recognizing that something is anomalous only requires desires. The desire to spam a forum, and the desire to do it with a dumb idea.
Poor mud slingers ..

too bad...
Dad didn't have a rubber ?

One shouldn't expect to find any anomalies If one can't spell anomalies,
Maybe seeking some higher education skills might help..
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Funny, because none of us actually typed the word anomalies.

Perhaps you are seeing things again.

Oh... yeah... never mind...
How many times can Fluid remake this thread? Is he ever going to try to point out what he thinks is weird about the pictures, or is he just going to keep calling names. Is he deranged or is he a troll? Maybe he is a department of agriculture misinformation agent who is trying to keep our attention focused on Mars instead of looking at the bizarre produce right in front of us.
Well whoever becomes mod here should merge all of these threads as a first step.
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You know, putting the words, "Fake Sand" over a picture of sand does not make it true.
maybe he thinks that sand is a Earth only exclusive geological manifestation :D
To call his boss, or not to call his boss... that is the question...
I'm a member of 11 different forums..
But this is the only one suffering from floride overdoses..
that is you are saying that this is the only one of the 11 forums you are a member of that doesn't buy your bollox? good to hear :)
Ive been on a few forums in my day. I can say that even our idiots tend to have a higher standard than most places. So good for us and our non-acceptance of non-existing phenomina.
of course. the picture in the upper left is most obviously a fish head. and the upper right is just a shot of the mojave desert with the plants edited out. and the one on the bottom can only be the loch ness monster. how am i the only one that sees this?!?! :rolleyes:

those nasa bastards won't get away with it this time. :D
Why would anybody "fake" sand? (I can get you real sand. Cheap.)

When National Geographic published 3D pictures of Mars a few years ago, I didn't see anything in them either. Do you think NASA would hire me?
Shhsss... if NASA realizes that there is sand at the beach HUNDREDS of people will lose there jobs. Who do you think looks for and paints over all those martians?

Anti-american economy bastard.
I'm a member of 11 different forums..
But this is the only one suffering from floride overdoses..

:D :D

Praise Indeed!
I am so proud to be here. :cool:
Somebody should tell the Porf about this.
Dee Cee